Smash Lord
**Let me preface this by saying that this ISN'T a new technique or exploit, it's simply something that I think has been overlooked. Since I don't know if there is already information about this somewhere, nor have I seen a video of it, I am posting this.**
This applies only to 3 characters, for obvious reasons:
- Samus
- Link
- Young Link
Let me explain:
There have been enough occasions where people burn themselves by airdodging too close to stages or their ledges to extend their grapple/hookshot. It's not difficult to not do that, but I think it's still useful to know what you CAN do. Application is situational, but probably useful, I think.
Now, here, the video will do a better job of showing you what I mean:
Part 1:
Failed Grapple/Hookshot
Like I said earlier, this is what burning yourself typically looks like.
Part 2:
Sweetspot Grapple/Hookshot
You grapple/hookshot next to the ledge, no airdodge. Each character has a different window in which you can get it off ( I think Samus's is the biggest, as in you can do it from lower). I don't think this is useful, really, except for maybe grabbing the ledge faster.
Part 3:
Airdodge Sweetspot Grapple/Hookshot
You airdodge, like you would normally, and grapple/hookshot. You can vary the timing of the airdodge to probably either better edgehog or save yourself. You should note that this potentially gives you a lot of invincibility.
(Part of the reason I did this was because I used to have too many experiences where I miss a wavedash/land and I airdodge off the stage, too close to grapple normally, panic, and die.)
That's it. Don't think there's anything else to say. If you have any ideas, or if you think I missed something, please post about it.
This applies only to 3 characters, for obvious reasons:
- Samus
- Link
- Young Link
Let me explain:
There have been enough occasions where people burn themselves by airdodging too close to stages or their ledges to extend their grapple/hookshot. It's not difficult to not do that, but I think it's still useful to know what you CAN do. Application is situational, but probably useful, I think.
Now, here, the video will do a better job of showing you what I mean:
Part 1:
Failed Grapple/Hookshot
Like I said earlier, this is what burning yourself typically looks like.
Part 2:
Sweetspot Grapple/Hookshot
You grapple/hookshot next to the ledge, no airdodge. Each character has a different window in which you can get it off ( I think Samus's is the biggest, as in you can do it from lower). I don't think this is useful, really, except for maybe grabbing the ledge faster.
Part 3:
Airdodge Sweetspot Grapple/Hookshot
You airdodge, like you would normally, and grapple/hookshot. You can vary the timing of the airdodge to probably either better edgehog or save yourself. You should note that this potentially gives you a lot of invincibility.
(Part of the reason I did this was because I used to have too many experiences where I miss a wavedash/land and I airdodge off the stage, too close to grapple normally, panic, and die.)
That's it. Don't think there's anything else to say. If you have any ideas, or if you think I missed something, please post about it.