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In Progress Super Smash Bros. Melee DX - Intuitive Balance Patch v2.4.8 (LIVE)


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
Hello, everyone!

I've been working on this mod since around early October, and I believe I've finally reached the point at which I can post it on the Internet.


Super Smash Bros. Melee DX!

Anyone familiar with the competitive scene of Melee knows that half of the cast is considered unviable. Certain characters are almost capable of holding up against the higher tiers, while others are extremely exploitable with broken attributes.

People definitely like low-tier characters. It's not, by any means, because they're bad, but because of their unique playstyles. Unfortunately, player skill can only take one so far in the case of an unviable character before the user realises they're limited by the game rather than their efforts.

The goal of Melee DX is to adjust and fix these broken fighters (including moves that don't work as intended) while staying true to their defining characteristics. As such, none of the top 6 characters were altered, so the entire patch is based around buffs ranging from simple (e.g. Captain Falcon's PAL Gentleman) to tremendous (e.g. Roy's proper hitboxes) to the rest of the roster!

Here are a few screenshots of some of the upgrades!

Mr. Game & Watch now has a proper shield!

Mewtwo's tail hurtbox is now segmented differently and becomes intangible during the active frames of his tail attacks!

Though it is not Kirby's most definitive buff, N-Air now covers his full body to match the spin animation.

One of Zelda's buffs is that D-Air is now a lightning kick!

Ganondorf now has a "nipple spike" like Captain Falcon.

Rather than having crazy mobility, Bowser is now even more of a brute with scary hitboxes.

Pichu's N-Air now covers his whole body (...except for the tip of his ears, which have slightly shrunk) He is a bit more of a challenge to fight off overall.

Donkey Kong's tie no longer has a hurtbox!

Yoshi's grabs are more competent: no more 17-frame startup or Z-axis calamity! (Let me know if they are too overpowered.)

Link grabbing airborne Mario.

Pikachu's grab range is slightly better.

Ness's baseball bat reflector now provides full coverage. It is prioritized over the other hitboxes for projectiles!

  • Title Screen

The Title Screen has been updated with a more vivid color scheme and to display the current revision of the mod.

  • Character Select Screen

The Character Select Screen is also more colorful, now boasting a deep blue tone with the "DX" logo (or " DX² " in Japanese) implemented in the slide panels and the ring next to the "MELEE" label. Ness' CSS image is flipped because his hat is tipped to the wrong side in Vanilla Melee.

  • Stage Select Screen

The fog has been disabled, and the background is now indigo! Stage Striking instructions are also included in the bottom right corner.

  • Head-Up Display (HUD)

Thanks to an amazing code by UnclePunch, any part of the HUD that would otherwise obscure a character behind it will go transparent for the time being. This is a much-needed improvement in my opinion and better than replacing the NTSC stock icons with the ones from the PAL release.

You can find the changelog here:
Running on custom .DOL startup file generated by Melee Code Manager v4.3

Changelog (from Vanilla Melee):


  • v1.00 hitlag to prevent moves weaker than 1% from being able to be DI'd or Smash DI'd
  • Smash DI multiplier is nerfed to 1/3rd of its original value (6 units - > 2 units, same as Super Smash Bros. on N64) until a better method of limiting Smash DI on certain multihit moves is realized
  • Samus extender crash fix is enabled
  • Some 20XX menu functions are added in Offline Edition (e.g. D-Pad Down to call Rumble Settings)
  • Star Rod, Lip's Stick and Fan items can now be reflected
  • Ray Gun laser now has transcendent priority
  • Hammer head item now deals 30 shield damage and has a bigger hitbox
  • Grab infinite removal and port priority throw hitstun irregularity fixes enabled
  • Invisible Ceiling Glitch fix enabled
  • Break the Targets Intangibility Fix enabled
  • Handicap setting is replaced with Crew Battle Mode (available only in Offline Edition)
  • OSReport Screen Print on crash enabled

  • DX (DX squared in Japanese) logo has been worked into the game's title screen and CSS panels
  • "Tournament Melee" text is replaced by "Debug Menu" with custom tooltip and side icon
  • CSS is now dark blue with royal purple background effects
  • Striking instructions and edited blue background added to the Stage Select Screen (Stage Striking is exclusive to Online Edition)
  • Bottom HUD elements now become transparent if there is a player behind them

  • Weight increased by 2 units: 70u -> 72u
  • Initial Dash and Run velocity increased; Kirby carries slightly more momentum from his ground speed into his jump
  • Air friction has been improved, air speed has been increased from 0.73 to 0.82
  • Up-Tilt's sweetspot lasts 1 frame longer
  • Angling F-Tilt now affects its damage output (1% more if angled up, 1% less if angled down)
  • D-Tilt deals slightly more knockback
  • Dash-Attack is much bigger, slightly faster, deals a little more damage and sends opponents up and away instead of behind; no longer slides off ledges
  • Up-Smash's charge frame is now frame 5 and hitboxes come out one frame earlier, on frame 12; hitboxes last for 4 frames each; late hit launches at the same angle as the final hit of Fox's Up-Smash; dominant foot is now intangible during clean and mid-hits
  • F-Smash's hitboxes have been readjusted; foot is now intangible for the duration of the clean hit; clean hit is more consistent and deals 1% more damage with 2 more units of base knockback; angling now affects F-Smash's damage output (16% base damage on clean hit, 14% on weak hit; 1% more if angled up, 1% less if angled down); late hit launches at an angle of 80 degrees to allow room for follow-ups
  • D-Smash's range and priority have been readjusted (outer hitboxes are now prioritized) inner hit launches at 80 degrees, outer hit launches at 25 degrees; very slightly less knockback
  • N-Air and Up-Air landing hitboxes have been fixed
  • N-Air now launches at a more upward angle, hitbox damage modifiers now work properly, matches Kirby's size and has 3 frames less landing lag: 15f -> 12f
  • F-Air:
    • New animation: Kirby now uses his Super Smash Bros. for N64 F-Air!
    • F-Air's drill spikes grounded opponents and launches aerial ones forward
    • Final hit is stronger
    • No longer has a landing hitbox
  • Up-Air is 10% faster and starts up 1 frame earlier and lasts
  • B-Air is now attached to Kirby's feet and bigger in size
  • D-Air's startup is faster; landing hit has been remade to pop opponents up and slightly away; deals 1% less damage per hit for less hitlag
  • Forward- and Back-Throws can no longer be escaped
  • Forward-Throw now launches at a mostly vertical angle with high base knockback; no longer removes double jumps
  • Back-Throw launches at an angle similar to Jigglypuff's Back-Throw, with similar knockback
  • Up-Throw has increased Base Knockback and Knockback Growth, launches at an angle of 70 and has less ending lag, allowing Kirby to combo better out of it; no longer removes double jumps; has a collateral hit that pops opponents up and away on the way up and spikes on the way down; can now KO
  • Down-Throw has increased knockback and much less ending lag, but deals 5% less damage; can now chaingrab some characters
  • Neutral-B now has increased range and consistent hitboxes -> aerial inhale no longer incorrectly carries its inferior hitbox into its grounded state
  • Grounded Side-B is slightly faster and now hits where the head of the hammer is; strong hit deals extra shield damage
  • Aerial Side-B has half as much landing lag (16f -> 8f)
  • Up-B's maximum horizontal velocity has been increased
  • Up-B's knockback and angles have been improved: hitboxes are bigger, downward slash remains active until Kirby lands and is now a potent spike;
  • Up-B's projectile travels faster and is bigger
  • Down-B transformation animation is 25% faster, hitbox deals 2% more damage, covers Kirby's hurtbox entirely and has more knockback scaling; deals extra shield damage
  • Shadow Ball copy ability has a bigger charge hitbox
  • Getting hit out of Up-B no longer discharges Giant Punch or Charge Shot copy abilities
  • All Copy Abilities obtained from characters with a modified Neutral Special have been updated to reflect said modifications in Kirby's version as well

