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Stunlock, poor Fox!


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
None of your business
I did not see a topic on this, it is a stunlock that mainly affects Fox, Wolf, Sheik and Falco.

Credit belongs to FadedImage frome Allisbrawl.com

* The more degenerated your D-Smash is, the shorter an opponent will be knocked back after the stun duration is over. (Making it harder to jump out of.)

Also good to know is how to "D-Smash Chain". Some characters have the misfortune to be incapable of jumping out of ZSS's D-Smash at certain percentages. Alright let me break it down.

The Process: First, D-Smash an opponent. After a short period, they will leave the stun animation and fall backwards, if their recovery isn't good enough, they will touch the ground before being able to jump again. When they are landing, their stun cooldown is being refreshed, therefore allowing ZSS to D-Smash them again, succeeding in stunning them once more. If you have good timing, they will not be able to even shield the attacks. Thus, on certain characters, ZSS has a 100% guaranteed combo.

The Escape: Now, DI can help quite a bit, lowering the "guaranteed" percent a healthy amount. If the opponent DIs their joystick vertically UP (horizontal doesn't matter) at the moment they leave the stun, they will have more time in the air, which will give them more time to recover, and more time to jump. Sadly, there is never any "bad" DI, there is either useless/no DI or good DI. Now, like I said before, charging the D-Smash will knock an opponent higher into the air, giving them more time to jump out of the chain, so try to use the shortest charge possible, or just c-stick it altogether.

The Solution: On the other hand, degenerating your D-Smash by using it repeatedly will make it more difficult for your opponent to escape. This has great implications! The best way to keep your opponent in a D-Smash chain longer is to D-Smash chain them longer! What this means is that if you start a D-Smash chain at a low percent, then by the time you get up to the character's limit, you'll have degenerated your D-Smash enough that you will be able to continue the chain!

The List: Alright, I bet your mouths are watering with curiosity, wondering who the poor victims are. Well with no further ado, here are my findings:

* -------------------------- No Degen --------------- Fully Degen -----------
* Character ----- : -- w/ DI ----- w/out DI ----- w/ DI ----- w/out DI ----
* Bowser -------- : ---- 0% -------- 2% ---------- 0% -------- 24% ------
* Diddy Kong --- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ----------- 0% ------- 13% ------
* Link ------------ : --- 0% -------- 1% ----------- 0% -------- 24% -----
* Sheik ---------- : --- 22% ------- 39% --------- 55% ------- 91% ------
* Ganondorf ---- : ---- 0% -------- 27% --------- 4% -------- 63% ------
* ZeroSuitSamus : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 3% -------
* Metaknight ---- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 14% ------
* King Dedede --- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 4% -------
* Fox ------------- : ---- 58% ------- 58% -------- 120% ----- 121% -----
* Falco ----------- : ---- 20% ------- 35% -------- 44% ------- 87% ------
* Wolf ------------ : ---- 39% ------- 56% -------- 91% ------- 117% ----
* Captain Falcon- : ---- 12% ------- 39% -------- 44% ------- 93% ------
* Squirtle -------- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 15% ------
* Ike ------------- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 4% -------
* Lucas ----------- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 1% -------
* Sonic ----------- : ---- 0% -------- 0% ---------- 0% -------- 2% -------

So, the percentage written here is the lowest percent that this character can jump out of the D-Smash, with and without DI. For example, if I connected with a D-Smash on Falco while he was at 10%, I am 100% guaranteed another stun if I have good timing. However, if I stun him again, say he's at 20%, it's possible for him to get out of another D-Smash is if he DIs correctly and jumps out. Let's say he messes up and I stun him again, now he's at 35%. No matter what, he will be able to jump out of the next stun. However, he may not be that knowledgeable, and he may try to shield it, giving me another D-Smash. Now, after that, I know he's gonna try to jump out, so instead of trying a D-Smash, I just predict the second jump, and land an aerial attack of my choosing. You can see how this can be extremely useful even on characters that can't be easily chained.

Now you may notice a few things about these numbers.

1. Some characters have incredibly large gaps between DI and non-DI, especially when using a fully degenerated D-Smash. Try to predict how well your opponent knows ZSS, and play accordingly.
2. Poor Fox, his DI is absolutely useless! No matter how he DIs, his capability to jump out is almost exactly the same.
3. The chance of chaining a large number of characters on this list is pathetically small, but I included them for the sake of completeness, and who knows, maybe your opponent has never played a ZSS!
4. Fox and Wolf both have fairly high percents when looking at the fully degenerated limits, even with DI. This is an astounding discovery, because this means that if you connect with a D-Smash on one of these characters at a near zero percent, you will be able to chain them all the way up to KO range.
This is the first guaranteed Zero-To-Death I have seen in brawl!

Hopefully, that helps in mixing up your Paralyzer game and leads to stuns your opponent never expected!

Credit to FadedImage.

Anyway, I like it, Fox is nuetralized, and lol, good thing Wolf is sooo popular!


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
None of your business
Ok, I thought you guys knew about it, but I did not see a topic on it, and thought you guys might like to see the exact numbers of this.
Btw, where can I find that matches video, would like to see animal cruelty in action lol.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
woot, sonic is invicnible muahaha

can snake be chained? his fast fall characteristics seem very similar to fox (both can be chain grabbed by lucario and pikachu to similar %'s)


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
useful indeed. I main fox, but I'm always cautious of the d smash chain. I use Zamus as one of my secondarys, so I'll have to try this out.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
I made a topic on this a long time ago. But its nice to see some % numbers now, I never got around to that.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Ive played a couple Zamus's as fox, but I've never encountered someone who knew this trick. But I'll keep ya updated. But as I said before, I know to be extra cautious now.
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