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Stuff hit the fan. Plus the Death of Papa Bear.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Link to original post: [drupal=1043]Stuff hit the fan. Plus the Death of Papa Bear. [/drupal]

Well If you don't know I'm a 00 Gundam addict. And I just woke up extra early becuase I couldn't wait for Gundam 00 S2 17. Well every thing was going well. Major spoilers ahead.

So Setsuna F. Seiei and Saji Crossroad go out in 00 hax, to stop Memento Mori 2. Hank Hercules, who just started a Coup d'état, and Sergei Smirnov have a argument, and Sergei leaves to earth after seeing Memento Mori 2 charging its....laser...After some hesitation, Hank follows him. It cuts back to 00 Raiser charging its own laser(I'm **** serious). Divine Nova goes out to stop him. But only last 30 seconds(it's actually 33 but his death was confirmed at 30) against 00, who proceeds to vaporize him and his mobile armor. So much for his revenge. So 00 fires a Mega beam canon/sword, hitting Memento Mori. Aurthur Goodman, AKA most annoying A-Law captain ever, is relived that the beam missed, due to it refracting when it hit Divine Nova. He then looks like he pissed in his pants when he sees that 00 moves the beam slowly across to Mori 2, but fate intervened and 00 runs out of particles for the beam sword, and Setsuna curses that he didn't stop it in time. MM2 launches its laser hitting the elevator. The African Orbital Elevator, a elevator that gets stuff into space with out the use of rockets, starts to collapse. Hank and Sergei are shocked that the elevator is collapsing. In horror they see that civilians are caught in the collapse and are killed.

Back on Earth, Katharon(rebel forces) plus Celestial Being, are fighting the Federation near the elevator. All of them then receive word that the elevator is collapsing. Allelujah Haptism, Lockon Stratos, and Tieria Erde rush towards the near by cities and start shooting all the debris coming down. Katharon and the Federation watch in shock as the pieces fall. Al, who starts to get overwhelmed due to him not being a super soldier any more, then misses one piece which would fall smack into the middle of a city. Al desperately tries to hit the piece, but the piece is intercepted by the GN Archer, piloted by his "lover/Girlfriend", Marie Parfacy. Together they repel the onslaught. Lockon, who has to resort to dual wielding, then starts to get overwhelmed him self and fires his GN Missiles. 2 Pieces get through and as they are about to hit the streets, they are intercepted by Katharon forces. Katharon and Celestial Being are then joined by the Federation and Coup forces in the area. The Combined fire power of the forces created a wall of blue, red and pink fire, that its hard to describe. The crew of Celestial Being sigh a relief. That sigh then turns into a gasp as A-Law forces are then detected in the area. They then Open fire on the falling debris.

Louise Halevy(Saji's ex and bent Gundam Killer) and Andrei Smirnov(Son of Sergei) and the rest of the A-Law forces open fire. Just then Hank and Sergei burst from the elevator, and start repelling the pieces. Soma then see Sergei's custom Tieren and then joins him. Sergei, thanks the GN Archer, and is surprised to see that the GN Archer pilot is none other than Marie, his adopted daughter. Hank seeing A-Law forces helping them, then wonders what the hell is going on. Andrei hearing Hank's voice then goes hell bent, THEN he gets even more angry when he hears that his father is there as well. He takes aim at Hank or Sergei but Louise tells him that a major Solar panel is falling. 20ish of the mobile suits then start firing at the big piece, to no effect. Tieria then fires a Hyper Burst Beam, splitting the piece in half. 00 then comes in and shoots the 2 pieces. Lockon and Al activate trans-am to repel the solar panels. The resulting dust cloud is so great that it is seen even from space.

Sergei and Hank are looking at the result of Hank's action. Hank saying that he didn't want this to happen, suddenly gets killed. Louise looks in shock as Andrei hell bent, then engages his father in a duel. Marie, tries to save Sergei and gets intercepted by Louise. Louise then gets intercepted by 00 and Saji. Marie, desperately tries to reach Sergei. Andrei then thrust his beam saber into Sergei's Tieren...

Well the credits sequence is the best anime credit sequence I seen. Tons and Tons of foreshadowing and a nice song to boot.

Sergei has flash backs in his days living with his wife, Holly. His first flash back is during the 4th Solar War(A world war on Solar energy) she mentions Andrei. The 2nd flashback is Holly's funeral with a young Andrei crying, Hank comforting him and Sergei looking on. The final Flash back shows Sergei in a church. A door opens and Andrei looks angry at his father.

The flash back ends and Sergei is shown dying. He says he's sorry for the death of Holly. Sergei's Tieren tries to pull Andrei's GNX but Andrei pushes away. The last thing Sergei's see's is his son's mobile suit. His suit's optics go out, and Sergei closes his eyes. He then see's Holly. Sergei's Tieren then explodes with Al, Andrei and Marie looking by. Marie looking at the death of her adopted father, starts to well up in tears. Al suddenly learns that the pilot of the mobile suit was Sergei. Soma then cries out.

Well that was one explosive and traditional breaking episode. Usually in Gundam, when they drop stuff on earth for the Lulz nothing stops it and Cities on earth get owned to the max*. But this time Celestial Being, Katharon, Federation Forces, Coup forces and even A-Laws try to stop the debris from killing people. That was nice break as Gundam SEED Destiny just had stuff dropping on earth with J-Pop Music in the background, and others were just mentioned briefly or they failed. The Death of Sergei was already inevitable, and I some how knew that he would Duel his son. How he died was just the opposite on how I knew he would die. Being Killed by your own son. Plus Andrei having no remorse just made me even more sick. All Gundam 00 fans are crying out for the death of Andrei, and I gotta agree with them.

Well my first blog is an Gundam summary(lol). If this gets positive feed back, I may blog the rest of Gundam 00, in addition to random stuff.


The current Lockon Stratos dead family
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