* Bowser's playstyle is now centered around pressuring his opponent; a few moves deal extra shield damage
** Requires playtesting; Vanilla Bowser feels like he's always the one being pressured and his playstyle is mostly being afraid of anyone ranked higher than him. These new buffs are to remedy this unfortunate fate without completely disregarding Bowser's defining characteristics of being slow and heavy with extreme damage output.

  • One giant body hurtbox has been removed
  • Jumpsquat is now 6 frames; normal landing lag is 5 frames
  • Shield size has been slightly increased
  • Bowser can now carry dash and run momentum into his jump
  • Jab is slightly bigger; Second jab no longer freezes for 3 frames
  • Dash-Attack grants his head and snout intangibility and is slightly bigger and slightly faster; late headbutt deals 9% damage; new final hit when Bowser slams onto the ground which launches forward and slightly upward; all hits deal extra shield damage
  • Up-Smash's hitbox has been increased in size and positioned properly to Bowser's shell, clean hit lasts longer, deals extra shield damage
  • F-Smash no longer has a sourspot and grants his head and snout intangibility;
  • Down-Smash's looping hitboxes refresh faster; intangibility now covers his full body and lasts from the first spin hitbox until the final hit; deals extra shield damage
  • Up-Tilt deals less knockback, lasts for the full duration of the swing and is faster to allow Bowser to combo a little better; head and snout intangible for its first 3 active frames; IASA window very slightly increased
  • F-Tilt deals extra shield damage
  • D-Tilt is faster and the first hit now connects with the second hit properly: claw hitbox draws the opponent in, arm hitbox pushes them away
  • All aerials have 26 frames of landing lag; D-Air and B-Air are the only exceptions
  • N-Air comes out 2 frames earlier, lasts for 4 frames, matches Bowser's size properly and deals 3% more damage with more knockback; has a late hit which deals 2% less damage and less knockback, but lasts just until Bowser exits his shell; may allow Bowser to follow up easier
  • F-Air hitboxes deals more damage (13% sweetspot, 11% middle, 9% sourspot) and extra shield damage; knockback compensated
  • B-Air deals 3% more damage (clean and late) and is now aligned to Bowser's shell and covers the spikes; shell is intangible during the clean hit and deals extra shield damage; late hit launches at the same angle as the clean hit; ending lag now plays 60% faster
  • Up-Air is faster, bigger and deals less knockback for more combo potential; grants his head and snout intangibility
  • D-Air's multi-hit now only deals 1% damage but stronger knockback; has new bottom hitboxes that pull opponents in, as well as a final aerial hit with slightly below-average knockback; can no longer be DI'd or SDI'd if stale; landing hitbox now pops opponents up and slightly away
  • Neutral-B can Flame Cancel, hitboxes are slightly bigger and B is force-held for 40 less frames
  • Side-B's grab hitbox is slightly bigger, claw hitbox is significantly bigger, deals extra shield damage, more knockback and is aligned to the slash animation; deals more damage (10%/12% -> 18%/18%)
  • Up-B's size now properly matches Bowser's shell; deals extra shield damage;
  • Grounded Up-B's clean hit deals 2% more damage with compensated knockback; has a working multihit that drags opponents around, with a final hit that pops them up
  • Aerial Up-B's multihit has been improved with two top hitboxes that pull opponents in; final hit added
  • Down-B jump is slightly faster and much stronger; hitbox is bigger, comes out 1 frame earlier, deals 9% more damage and causes an instant shield break; can now grab ledges facing either direction
  • Grab hitboxes have been aligned to his claws
  • Up-Throw's ending lag lasts 6 frames less, easening Bowser's ability to follow up after it
  • Forward-Throw deals 1% more damage
  • Back-Throw deals 1% more damage
  • Down-Throw is no longer weight-dependent; hitbox has been reworked to cover the shockwave caused by Bowser's body slam, which now also appears on the same frame as the hitbox; deals more knockback and launches at slightly a lower angle
  • Standing Grab hitbox comes out 1 frame earlier and lasts 1 frame longer
  • Grab hitboxes have been alligned closer to where Bowser reaches out with his arms
  • Bowser now breathes fire during his taunt, creating a looping hitbox identical in damage, angle and knockback to his Neutral-B

  • The hurtboxes of Pichu's eartips have been shrunk slightly
  • Pichu's ledge grab box is larger and fully covers its upper body
  • Weight increased by 5 units: 55u -> 60u
  • D-Tilt's outer hitbox has been repositioned to cover the tip of Pichu's tail
  • Up-Tilt deals a bit more knockback and has improved range, downward slam now has a spike hitbox for 1 frame at the end of the swing
  • Dash-Attack deals 1% more damage with compensated knockback
  • Dash-Throw has added momentum to prevent the aformentioned quirk as well
  • Pichu's ears are now intangible during Up-Smash; the move lasts 1 frame longer
  • Down-Smash launches at a slightly less tech-susceptible angle: 170 -> 150 degrees
  • N-Air's hitbox now covers Pichu almost entirely
  • F-Air deals only 1% self damage and has higher set knockback, allowing for better followups
  • B-Air has less landing lag and covers Pichu entirely, except for its ears
  • Up-B no longer damages Pichu; all traces of electricity being applied have been removed
  • Up-B now grants Pichu intangibility frames during Agility's zoom and makes him invisible; reverts to normal when Pichu's body warps; similar to Agility in the anime
  • Side-B is now aligned to Pichu's head
  • Down-B's thunder is slightly more powerful and launches at the same angle as Pikachu's thunder

  • Ground and air mobility have been slightly increased -> Ness can now moonwalk consistently
  • Backwards double jump now grants Ness additional horizontal momentum and dips on frame 1, like in Super Smash Bros. for N64; can be cancelled mid-animation for a quick horizontal boost
  • Up-Tilt hitboxes now last for 10 frames; head intangibility duration doubled, to 4 frames; smaller hitboxes
  • F-Tilt's size is somewhat bigger
  • Yo-Yo model size increased by 15%
  • Yo-Yo hitboxes are now 700 units in size; charge hitbox is 600 units
  • Yo-Yo smashes no longer have a clean hit -> late hit mechanic; charge hitbox now comes first (if used,) followed by the release hit
  • Up-Smash now deals 11% and increased knockback

