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Storage problem


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
I have two problems i would like help with, so ill be appreciative to anyone who can help

1. I have a windows desktop(gateway) I've had it for like 6 years now. Originally it had 37gb of memory and nowadays its only 700+mb. I deleted as many files as i could and got it up to 1.5 GB but once i ran a windows update, the memory decreased to the 700 it is now. I also should let you know i have a folder that contains the music i listen to and the size of the folder is 5GB+(which is the largest folder i have on my cpu) . I know i could simply delete some songs and i would have a lot more space and i have done that in the past (yep at one point my music folder was larger than 5GB) but the songs i got left, i rather not delete. Anyways, other than my music I'm not sure what else to delete(i don't want to delete something that's important to the cpu) All the files, programs etc....combined i don't even think they would amount to 10+gb so im thinking something is wrong or maybe its just that i had to cpu for so long. I'm actually thinking about wiping my cpu(not sure how to tho ) , if i could save my music somehow. So if anyone has any advice other then me deleting most of my music....please help.

2. I bought a usb flash drive 2.0(8GB) off of ebay recently and I wanted this to be my solution for my memory problem. I had a folder containing pictures, the size of this folder was at least 700mb. So once i placed this folder on to my flash drive and removed it. I assume that basically all i had to do is store all my music on to it, but once i plugged the flash drive back into my cpu the folder was still there but its empty. The real strange thing to me is that when i go to properties to check the space used on the flash drive it says 700mb. So i been wondering how can my pictures be gone, but the 700 mb is still there?

Also, i have been lookin around for solutions to my problems on my own but just couldnt find it or didnt look hard enough.


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2002
the 20th Hole
Well, you could always delete Windows and get rid of all that bloatware once and for all. That's what I did when I ran out of room on my computer last fall.

Other than that, I'm not too sure what to tell you. Maybe try to defrag your hard drive?


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
Probably in front of his Wii
^ Ya, try defraging it. Windows doesn't take up THAT much memory, you should be able to narrow it down. Go to control panel then add or remove programs (in xp) and look through and see if you have old games etc. that you never play and delete them.

At the flash drive, did you safely remove it? Windows is retarted and can sometimes screw up flashdrives. Don't know if it could do that though, it's weird that you can see that it is still taking up memory.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Yea, actually I've been using add/remove,disk cleanup and defrag for awhile now and still no such luck. Defrag even says i dont have enough space so that it can defrag "properly" because it needs 15 while at the moment i only have 2. So the only option at rite seems to wipe my cpu entirely and start new, but is that a good idea though?


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'd honestly recommend defragging and cleaning up whatever you can, and if that still doesn't work, just go buy an external harddrive.

I spent 100 bucks on a 500GB one the other month and it is honestly the best money I've spent in quite a while.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Well a lil update i guess lol

I decided to delete a few songs :( and it gave me some space back. Actually i my memory steadily went up til it reached 5GB and the strange thing is the songs i deleted were less then 100MB. I don't know whats going on but I'm glad it did. But still i think i should way more space left then this.

About the external hard drive, i have been considering this and i mite actually get it when i have the funds to do so. But if i do so...i have a question...

1. Im thinkin about getting a laptop(someday) and if i do get this external hard drive, will i be able to transfer any files I've saved from my desktop that i have on the external harddrive to the laptop?

Another thing about the usb flash drive i have, does anyone know a way i can recover my files that seemingly disappeared?


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
For one, it's your choice if you want to use MiniXP (http://www.torrentz.com/bba7accaca9dd49ed01a2f639dc4f305d5898e40)

From the name, you can basically tell that it's a stripped down version of Windows XP.

Essentially the basics of what you need.

You could compress everything in your hard drive, but would you take that time? ... ok yeah you would.

You will be able to transfer files from your Computer to your Ext. Hard Drive to your laptop.

Another thing about the usb flash drive i have, does anyone know a way i can recover my files that seemingly disappeared?
Start > Control Panel > Appearances and Themes > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files and Folders > Show Hidden files and Folders.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Chaoser: Yes, you'd be able to use your external harddrive to transfer files between that computer and your laptop, or from the external harddrive to the new laptop, etc.

Also, something else you might wanna try to do is to install a program called CCleaner. It's essentially a free utility for COMPLETELY deleting files...the first time I ran it, I think it cleaned up about 1.5 gigs worth of space on my relatively new Vista laptop.

Worth a look, definitely.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Another lil update......I'm still working on the external hardrive but i manage to free up a little more space.

@ L
My folder options were never hidden so knew that wasn't the problem. I'm currently thinking that maybe i bought a faulty usb drive?

Thanks the CCleaner did help quite a bit.

Off topic: I have this durabrand television and there is like no code to my rca remote for this tv. So im looking for an adaptor that will connect my cable and wii(not the AV adaptor) so i can play on ch 3/4, something like the PS2's RFU adaptor. The thing is i dont know the exact name of the adaptor for the wii. (i did look so sorry if this make me sound stupid =/)


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
Chaoser: Yes, you'd be able to use your external harddrive to transfer files between that computer and your laptop, or from the external harddrive to the new laptop, etc.

Also, something else you might wanna try to do is to install a program called CCleaner. It's essentially a free utility for COMPLETELY deleting files...the first time I ran it, I think it cleaned up about 1.5 gigs worth of space on my relatively new Vista laptop.

Worth a look, definitely.
CCleaner by far the best utility i've ever used. We even use it at work, on customers computers
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