Ok, so idk why miiverse didn;t had that feature, but they do translate their stuff.....sorry
@PushDustIn but it looks like it was uneccessary to ask you
basically, a dev interview was done on paper jam on miiverse:
Now, tbh, it;s quite interesting.
This was in response as to what gave the idea of the crossover:
Mario & Luigi games in the past were all about using two buttons, but for this title, we thought that we'd try to break new ground and make the action based on three buttons instead. However, when we tried to think of a new third character, we didn't come up with anything very good. Things carried on like that until we thought, "Wouldn't it be fun if there were two Marios?", and then Paper Mario emerged as a prime candidate. We felt that Paper Mario would push Mario & Luigi towards some new play styles, by means of a contrast between the solid and the flat, so we put forward the idea of a crossover.
This is interesting. I thoguht the idea came for actually wanting the paper amrio stuff first, but what happened is that it came up with luck. It was originally 3 buttons and they had to decide how.
The one thign i quite need to point out is that even the dev of m&l considered paper mario as a different character from the very beginning. Even better, the reason this was in is because of showiugn the contrast which is exactly what the paper mario series is even aiming in the first place.
When asked about why paper luigui isn;t there:
We did think "We've got to have double bros!" at one point, but we also thought that we should stick with three-button play, that four buttons might be too difficult, and that the game would be frustrating to play. Because of that, we made ease-of-play a priority, and settled on just using the A/B/Y buttons, which meant unfortunately that Paper Luigi would have to sit this one out. Sorry about that!
The keyword is "frustrating", I felt like this when I played superstar saga because of the controls, I already said in my review that they really got the controls right this time and most of the awesomeness is using the touch screen and the x button. If you remove the x button, simple tasks such as a jump.....would be incredibly tedious.
So I am fine with it.
When asked about the trickiest part of making the game:
It was probably making the most of Paper Mario as a main character. He has specific qualities, like his "paperishness" and unique gameplay style, and we had to find ways to show these qualities in lots of different settings, in a manner that was fitting for this crossover. And since we had to work from the Mario & Luigi base, Paper Mario didn't always catch the attention as much as we'd hoped... We started to worry that we were going to be in deep trouble with the Paper Mario team! Well, I'm joking a little here, but I did have to work hard to create big scenes for the Paper Mario character.
That;s really interesting to hear that because I could clearly feel that's what they were going for and frankly, they did it so well that it';s the main reason I bought the game. Tbh, as a crossover, it was really done well, it;s little things like the parachute scene that just makes you like the character paper mario
when asked if the story writting was tricky:
...It did. We were thinking, since the paper characters were coming all the way from the paper world, let's make the main story something really bizarre, crammed with red herrings and misapprehensions. We had things like going back and forth to the paper world, and the Mushroom Kingdom turning gradually into paper... But we overdid it a bit, and the first draft of the plot ended up being a complete muddle that wouldn't resonate with anyone... So we simplified the script and structured it with greater emphasis on showing the different characters meeting and interacting with each other. We had to do a lot of re-writes...
This right there, might be the reason the game got a partial rush. This was a huge shift of dev stuff that i think it would be the reason the game has an abundance of minigames, I mean, during E3, the game was quite late in dev so it wouldn;t surprise me that by the tiem we saw the first trailer that they already were rewritting the plot. Tbh, that;s quite sad because if they would have managed to do it, the story might have ended up being more complex and this woudl have been a hit in my book because thsi means they woudln;t need the minigames filler.
Like this I think is unfortunately the reason why the game wasn;t as deep as peopel hoped with a crossover. At the end, they still did the job well, but it made a difference between nothing to improve and could have been better imo.
What supports my claim is when asked if the criossover was the reason the game didn;t had new characters like m&l usually does, this was the answer:
Oh no, nothing to do with that! This time, since we had so many paper characters and doubles of the same character together, we had to prioritize moving the story forward and communicating the contrast between them. It would have been really difficult to put in original characters and work out when would be the best time for them to appear.
They just said they simplified the script to have the focus on the contrast so that would have been the reasons that new characters would have been more complicated than normal. This means that say, if the script was ok not simplified that the focus would be something else meaning that new characters might have worked too.
honestly, I was sure it was because of SS, maybe SS was the reason the story coudln;t have been more complex, that who knows, but what is sure is that they intended to have more complex story which woudl have maybe allowed mroe characters.
When asked abotu the music style:
Hello, I'm Yoko Shimomura. Since we were fortunate enough to have Paper Mario joining in this time, I consciously tried to go for a lighter, "poppier" feel than usual. Overall, I feel like it has the typical atmosphere of a Mario & Luigi title, but I'd be really pleased if people could detect some of those other nuances in the battle theme and the arrangement of the title theme.
tbh, I have to disagree there. Not only if it was that, DT felt more like what she jsut described, but I really didn;t felt it was lighter. In fact, i didn;t heard much Paper Mario stuff int he music, this includes the tittle screen. The music just only felt m&l and I coudlnt; find any Paper Mario references, only in the sfx, but none in the music. If someone spotted them, pls tell me, but I coudln;t. Unless they meant he SS ost in which case I don;t care much (I really didn;t liked that ost....).
When asked about the papercraft which the interviewer called robots for some reasons (I can;t, they don;t look like robots at all):
The papercraft? Since we were doing a crossover, we wanted to have a lively, carnival-like feel for the whole of the game. We thought of something like portable shrines, of the kind they have at Japanese festivals, and it seemed fun when we passed the idea around, so we went with it. Also, we wanted to try out a play style that was different to the Giant Battles that we had before.
When asked what's the difference btween this and giant battles:
But that's just it - they're not robots! They're giant papercraft. And they're carried by Toads. It's surreal! Also, they're made of paper, so you can really smash 'em up! To contrast with the Giant Battles, where you'd enter commands at the right time, we wanted to try putting in something that was more action-based, with the player controlling everything for themselves. But because it's an RPG, we couldn't make it too difficult. So it's simple, but you still need to figure out a few different strategies, so it's pretty satisfying, I think!
That I agreed as I said in my review, I even told sarcastically that you can move lol
Basically, i liked the idea to have more controls and actually, I don;t like he giant battles in comparison now.
when asked about the overworld:
I'm Hiroyuki Kubota, and I was in charge of designing the overworld. This goes for the battles too, of course, but the most difficult part was to avoid people feeling like the controls were "too difficult" or "more annoying" due to the addition of a third character. There may still be some players who feel that way, but we expended a lot of effort on trying to keep the three-button control scheme simple, by making sure that all the actions on the field can be performed by pressing the buttons in the same order (A → B → Y) and paying special attention to things like the Assist feature and defense in battle, all the while keeping it challenging and satisfying to play.
THANK YOU! This was a very big complain of mine and m&l especially in superstar saga where I coudl barely stand it. Like tbh, this one they got it so right that it felt seamless
That was all that I found pretty relevant.
Basically, I feel that it was a huge luck for Paper Mario to be featured there, it wasn't an external decision, alphadream literally came to want that and it happened, but the reason it happened is simply because they wanted to sue the Y button for a character. I wish they woudl have talked about if they had to use SS because it felt very obviosu to me, but still, that was quite an interesting read.
I am also happy that even alphadream got how different Paper Mario is from Mario