  • Forward-Smash:
    • lasts longer: 2 frames -> 4 frames
    • still comes out on frame 16, however, the hitbox is on the Z-Axis; Ness's old 'frame 16' position is now on frame 17
    • reflection bubble now fully covers the baseball bat and properly reflects projectiles upon contact;
    • (Contrary to popular belief, vanilla F-Smash does not prioritize the hitboxes over the reflector; it's very small and attached to his hip bone rather than the bat, so Ness has to be within point-blank range of the projectile to reflect it.)
    • hitboxes have been readjusted to match the baseball bat accurately
    • hand hitbox removed
    • remaining baseball bat hitboxes deal less damage (20/22/24 -> 18/20/22)
    • has more base knockback (50 -> 51) and more knockback scaling (62 -> 74)
  • Down-Smash deals more base knockback and launches at an angle of 25 and last 3 frames longer; IASA window increased by one frame (frame 59 -> frame 60) to prevent a visual artifact

  • Dash-Attack:
    • Auto-Link Angle implemented to make Dash-Attack more usable on uneven surfaces
    • now connects consistently: first hit knocks semispikes if hit with Ness's palms (grounded opponents only) and smoothly pushes forward if hit with the sparkle itself;
    • has more range: hitbox sizes and alignment have been reworked; hitboxes last one frame longer each
    • 2 extra IASA frames have been added
  • N-Air comes out on Frame 4 and is slightly bigger; clean hit deals 5 more units of base knockback; less landing lag: 22f -> 18f (9f L-Cancelled)
  • F-Air has a tiny bit more range, final hit lasts 1 frame longer; less landing lag: 18f -> 16f (8f L-Cancelled); palm hitbox data now matches corresponding sparkle hitbox
  • Up-Air now has 2 frames of head intangibility, deals 2 more units of base knockback and has 2 frames less landing lag: 18f -> 16f (8f L-Cancelled)
  • B-Air now deals 2 more units of base knockback, 1 unit of shield damage and has slightly increased range
  • D-Air comes out two frames earlier and lasts one frame longer

  • PK Flash:
    • deals 10 more units of base knockback
    • increased shield damage by 8 units
    • graphic size is now more accurate to the actual hitbox
    • hitbox size increased correspondingly
  • PK Thunder:
    • control loop's ending animation plays 10% faster; Ness now closes his eyes during this animation
    • PK Thunder no longer despawns when Ness is hit or KO'd -> can perform the long lost PK Thunder Counter technique
    • PK Thunder lasts 30 frames longer: 2 seconds -> 2.5 seconds
    • PK Thunder has increased turning control: 0.5 -> 0.3
    • PK Thunder's tail is wider; hitboxes now deal 8 units of base knockback and 16 units of weight-dependent set knockback with 40% knockback growth; rehit rate increased: 16 frames -> 14 frames
    • Ness enters freefall 2 frames earlier after PK Thunder despawns or collides
    • PK Thunder 2's animation plays 10% faster and now deals shield damage;
    • Ness now displays emotion during PK Thunder 2 like in Smash 64 and Ultimate
    • PK Thunder 2's clean hitbox is now attached to Bone 5 rather than Bone 0; late hit attached to Bone 24 (neck); size increased; Ness' head now remains intangible as long as the late hit is active
    • PK Thunder 2's hitboxes are stronger: clean hit deals 5% more damage and minimal extra knockback; late hit deals more knockback
    • Ness can now grab ledges facing either direction during PK Thunder 2
  • PK Fire:
    • Animations:
      • ending lag and landing lag have been reduced by 8 frames: 70 -> 62 frames and 30 -> 22 frames respectively
      • PK Fire Spark is now animated: now turns white hot halfway through its base duration, a la Super Smash Bros. for N64
    • PK Fire Spark:
      • travels faster and at a microscopically higher angle to prevent it from disappearing one frame early on even ground level
      • model bone has been moved forward, hurtbox has been elongated and one extra hitbox has been added
      • deals 4% more damage: 2% -> 6%
      • rehit rate: 16 -> 2; now detonates instantly if attacked and has a lesser chance to pass through an opponent without detonating; can now be reflected by Ness's baseball bat consistently
    • PK Fire Pillar:
      • size increased: 1 -> 1.05
      • hitboxes are bigger; deals only 1% damage with set knockback
      • this means the pillar can no longer be DI'd or Smash DI'd
      • rehit rate: 16 frames -> 15 frames
  • PSI Magnet:
    • is slightly quicker: comes out on frame 6 and is force-held for only 20 frames
    • size increased by 0.1 units and readjusted to fully cover Ness
    • preserves more horizontal momentum when used in midair
    • Ness can now absorb the following moves:
      • Sheik's Vanish (Up-B)
      • Bomb explosion (Link, Young Link and Samus)
  • Grabs have improved range and come out 1 frame earlier
  • F-Throw and B-Throw now have the collateral hitbox that was lost in the conversion from Super Smash Bros. 64 to Melee
  • B-Throw has 5 more units of base knockback
  • Up-Throw deals 5 less units of base knockback -> improved combo ability and confirms on fastfallers
  • D-Throw finishes 2 frames earlier; loop hitbox size increased -> damages Mr. Game & Watch
  • Ness' special move name call voice clips are now sped up
  • Ness no longer smiles when hit and has his bat swing victory animation's Smash 64 facial expressions
  • Model fix: Low-Poly shoes on Green, Blue and Yellow costumes no longer render over his High-Poly model. Neutral costume now has Low-Poly shoes.

  • Jumpsquat is now 5 frames
  • Ground speed is slightly faster
  • Friction is improved to give Zelda a better wavedash
  • Air friction has been slightly reduced
  • Up-Tilt lasts longer and is faster
  • F-Tilt has slightly better range
  • D-Tilt's IASA window now begins on frame 25
  • Up-Smash's multihit has been reworked to trap opponents more consistently
  • D-Smash's front hit deals 1% more damage while the back hit deals 1% less with identical knockback values; now produces a strong kick sound effect on the front hit; missing Random Smash SFX added
  • N-Air is now electric; hitboxes now function similarly to Mewtwo's N-Air
  • Up-Air's hitbox now matches the size of the explosion; deals 2% more damage and 5 extra units of base knockback
  • D-Air is now a lightning kick with the old, weak hit as the sourspot
  • Neutral B preserves air speed better and has better hitboxes
  • Side-B:
    • startup is faster
    • deals shield damage
    • has a slightly stronger damage multiplier
    • travels faster and explodes earlier after the B button is released
    • no longer puts Zelda in freefall if used in midair
  • Up-B:
    • startup hitbox no longer deals set knockback
    • Up-B's ending hitbox now appears
    • Up-B can now grab ledges facing either direction
  • Grab and Dash-Grab now come out on frames 7 and 9, respectively
  • N-Air, Forward- and Up-Smashes work better as a result of v1.00 hitlag


