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Take a look at my Yoshi, eh?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
Aloha, Yoshi players. I was messing around with him back around release time but really couldn't get a feel for his playstyle. Started messing with him again and, whaddayaknow, Yoshi's started to click for me. These are from a couple days ago, as I'm just starting to get back into the swing with him. I've not taken any time to mess with DR yet, gonna get down the other Yoshi fundamentals first and decide about implementing that later.

Anyhow, vids. Whatever critiques you guys have would be greatly appreciated. Don't forget the high quality button on these ones.

Pasqual (Yoshi) vs Oreo (Marth)
1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0TGzYqq9qk
2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBeAx0NopCo
3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nypkvL6n6nE


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
To be honest. It's pretty bad. I watched the last video (since people play best at the end of a set when there's the most pressure). After seeing how short it was, I watched the 2nd video and stopped half way.

I can already tell you what you're doing wrong:
~No tilts
~Not enough eggs
~Not a single bair
~WAY too many downB
~You just walked into his attacks
~Tried to hit with dair too much


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Umm...I'mma act like Simon for a minute since constructive criticism seems to do more for you.

Honestly, what was there to look at...? I saw you walk into his attacks, REPEATEDLY. Learn the basics mechanics of Yoshi. Use Bairs, EGGS. NEVER ENOUGH EGGS.

Let's get the Beegee's breakdown:

You can tell by the way walk...
right into attacks, that I have no clue.

What to do, what to do?~

Let us tell you...



Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
Yep, fair enough. I'd say try the first vid if any although even there most of my issues are still relevant. More bair, less bomb because it's BF and I've got no slopes to get fixated on. I'll take the other comments as pretty dead on though, and walking into his attacks is just a general control issue I have where I honestly just start going too risky or accidentally buffer something or w/e. Thanks for responding.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Hmmm, I'd have to recommend some Rar bairs. that's like my favorite approach, honestly I htink you used a fair amount of eggs, then again I don't use eggs much either (need to work on that). Don't go for a Dair spike every time, it'll become predictable. Too many punishable DownB's, I noticed the marth would see it coming and tip you for a kill. Good job with footstools though, I haven't gotten a kill from a footstool in forever. Oh and some tilts need to be thrown in there along with jabs, they're both fast and reliable. and once you get more pivot grabs in your matches I'm sure you'll start beating oreo rather easily.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Yeah, I've got not much else to add to what you've been reading so far.

One thing I did notice, especially in the last match, is that you seem to maybe have slow fingers or slow reaction time? I can see you trying to do things to punish or perform some actions sometimes, but everything seems to lag for you by like...a half second or a little less? If I'm correct, which I might be, try working to speed up your reaction time--I know I suffer from extremely fat fingers and my mental speed is a little above that of a five speed tricycle, so adjusting to situations quickly is kinda hard, but it helps a lot if you can train yourself to get a little faster on the sticks.

That's all I've got. Hope you enjoy your time playing Yoshi.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
I say first one and to be honest your Yoshi wasn't looking good MOAR EGGS MOAR BAIRS and dont double jump when you are trying to spike with the Dair. Because you killed your self that should not happen.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
:yoshi: Yeah, I've got not much else to add to what you've been reading so far.

One thing I did notice, especially in the last match, is that you seem to maybe have slow fingers or slow reaction time? I can see you trying to do things to punish or perform some actions sometimes, but everything seems to lag for you by like...a half second or a little less? If I'm correct, which I might be, try working to speed up your reaction time--I know I suffer from extremely fat fingers and my mental speed is a little above that of a five speed tricycle, so adjusting to situations quickly is kinda hard, but it helps a lot if you can train yourself to get a little faster on the sticks.

That's all I've got. Hope you enjoy your time playing Yoshi.
My issues probably rested in that I was slightly tired moreso than anything else. My reaction isn't amazing but it's pretty good, I have more an issue of it not being able to keep up with my mental speed rather than vice versa. Like when someone's writing a sentence and they tend to skip words thinking about the next one, j'dig?

I'm going to work on Yoshi some more, but as of late I've discovered I love playing Peach as well as Diddy and Zelda (I suck at choosing a main...) so when I do get to play some more we'll see how often I feel like playing the dragonsaur.

Deleted member

Nothing to say really, nothing yoshi based can come because both of you need lots of work on your general gameplay. Dont throw out fsmashes, dont jump into his fair spam, bair, dont dair every time, dont just run up and grab unless it has a purpose, he could have just spotdodged or up bd and punished. Tell him to run up and side b more.

Thats all, work on ur basics (and bairs), then ull do better.
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