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Team specializing


Deleted member

We all know that specializing your team is really bad. say, all grass types. however, i have recently been playing a lot of psychic types.You say that is bad right? So do I. if i was any other person looking at my team, i would flame myself, but i actually am doing well. I have lost one match on serebii(he used ubers),but other than that, i have been dominating serbii forums and serebii chat. And through my battles, i have found that specializing is not that bad. Even if i gave my team attacks and pokes to the opponent, they still would lose.BTW I specialize in psychics, but i usually have on or 2 others

*always on team.rest are fillers for joy
Deoxys a
deoxys s


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Honestly, I think your team isn't that bad. Metagross is more of a steel than it is a psychic. Since psychic's weaks are neutralized by the steel typing, it doesn't add any shared weaknesses with the rest of your team.

However, having both starmie and zam seems sorta redundant. I'd probably take out zam for something else.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
They're both fast special attackers that are relatively fragile. Starmie is a little bulkier and has (much) better coverage, though its got worse satk and spd. Gardy and zam would cover the same types, but they would have different roles on the team (gardevoir is more of a tankish CMer, and it gets hypnosis to boot - its one of the few things on the team that can actually take special attacks). That's why I would toss zam, rather than starmie or gardy, since it maximizes diversity (which is important when you use a lot of one type).

As a side note, psychic is one of the best types you could build a mono team with, due to the type having so many options. For example, there's stuff that offers a good atk stat, like metagross and medicham (and now gallade), and other pokes like slowbro (and now cresselia and uxie), which offer a high def (metagross also does this of course), which are unconventional for the traditional special-based psychic, and add diversity to what might otherwise have been a fairly "same-ish" team. Psychic also has some pretty limited shared weaknesses. There's dark and ghost, which, granted, in dp are a lot more of a threat than they were in adv, and bug, which is used primarily on heracross, who won't like switching into a possible STABed psychic or other big hit (such as a meteor mash from metagross), and now rhyperior, which could cause some problems, but every team has trouble with rhyperior. Hm... some side note this is. It's longer than the actual post!

Deleted member

Honestly, I think your team isn't that bad. Metagross is more of a steel than it is a psychic. Since psychic's weaks are neutralized by the steel typing, it doesn't add any shared weaknesses with the rest of your team.

However, having both starmie and zam seems sorta redundant. I'd probably take out zam for something else.
what pyschic would you take zam out for? AzelF?


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
...cresselia isn't uber, and until someone can prove its really that broken, it won't be. For the most part, it's defenses are pretty comparable to cune's, getting 20 more base hp, and 15 more base def and sdef. But the weaker satk and not getting a phazing move really hurts it (although that doesn't change the fact it still gets an amazing support movepool). It gets moonlight, but sandstorm is common enough that it isn't really reliable, and it only has 8 PP anyway. Rest is its main option for healing, which will put cress out of commission for a few turns. There are some things gamefreak could've done to make cress uber (giving it recover and roar probably would've been enough), but right now, with juggernauts like ttar, mence, and garchomp running around, it fits in just fine in the standard game. In time, though, that may change.

As far as uxie goes... it has a 130 base def and sdef. It also gets 75 base hp and levitate. It's a pretty sweet pokemon that's just been overshadowed by cress. Mesprit is the one who sucks, with base stats of 80/105/105/105/105/80 (speed last). It can't sweep as well as azelf, and it can't wall as well as uxie.
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