  • All hitboxes have been given an slight increase in damage; Roy now effectively only has one sourspot and three identical sweetspots on all such moves
  • Sourspots have been buffed in terms of knockback
  • Moves that previously had Marth's hitbox data now match the duration of Roy's slower animations
  • All tilts deal 12% and 9% damage (late Up-Tilt's damage decays by 1%)
  • All aerials deal consistent damage: 2% less than Marth's sweetspots, 8% on all sourspots
  • Up-Smash covers Roy's sword entirely and connects much more reliably; final hit deals 1% more damage
  • Down-Smash deals even damage on both sides
  • Roy's N-Air's hitbox data now more closely resembles Marth's
  • B-Air is now a KO move
  • D-Air's sweetspot now a spike
  • Neutral-B deals 3% more damage and some shield damage, but has slightly less knockback scaling to compensate for this; full charge causes an instant shield break
  • Aerial Side-B now gives Roy as much momentum boost as Marth
  • Up-B's hitboxes are now consistent and connect much more reliably

  • Jab is faster, comes out 4 frames earlier (frame 8 -> frame 4)
  • Weight has been increased by 5 units: 85u -> 90u
  • Tail hurtbox is now divided into four segments instead of 3; becomes intangible the active frames of all during tail attacks
  • Dash-Attack deals 1% more damage, late hit's size is now the same as the clean hit, however its IASA window is 6 frames narrower to match the animation better
  • Up-Tilt, Forward-Tilt and Down-Tilt have had the hitbox on the tip of Mewtwo's tail repositioned to cover it entirely; said tip deals a bit more knockback
  • Up-Tilt lasts for 3 more frames; knockback values tweaked; tail hurtboxes become intangible for the first half of its active frames (4 frames)
  • Angling F-Tilt now affects its damage output (1% more if angled up, 1% less if angled down)
  • Up-Smash's hitboxes refresh faster and combo better; final hit deals 1% more damage
  • F-Smash hitbox lasts 2 frames longer and has slightly better reach; sourspot now covers Mewtwo's palms
  • Down-Smash hitbox now lingers and decreases in size and damage:
    Clean hit: 2 frames, 16%
    Middle hit: 4 frames, 10%
    Late hit: 6 frames, 8%
  • N-Air's multihit is bigger; ending hit deals 1% more damage with somewhat less knockback; no longer autocancels before the hitboxes come out > better Instant-DJC; landing hit repositioned to cover Mewtwo more accurately; 2 frames less landing lag: 26f -> 24f
  • F-Air is slightly bigger; now autocancels before the hitbox comes out
  • B-Air now covers the tip of Mewtwo's tail and has less landing lag: 26f -> 24f
  • Up-Air lasts 1 frame longer and has less landing lag: 20f -> 18f
  • D-Air plays 6% faster
  • Shadow Ball's hitbox now matches the size of the graphical effect; full charge and near-full charge now have transcendent priority

  • Side-B:
    • now properly reflects projectiles (changes projectile ownership)
    • puts foes into 'MissFoot' state -> can no longer be jumped out of immediately
    • one grab hitbox has been removed, remaining hitbox is smaller in size
  • Down-B's hitbox size now matches the graphical effect
  • Grabs have been given a very slight range increase

  • Forward-Throw:
    • new animation, borrowed from Project M
    • new animation now reliably hits all characters and deals more damage
  • Up-Throw has less base knockback but improved knockback growth, improving its combo ability and maintaining its KO power; has a new collateral hitbox
  • Back-Throw's collateral hitbox deals more base knockback but has decreased knockback growth

Mr. Game & Watch:
  • All aerials can now be L-Cancelled
  • Weight increased by 7 units: 60u -> 67u
  • Shield size has been significantly increased to cover his entire body
  • Dash is now 4 frames longer, giving him a better dash-dance
  • Dash-Attack is faster, deals 1% more damage and slightly less knockback
  • Up-Tilt's largest hitbox now fully covers the flag sheet
  • F-Tilt is 7% faster
  • D-Tilt: clean hit lasts for 5 frames; hitbox lasts almost as long as the manhole flip animation
  • Up-Smash has decreased ending lag
  • F-Smash's hitboxes are slightly bigger and more accurately aligned to the torch
  • D-Smash's hitboxes have been slightly improved
  • N-Air has 5 frames more landing lag to balance its massive hitbox and immense power (15f -> 20f (10f L-Cancelled); autocancels before and almost immediately after hitbox
  • F-Air comes out 2 frames earlier; clean hit lasts 1 frame longer (3f -> 4f)
  • B-Air's hitboxes now fully covers the turtle and no longer has knockback growth; landing hit also covers the turtle more thoroughly and deals set knockback; increased landing lag to prevent spammability (18f -> 24f)
  • Up-Air's first hit deals set knockback and connects much more consistently; landing lag has been decreased: 18f -> 15f (7f L-Cancelled); hitboxes now last as long as their respective 'puff' animation
  • D-Air's hitboxes now match the size of the key accurately, meteor hitbox has been changed to a spike, landing hit pops opponents up and slightly away
  • Rolls, tech rolls and spotdodge have improved intangibility windows
  • The frying pan hitbox of Neutral-B is now properly aligned
  • Neutral-B no longer overwrites gravity when used in midair
  • Up-B can now grab ledges facing either direction
  • Side-B's hitboxes all cover the hammer and are now consistent in both the aerial and grounded versions
  • Down-B's absorption hitbox now fully covers Mr. Game & Watch's bucket
  • Down-B's discharge hitbox now matches the size of the graphical effect and deals some shield damage
  • Down-B now fills up according to how much damage it absorbs upon impact:
    1-8% -> One Level
    9-12% -> Two Levels
    13%+ -> Three Levels
  • Down-B can now absorb the following moves:
    • Sheik's Vanish (Up-B)
    • Bomb explosion (Link, Young Link and Samus)
  • Grab hitboxes are slightly bigger
  • Mr. Game & Watch now has collateral hits on all of his throws, as opposed to only having it on Back-Throw in Vanilla Melee despite him having identical throw animations

  • Jumpsquat is now only 5 frames long
  • Ground speed is slightly better
  • Hylian Shield is slightly bigger and more efficient; can now deflect Samus, Link and Young Link bomb explosions and Sheik's Vanish (Up-B)
  • Damage on hitboxes has been evened out -> all parts of Link's sword deal consistent damage
  • Dash-Attack has less ending lag and deals 12% damage; slightly more base knockback but less knockback growth
  • F-Tilt is slightly faster
  • D-Tilt deals 1% more damage
  • Up-Smash now skips the multihit part of the animation and goes straight to the final hit; slightly slower, deals 15% damage
  • N-Air is slightly bigger and better matched to his boots; deals 1% more damage on the clean hit and 2% more damage on the late hit
  • F-Air deals 2% more damage
  • B-Air is bigger and connects much better
  • D-Air now deals 45 base knockback and 22% across all hitboxes on clean hit
  • Up-Air and D-Air hitboxes have been properly repositioned to the tip of his sword
  • Neutral-B deals a little more knockback and launches at a slightly vertical angle (80 -> 78 degrees); hitbox size has been slightly increased
  • Side-B's hitbox now fully covers the boomerang at all times
  • Up-B deals some shield damage
  • Link can now grab airborne opponents
  • Forward- and Back-Throws deal more knockback
  • Up-Throw has more base knockback and less knockback growth -> better combo tool
  • Grab and Dash-Grab now have 8 and 10 frames less ending lag, respectively
  • Z-Air deals 10 more units of base knockback
  • Z-Air now has only 10 frames of landing lag

