Smash Apprentice
I'm about to post something that may be obvious to many people. Sound the alarm.
In consideration of this, I may put this, as well as other Kirby advice in "A Newbie's Guide to Kirby"; a guide for new smasher for picking up Kirby tactics. It will not have any frame data, adv techs, or smash terminology/lingo. All it will do is guide people on how to play an offensive, non "Hardcore" Kirby (
-"Grrr! EXtreme KirBy! On the edge!" kirby:
)for use against friends, family and the like, as well as a bit of light mindgaming. T1mmy's guide may be amazing, but it's a bit overwhelming for us non "veteran" players.. @171-10 8y yrs 1 @/\/\ (01/1s1o13r3o1 1-1/-\90r3
(if ya got that, congrats. ya spend too much time on the internet.)
But I need to get to the point of this thing. When using stone, don't just use it for dropping on opponents. Use it for mindgames!
For example, the stone now has horiz knckbk even when not dropped from any distance. this gives you a way to be safe against a close ground based rushdown- it gives both knockback and "super armor" ( an ultimate defense if ya will). However, it of course can be grabbed if your opponent guards or blocks your attack.
Also, try swittching in and out of stone when planning an attack w/ it. An example would be going down with a stone from a reasonably high altitude, then canceling it when you reach a point close to the ground and going into up b (final cutter). I think hammer or an air would work too. decent setup, but can be predicted.
Feel free to post anything else related to stone tactics. IMAH go outside now n let my dog pee (@ @round 2:30 P.M., 6/16/09, 'f0 future reference.) BYE!
In consideration of this, I may put this, as well as other Kirby advice in "A Newbie's Guide to Kirby"; a guide for new smasher for picking up Kirby tactics. It will not have any frame data, adv techs, or smash terminology/lingo. All it will do is guide people on how to play an offensive, non "Hardcore" Kirby (

But I need to get to the point of this thing. When using stone, don't just use it for dropping on opponents. Use it for mindgames!
For example, the stone now has horiz knckbk even when not dropped from any distance. this gives you a way to be safe against a close ground based rushdown- it gives both knockback and "super armor" ( an ultimate defense if ya will). However, it of course can be grabbed if your opponent guards or blocks your attack.
Also, try swittching in and out of stone when planning an attack w/ it. An example would be going down with a stone from a reasonably high altitude, then canceling it when you reach a point close to the ground and going into up b (final cutter). I think hammer or an air would work too. decent setup, but can be predicted.
Feel free to post anything else related to stone tactics. IMAH go outside now n let my dog pee (@ @round 2:30 P.M., 6/16/09, 'f0 future reference.) BYE!