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Streetgeek 8.12 Adelaide Australia


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Adelaide, South Australia
Switch FC
1787 8077 0889
Jamage's Streetgeek Lan 8.12 Report
December 5th and 6th in Adelaide

Possibly the best Streetgeek ever from a consolers point of veiw Smash Bros galore, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, Mariokart, Guitar Hero, Rock Band and even Super Mario World all got thrashed. I counted 12 Guitars and 3 drum kits there so people didnt have to wait long for a shot.

PC area was about 80% full and lots of cool stuff happened there too but I didnt have my own PC at the Lan.
Good (cheap) food and drinks, great atmosphere, tons of gaming, tournamnets, prizes, dual ceiling projectors and lots of socialising made this an awesome Lan.

Dual ceiling projectors in 1080p were insane, I vote for some Co-op or multiplayer Gears of War 2 on them next lan as we spoke about Gears 2 for about 30 mins during lunch but didnt get any games going.
Dual Ceiling Projector vids: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=QvoHmXAENAU

Smash Tournamnets were probly the best ever, I was totally buggered after running 8 hours of them and not sleeping friday night but it was worth it as we had so many awesome games in all tournaments and in freindlies. 0-death chain grabbing Theifs Sheik with Falco twice in a row in a ffa match made my lan.

We also had a very different Smash Bros Brawl Tournament this lan that proved to be alot of fun, rules were: fast brawl, heavy brawl, 1.2 damage, 4 stock, 7 min time limit and only bottom and low teir (ranked) charachters allowed. These rules didnt stop DJB from winning though.

Smash Bros Brawl 1v1

1st: DJBrowny - Sonic/Lucario/Snake (Middle)
2nd: Ant - Snake/Ganon/PokemonT (Left)
3rd: Krill - MK (right)
4th: Aisuka - Pikachu
5th: 2SXC Dave - Marth/Pikachu
6th: Jamage - G&W/Wolf
7th: James P - Marth
8th: Theif - Sheik

Semi Final vid: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvxLkRbQuI
Finals video pt 1: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Op1iF4rvqzQ
Finals Video pt 2: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=1LDKrzanUec

Super Smash Bros Brawl FFA

1st: DJBrowny - Snake (Middle)
2nd: Krill - ZSSamus (right)
3rd: Aisuka - Pikachu (left)
4th: Shadowman909 - YLink
5th: Jamage - Peach
5th: 2SXC Dave - Marth
7th: Whitey - ???
7th: Rasberry - Mario

FFA Finals video: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=34nKPwSU2s4

Super Smash Bros Brawl Captain Falcon Invitational

1st: DJBrowny - Ness
2nd: Ant - Jigglypuff
3rd: Aisuka - Jigglypuff
4th: Krill - ???
5th: 2SXC Dave - Piachu?
6th: Theif - Sheik
7th: Jamage - Fox
8th: Whitey -???

Finals Vid: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=H5lyCRNa118

Super Smash Bros Brawl 2v2

1st: DJBrowny & Ant - Snake & Snake
2nd: Aisuka & Krill - Pikachu/Jigglypuff & MK/Zelda
3rd: Jamage & Groove Master General - Mr G&W & Pikachu
4th: Theif & Shazmo - Sheik & ???
5th: Mafesto & Chirpin - Mr G&W & ???

2v2 Finals vid: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=lYV6YTPy1DA

Halo 3

1st: Jamage
2nd: Razor6
3rd: Stalefish

Mariokart Wii

1st: Jamage
2nd: Matt Borg
3rd: Krill
4th: Aisuka
5th: Silverwolf
6th: Tobbygnome
7th: Razor6
8th: Stalefish

Overall Console Winners
1st: Jamage
2nd: Krill
3rd: DJ Browny
4th: Aisuka
5th: Ant
6th: 2SXC Dave
7th: Theif
8th: Razor6
9th: Groove Master General
10th: Matt Borg

PC Comps that also ran
Warcraft 3
Crysis Wars
Unreal Tournament
Left 4 Dead (PC and Console Team challenge)

Frisbeemark Finalist's

From left to right:
Groove Master General
Raven (Winner of 160GB ExHDD)
Stupid Newbie

More Pics at: http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj54/Jamage007/SG Lan December 08/

Thanks again to those who attended, the admins and our sponsors for making another great Lan.

Next Lan: Friday 23rd January
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