Donkey Kong:
  • Tie hurtbox has been eliminated
  • Shield size has been increased to cover his body better
  • Jab comes out 1 frame earlier
  • All tilts are now matched to DK's palm; Up-Tilt's hitboxes now all deal 10% damage with 105 units of knockback growth
  • Dash-Attack is slightly faster, has slightly better range, late hit is bigger and lasts a bit longer
  • Up-Smash fully covers DK's palms, arms and head now intangible only while the hitboxes are active; deals extra shield damage
  • F-Smash has been matched to DK's palms; grants his arms intangibility while the hitboxes are active, which are now slightly bigger; deals extra shield damage
  • Down-Smash grants his arms intangibilty while the hitboxes are active; fist hitboxes are bigger
  • N-Air comes out 2 frames earlier and matches DK's size; deals 2% more damage
  • F-Air is 10% faster, deals shield damage and the meteor hit is now a spike
  • B-Air is bigger, matches DK's foot better to give him some more range; deals 1% more damage, with its knockback compensated
  • Up-Air is bigger, lasts 1 frame longer and grants his head intangibility
  • D-Air has 1 frame less landing lag: 31f -> 30f (still 15 frames L-Cancelled)
  • Neutral-B deals more shield damage and breaks shield at full charge; full charge is no longer weaker than a near full wind (+30 base knockback for fully charged 'late' hitboxes); aerial full charge deals as much damage as its grounded counterpart (27% -> 30%); early hitbox no longer launches upward, but rather at the Sakurai Angle;
  • Side-B is now a spike, deals 14% damage; aerial version has increased knockback growth and is no longer bound by set knockback; grants his head intangibiliy while the hitboxes are active;
  • Grounded Up-B's intangibility begins on frame 1 and lasts for 5 frames; hitboxes repositioned to his fists and deal more knockback; arm intangibility lasts as long as the spin hitboxes are out
  • Aerial Up-B has bigger hitboxes; repositioned to his fists, arm intangibility lasts as long as the spin hitboxes which deal more knockback and 1% more damage each
  • Getting hit out of his Up-B no longer discharges Giant Punch
  • Down-B has faster startup, less ending lag and deals extra shield damage
  • Grabs are now matched to DK's palms
  • Standing Grab hitbox comes out 1 frame earlier and lasts 1 frame longer
  • Dash-Grab hitbox lasts 1 frame longer

Young Link:
  • Given a proper fastfall
  • Kokiri Shield is slightly bigger and more efficient; can now deflect Samus, Link and Young Link bomb explosions and Sheik's Vanish (Up-B)
  • Damage on Young Link's sword has been evened out -> all hitboxes deal consistent damage (exception: Down-Air)
  • Dash-Attack deals 11% damage; slightly more base knockback but less knockback growth
  • Up-Tilt's hitbox lasts until the swing finishes
  • F-Smash's first hit is slightly faster
  • Up-Smash now skips the multihit part of the animation and goes straight to the final hit; slightly slower, deals 12% damage
  • N-Air is slightly bigger and matches the size of his foot better; deals 1% more damage on the clean hit and 2% more damage on the late hit
  • F-Air is a bit more powerful to give Young Link some more KO power
  • B-Air connects properly and has more range
  • Up-Air has been repositioned to accurately cover the tip of the sword
  • D-Air's meteor hit is now a spike; center hitbox now spikes; tip hitbox is now accurately aligned
  • Neutral-B deals a little more knockback and launches at a less vertical angle (80 -> 75 degrees); hitbox size has been slightly increased
  • Side-B's hitbox now covers the boomerang at all times
  • Grounded Up-B's multihit has improved range and now works properly; aerial Up-B has the same hitboxes as Link's (except the final hit)
  • Hookshot has slightly better range and can grab airborne opponents
  • Forward-, Up- and Back-Throws deal more knockback
  • Up-Throw has more base knockback but less knockback growth -> better combo tool
  • Young Link can now grab airborne opponents; the final grab hitbox's size has been increased
  • Grab and Dash-Grab have 8 and 10 frames less ending lag, respectively
  • Grounded hookshot now has 2 extra chain segments, increasing its range; Z-Air chain length is roughly the same
  • Z-Air now deals 10 more units of base knockback
  • Z-Air now has only 10 frames of landing lag

  • Dash-Attack is now aligned to his dominant foot and leg
  • Down-angled F-Tilt is no longer a weak hit with set knockback
  • Down-Smash deals slightly more knockback; sourspot deals 1% less damage, hind hitbox sourspot-sweetspot hitboxes have been swapped -> outer hitbox is now the stronger one
  • N-Air is slightly bigger and matches Mario's boot
  • F-Air comes out 1 frame earlier and is now a spike
  • B-Air has more range, some more power and matches Mario's boots more closely
  • D-Air has 3 frames less landing lag: 21f -> 18f (9f L-Cancelled)
  • Neutral-B is slightly bigger and deals 1% more damage
  • Up-B gets one more frame of intangibility and initial hitbox duration; turnaround input polling now begins on frame 1 -> -> Mario can now cancel his Up-B like Dr. Mario and increase his Up-B height much easier and snap to the ledge -> has a fully invincible ledge stall if he tries hard enough
  • Up-B has less landing lag: 40f -> 30f
  • Down-B's first hit now deals knockback; mashing the B button in midair grants Mario a bit more vertical momentum
  • Grabs have been given a very slight range increase

  • Jumpsquat is now 5 frames instead of 6
  • Initial Dash Velocity increased from 1.3 to 1.35 units
  • Dash-Attack aligned to cover Ganondorf's upper body
  • Up-Tilt's main hitbox is now where the explosion erupts; causes an instant shield break if it connects with one
  • N-Air's hitboxes now last as long as Captain Falcon's; now connects much more consistently - first hit is weaker, but with more than decent set knockback; Auto-Cancel window now begins on frame 30 (can still Auto-Cancel from Short Hop), IASA frame moved from the nonexistent frame 46 to frame 43
  • D-Air's topmost hitbox is now a spike like Captain Falcon's; deals darkness type damage
  • Neutral-B lasts 5 frames longer and causes an instant shield break if it connects with one
  • Side-B deals 2% more damage and can now grab ledges
  • Up-B has a long-lasting uppercut grabbox: upward angle and 10 frames less landing lag: 40f -> 30f
  • Down-B's hitboxes are now aligned to his shin and foot and work properly (vanilla Ganon's foot hitbox is a "ghost hit"); deals more shield damage
  • Grabs are slightly bigger

  • Dash Animation now plays at a slower speed to give Luigi a better Dash-Dance
  • Max. Horizontal Air Mobility: 0.68 -> 0.685
  • Fast-Fall speed is slightly faster
  • Down-angled F-Tilt is no longer a weak hit with set knockback
  • Dash-Attack is now fixed (missing final hitbox added) and plays faster; comes out 1 frame earlier (frame 4 -> frame 3)
  • N-Air is slightly bigger
  • D-Air's meteor hit is now a spike; the outprioritizing microscopic Sakurai Angle hitbox inside of the spike hitbox has been removed
  • Neutral-B is slightly bigger
  • Side-B:
    • hitbox is now aligned to his head and is slightly bigger
    • has an extra body hitbox
    • misfire now deals 30% damage with compensated knockback (vanilla deals 25%, one percent less than a fully charged normal Side-B)
  • Up-B sweetspot size has been increased, sourspot hitboxes are realigned to cover Luigi's rising fist
  • Down-B: Mashing the B button in midair now grants Luigi Cyclone more momentum and gives it slighlty less gravity; aerial final hit matched to the same frame of animation the grounded version appears on
  • Down-B now works the same as Mario's and Dr. Mario's: it is charged upon landing
  • Grabs have been given a very slight range increase

  • Jab is now aligned to his boot
  • F-Tilt is now also aligned to his boot
  • Dash-Attack now provides better coverage over Yoshi's head and torso, intangibility now also covers his nose but only lasts for 4 frames from the activation of the hitboxes; sourspot deals 1% less damage
  • Up-Smash lasts 1 frame longer; main hitbox readjusted to cover Yoshi's eyes; hitbox #2 now covers his nose
  • F-Smash main hitbox moved forward, hitbox #2 covers his nose; intangibility starts on the same frame the hitboxes activate
  • N-Air has slightly bigger hitboxes
  • Side-B hitboxes now fully cover Yoshi's egg and deal 3% more damage
  • Up-B toss hitbox now fully covers the egg
  • Down-B hitbox provides better coverage of Yoshi's bottom; deals 14 more units of shield damage; landing projectile hitbox size scales with star size
  • Yoshi now has more access to his grab game: standing grab comes out on Frame 15 and has more range, dash-grab is much bigger to compensate for most of it being on the Z-axis and can grab airborne opponents (if it couldn't already in vanilla?)

Dr. Mario:
  • Dash-Attack is now aligned to his dominant foot and leg
  • N-Air is slightly bigger
  • F-Air comes out 1 frame earlier
  • B-Air has slightly more range; sweetspot deals 1% more damage
  • D-Air has 1 frame less landing lag: 20f -> 19f (9 L-Cancelled)
  • Side-B gives Dr. Mario a little more vertical momentum
  • Up-B gets one more frame of intangibility and initial hitbox duration; turnaround input polling now begins on frame 1 -> Dr. Mario can Up-B cancel, increase the move's height and Up-B ledge-snap more consistently -> has an easier time performing intangible ledgestalls
  • Up-B has less landing lag: 40f -> 30f
  • Down-B's first hit now deals knockback; mashing the B button in midair grants Dr. Mario a bit more vertical momentum
  • Grabs have been given a very slight range increase
  • Dr. Mario can now wall jump -> can perform Up-B Wall Jump Cancel

  • Dash-Attack repositioned closer to her shoulder
  • D-Tilt is slightly bigger to match the explosion graphic

  • Up-Smash is slightly faster and connects much more consistently:
    • First hit has separate hitboxes for grounded opponents and aerial opponents: grounded hitboxes pull in and upward, aerial hitboxes pull horizontally; deals 1% damage with weight-dependent set knockback -> can not be DI'd/SDI'd if stale
    • Second and third hits deal 1% damage with weight-dependent set knockback and pull;
    • Fourth hit deals 2% with weight-dependent set knockback and pulls
    • Final hit deals 2% more damage (6% -> 8%)
  • N-Air is slightly bigger and matches her feet better
  • Up-Air multihits deal 1% damage and all hitboxes deal set knockback; upper hitbox pulls opponents into the drill

  • Charge Shot now matches the size of the graphic, but stays within the two intersecting ring auras
    • Charge Shot's full charge and near-full charge states have transcendent priority
  • Can now grab airborne oppponents
  • Getting hit out of Up-B no longer discharges Charge Shot
  • Z-Air now has only 10 frames of landing lag and deals 10 more base knockback

  • Shield now covers his tail
  • Dash-Attack deals 1% more damage with compensated knockback
  • D-Tilt, Up-Tilt and Up-Air are now accurately aligned to the tip of his tail
  • Dash-Throw has added momentum to prevent Pikachu from tumbling in place if the move is used in the last few frames of the dash animation
  • N-Air's big hitbox now covers Pikachu's entire body
  • F-Air has increased set knockback to allow for better followups
  • B-Air has more range and 4 frames less landing lag: 30f -> 26f; landing hitbox covers Pikachu much more accurately
  • Side-B deals 4 more units of shield damage and is aligned to his head
  • Up-B's hitbox has been repositioned to the center of Pikachu's torso and increased to 3x its original size
  • Grab range is slightly better
  • Pikachu can now wall jump

Captain Falcon:
  • PAL Gentleman added; third jab can now be performed consistently with only three A presses
  • Dash-Attack aligned to Captain Falcon's upper body
  • D-Air spike now gives off flames
  • Neutral-B deals extra shield damage
  • Side-B can now grab ledges; aerial hit is now a spike
  • Up-B has an uppercut hitbox and 10 frames less landing lag: 40f -> 30f
  • Down-B's hitboxes are low properly aligned to his shin and foot; grounded mid and late hitboxes deal 1% and 2% more damage respectively and launch at an angle of 361 degrees like the clean hit (Sakurai Angle)
Ice Climbers:
  • All hitboxes are now properly aligned to the head of their hammers
  • AI Climber's CPU controls have been improved -> allows Nana to perform tech that would normally desynch her (such as Dash-Dancing)
  • AI Climber's CPU level is always Level 9
  • Up-Tilt's top hitbox pulls opponents into the move, while the bottom hitbox pushes them up to keep them spinning
  • N-Air deals 2% more damage but comes out 1 frame later
  • F-Air's meteor hit is now a spike and aligned to the head of the hammer; swing animation has been extended by 2 frames - vertical hitbox is overridden by the spike hitbox after 2 frames
  • Neutral-B Ice Block size is increased to cover the ice shard
  • Side-B now launches at the Sakurai Angle; has a separate ending hitbox that knocks opponents away
  • Up-B gives a Solo Player Climber more vertical momentum and to snaps to the ledge while ascending
  • Up-Throw has more base knockback but less knockback scaling, allowing it to combo better
  • Wobbling has been removed: opponents are released when the grip runs out
  • F-Air auto-cancel window greatly expanded

  • Side-B can now grab ledge on its final startup frame, like Fox's

Fox & Falco:
  • Side-B and Up-B landing lag can no longer be jumped out of; animations now last 16 and 12 frames, respectively
* Moves that cause an instant shield break can still be powershielded to prevent said outcome.

Giga Bowser:

  • Some moves deal more damage to compensate for Normal Bowser's heavy buffs in damage output

Coming soon:
  • More character changes if necessary
  • Looking for a code to apply the ledge grab rule; regrabbing beyond the limit would result in massive damage gain or the inability to regrab beyond that unless the user has refreshed it by grounding themselves (?)
  • Hoping to get a code created against top platform camping:
    Any player (or certain characters that can consistently abuse it?) who has spent enough time on the top platform or the area surrounding it (around 10 seconds) would start gaining damage per the second (5% or more); there would be a visual indicator for this.
  • Currently looking forward to upgrading Melee DX with M-EX System, to implement new stages and alternate costumes as well as minigames. In its current state, M-EX unfortunately does not vibe with Melee DX.

  • Ampers, Tater, darkside1222, Stratocaster, Achilles1515, DRGN, Magus, Itaru and LanceInThePants for CrazyHand v1.31
  • DRGN, Achilles1515, UnclePunch, DanSalvato, MichaelAshby and everyone else who contributed to DAT Texture Wizard and Melee Code Manager v4.3
  • tauKhan, _glook, UnclePunch, StandardToaster, TheCape and rmn for character-related codes
  • UnclePunch for Transparent HUD code
  • rmn for Brawl-Style 363° Auto-Link angle code
  • PloAJ for HSDraw
  • Achilles1515 and DRGN for 20XX Patch-Batch script
  • TheRealest for CSS Color Changer v1.2
  • SypherPhoenix and TheDekuNut for the "Debug Menu" texture
  • TimpZ and FliesKiller for Stage Striking Instructions
  • _glook for Slippi Unranked restriction code
  • Ripple for guidance in Melee Workshop
  • MichaelAshby for ssbmtextures.com
  • Azulite and Tristan's Rule for certain ideas and testing
  • NOAReggie, Arrowshoes and Gerbungis for testing
  • Mista_Saturn for Bowser's explosive F-Smash commands
  • GIMP for not catching on fire halfway through
  • Mr. Sakurai Masahiro, Nintendo and HAL Laboratory,Inc. ...

...and you, for playing Melee DX!

Melee DX is split into two versions: one is for offline play, and the other is Slippi-compatible.

The online version uses the same header as Vanilla Melee (GALE01) and is compatible with Slippi Rollback Netplay! Only the Direct and Teams modes work, however.

The offline version has a different game header (GDXE01) and preserves Tournament Mode. It also comes with UCF v0.8 and Crew Battle mode built-in.

Online Edition: Download
Offline Edition: Download
Latest version: Melee DX v2.4.8

Make sure you have backed up your clean (unmodified) SSBM v1.02 ISO and created a copy to apply the Melee DX patch to!

Your disc's MD5 hash should be
0e63d4223b01d9aba596259dc155a174. No other string is guaranteed to work, as this is the most common one.

Installing Melee DX:

Melee DX can now be patched by dragging your SSBM v1.02 ISO onto the batch file included in the folder which is to be extracted.

For whatever reason, I felt like including the old patching tools anyway, so here are the instructions for using those:

1. Extract "Melee DX Patch.xdelta" from the archive
2. Open xDelta UI
3. In the "Apply patch" field, select the patch file you've just extracted
4. In the "Source file" field, navigate to your unmomdified SSBM v1.02 ISO file
5 In the "Output file" field, enter a name in a folder of choice for your new file and add ".iso" after it (e.g. Melee DX.iso)
6. Click "Patch"
7. Wait for the patching process to finish
8. Done!

Melee DX Offline Edition also includes a .gci file to unlock all 293 trophies and alternate music. Watch this video to quickly learn how to add it to a Memory Card File: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toD9twUlhDE

That's it! Hope you have fun!

Super Smash Bros. Melee DX, being a patch, is completely free, assuming you have a legitimate copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I do not own any of the copyrighted material in the game.
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Aaryan Kumar

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2020
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
I screwed up my CPU a few days ago, so now it's gone to repair. But I will install this mod as soon as I can ( my phone plays Melee like trash, so I'm not gonna bother about it ) !

Though, just one suggestion :
I honestly think that Roy's Tipper change is not good since it completely changes his playstyle, which is a very big no - no when modding Smash, but hey, what do I know, I haven't actually tested out the mod yet, so I can't say for sure and it may work out way better than I expected.


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
I screwed up my CPU a few days ago, so now it's gone to repair. But I will install this mod as soon as I can ( my phone plays Melee like trash, so I'm not gonna bother about it ) !

Though, just one suggestion :
I honestly think that Roy's Tipper change is not good since it completely changes his playstyle, which is a very big no - no when modding Smash, but hey, what do I know, I haven't actually tested out the mod yet, so I can't say for sure and it may work out way better than I expected.
Hey, first off, thanks for trying out the mod! I'm glad if I can get feedback and more people to try it out and boost its progress.

About Roy, I don't know how busted he really is. I've only played it with one other person who used to main him and that's not enough to test the whole patch. I didn't think him simply being a reverse Marth was a good idea to begin with, especially since you get rewarded for bold, extremely risky neutral decisions that involve hitting with the hilt of his sword for sub-par results. Otherwise his hitboxes retain their original values, except for some minimal damage differences on his aerials and D-Air being a spike.

Even still, if any of the characters are way too different from what their players signed up for, I'll gladly revert them to something closer to their original playstyle. Changing a character comes with the price that... well, they change, though I still believe that doesn't take away from the fun if the fighter's main characteristics are still there and if the buffs don't break that.

Aaryan Kumar

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2020
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Hey, first off, thanks for trying out the mod! I'm glad if I can get feedback and more people to try it out and boost its progress.

About Roy, I don't know how busted he really is. I've only played it with one other person who used to main him and that's not enough to test the whole patch. I didn't think him simply being a reverse Marth was a good idea to begin with, especially since you get rewarded for bold, extremely risky neutral decisions that involve hitting with the hilt of his sword for sub-par results. Otherwise his hitboxes retain their original values, except for some minimal damage differences on his aerials and D-Air being a spike.

Even still, if any of the characters are way too different from what their players signed up for, I'll gladly revert them to something closer to their original playstyle. Changing a character comes with the price that... well, they change, though I still believe that doesn't take away from the fun if the fighter's main characteristics are still there and if the buffs don't break that.
Okay, I get where you're coming from. I originally thought that your intention was to make him more similar to Marth.

Also, I too have a mod that changes the game to be more balanced and spicy. I think some of the ideas and changes are really clever, like Ness' grab being psychic. So I just want permission to copy a few things from your mod, obviously giving credit. I await your response...

P.S. The shop says that I should get my CPU back repaired within a week, so you could expect me to start playing Melee DX in about a week!


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
Okay, I get where you're coming from. I originally thought that your intention was to make him more similar to Marth.

Also, I too have a mod that changes the game to be more balanced and spicy. I think some of the ideas and changes are really clever, like Ness' grab being psychic. So I just want permission to copy a few things from your mod, obviously giving credit. I await your response...

P.S. The shop says that I should get my CPU back repaired within a week, so you could expect me to start playing Melee DX in about a week!
Sure! It's not like I have this mod copyrighted or anything. Melee DX Zelda is actually eerily almost identical to her SD Remix counterpart and I hadn't even seen SD Remix Zelda before I balanced Zelda. I guess, so is Pichu's Dash Attack, but really, I just wanted him to have something unique and an extra tool he could use.
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Aaryan Kumar

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2020
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Sure! It's not like I have this mod copyrighted or anything. Melee DX Zelda is actually eerily almost identical to her SD Remix counterpart and I hadn't even seen SD Remix Zelda before I balanced Zelda. I guess, so is Pichu's Dash Attack, but really, I just wanted him to have something unique and an extra tool he could use.
Thanks for it, by the way! Now it's just going to be a wait of what feels like months even though it's a week...
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Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2020
hi, can you help me with something simple?

I have not been able to patch the game for some strange reason, I have done everything, I downloaded a normal unmodified copy of melee (1.02) I did that from the MD5 Dash but simply the xdelta told me, INVALIDINPUT and I really gave up, so I come to see if you can pass me a version of Melee already patched with the DX please, it would help me a lot


Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2016
hi, can you help me with something simple?

I have not been able to patch the game for some strange reason, I have done everything, I downloaded a normal unmodified copy of melee (1.02) I did that from the MD5 Dash but simply the xdelta told me, INVALIDINPUT and I really gave up, so I come to see if you can pass me a version of Melee already patched with the DX please, it would help me a lot
Did you not name your iso (with the .iso extension included) by any chance? You need to do that on xdeltaUI after you select the patch and vanilla game fles. I don't know what else could be the issue, as this is a common one. But I can try to help further if you need still.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2020
Did you not name your iso (with the .iso extension included) by any chance? You need to do that on xdeltaUI after you select the patch and vanilla game fles. I don't know what else could be the issue, as this is a common one. But I can try to help further if you need still.
First, thanks for your help Mimimax, but still it didn't work, in fact you should know that this problem with the patches had already happened to me before with the Smash Remix (That modification of smash 64) maybe it is a problem with my computer or from the program that won't let me patch the games
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Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
First, thanks for your help Mimimax, but still it didn't work, in fact you should know that this problem with the patches had already happened to me before with the Smash Remix (That modification of smash 64) maybe it is a problem with my computer or from the program that won't let me patch the games
I'm pretty sure you'll be fine if you get a new ISO. Sharing them here on SmashBoards is frowned upon, but you can find one on the internet if you add "ISO" to your search. You may also want to check your MD5 hash at http://onlinemd5.com/ just to make sure it's really correct; Dolphin may be a little dodgy with it as I was struggling to get it working on other PCs myself on a seemingly unmodified ISO. I took down the mod some time ago for a while so I could fix the invalid input error and have since made sure to always build the patch on a fresh copy.

About Smash Remix, you need a ROM specifically with the .z64 extension for it to work.
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Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2016
First, thanks for your help Mimimax, but still it didn't work, in fact you should know that this problem with the patches had already happened to me before with the Smash Remix (That modification of smash 64) maybe it is a problem with my computer or from the program that won't let me patch the games
If even with anoter ISO you still have issues, try using deltapatcher instead of xdeltaUI. It's even easier to use as you don't have to type the iso name before patching. Just don't forget to check the option to keep the original iso file before patching so you don't overwrite it with the patched one.


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
If even with anoter ISO you still have issues, try using deltapatcher instead of xdeltaUI. It's even easier to use as you don't have to type the iso name before patching. Just don't forget to check the option to keep the original iso file before patching so you don't overwrite it with the patched one.
I used DeltaPatcher before moving on to the "Drag-n-Drop Batch Creator" xDelta build, then finally the one I use currently. I can say that no matter what xDelta version I tried, none of them would accept an ISO with the incorrect checksum.

Aaryan Kumar

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2020
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
So, due to some issues, I wasn't able to patch the file ( I didn't put .iso in the output file ), but now It's patched and the actual mod, IT'S EXCELLENT! Really loved it! Even Roy felt at the very least okay to play, but it's gonna take some getting used to. I'd like to present a few ideas of my own if you want!


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
So, due to some issues, I wasn't able to patch the file ( I didn't put .iso in the output file ), but now It's patched and the actual mod, IT'S EXCELLENT! Really loved it! Even Roy felt at the very least okay to play, but it's gonna take some getting used to. I'd like to present a few ideas of my own if you want!
I'm really glad you liked it! I have just rolled out a new update to improve a few aspects of the mod, so there are a few new changes you might want to check out.

I am quite confident that Melee DX will suffice by just fixing broken hitboxes and attributes (it is also very close to being complete,) but you've got my curiosity with your ideas, so feel free to send me a DM here on SmashBoards to discuss them!


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2020
why doesnt this work with my friend when we try direct i shared him my iso patched and its slippy 2.3.1 and it doesnt work. other mods work like ones i made but this one doesnt work


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2021
Is there a way I can play widescreen? In the 20XX version of the debug menu theres an option somewhere for that along with a gecko code. I couldnt find either on this. At least not on the offline version. Thanks!
Edit: I tried using slippi and it said it didnt wasnt a copy of melee. Idk what the deal is there
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Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2016
Is there a way I can play widescreen? In the 20XX version of the debug menu theres an option somewhere for that along with a gecko code. I couldnt find either on this. At least not on the offline version. Thanks!
Edit: I tried using slippi and it said it didnt wasnt a copy of melee. Idk what the deal is there
Hey there! Slippi doesn't recognize ISOs that have a different header than GALE01 unless it's a special case such as UnclePunch's Training Mode. That is why Online Edition is around; Slippi r18 can still open it, however. Link: https://www.smashladder.com/download/dolphin/18/Project+Slippi+(r18)

I built the offline version to be more of a 'console port' and I never really considered adding widescreen since I can't make an in-game menu toggle for it like the one 20XX has. If you want to use widescreen, download this .ini file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1akeon05qgp8dtb/GDXE01r2.ini/file

...and put it in Dolphin's root folder\Sys\GameSettings. Doing this will then list the widescreen gecko code when you navigate to the 'Gecko Codes' tab after right clicking on Melee DX's disc banner and selecting 'Properties.' In addition to this, you'll need to configure the aspect ratio in the 'Graphics' tab on Dolphin's toolbar to display 16:9 or 16:10.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and if you like the mod, stay tuned for the next update!
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Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2024
Can you please tell me what you did to achieve better moonwalking on Ness? What stats are important if you want to give someone super moonwalk powers? lol
  • Ground and air mobility have been slightly increased -> Ness can now moonwalk consistently

How did you edit the 'reflection bubble' for ness forward smash bat? I couldnt figure out how to find the reflection thing.
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