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Starting College Tips/Tricks


Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2015
So i just started my college career, however I feel like I'm off to a rough start. I feel like people are avoiding me or otherwise annoyed
any tips, tricks, or hints you can give would be greatly appreciated!

also I'm going to school in the Cleveland area so if anyone knows some good shops or hangouts where I could get some smash in that would also be appreciated!


Sleepy Chainz
Nov 21, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
yah just general stuff to get out and meet people
Pretty much what Wingleborg said. Find some clubs/activities that you would want to get involved in, they're a good place to meet people.

Also get involved in your local smash scene, I met a lot of people through smash in the last year than doing anything else lol.

Other than that, try hanging out with people from class or who live in the same dorms as you (that is if you live in them). That's one of the few things I do.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I get you... Being on my 'third' college, now - really my second university, I understand what it's like to be new. It feels awkward for me joining anything new - a workplace, or simply joining a club at college it has all felt very awkward to me! Everyone has formed cliques, and you - being new - inevitably aren't a part of them... But that doesn't mean that you can't and won't make friends, that they'll all always consider you an outsider (plus, there are other new people there that don't know anyone, too!). Some of those cliques you may never really mingle with much, if at all... And that's fine, too.

For me, what really has got me started at both universities was joining a music ensemble. Obviously, that won't work for someone that isn't musically inclined, I'm sure there are other ways to meet people.


Smash Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
I just started uni today so I joined this convo in hopes of getting some advice myself too. But even though I am new too to this scene I think some general tips will help.

You have to put yourself out there. Sure, people might come and talk to you, but I've found that you should try and go talk to people yourself. Plus, if you are divided into small groups during the first week(s) where you get to know other students (don't know if that's a thing elsewhere but happens where I live), you should be talkative to a certain extent. Not too much as to annoy others by trying to be the center of attention all the time, but enough that people will see that you are someone who opens their mouth and who is approachable. I know it might be hard especially if you are a shy person, but it's really the best advice I can give you.

Ten of Nine

Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2016
The most important thing from an academic viewpoint. ACTUALLY READ YOUR TEXT BOOKS AND REVIEW WHAT YOU LEARNED AS YOU GO. College is very autonomous and independent; you are responsible for keeping yourself ready for midterms, final exams, etc, it's very easy to fall behind.

I went through HS and the whole entire time I never once read any of my textbooks, I just did the homework, assignments, and tests and managed to get above a 4.0 (because of AP and honors classes). But College definitely is a whole 'nother level. I found out fast I could not skate through as easily as I had in High School, not even a fraction as difficult as College ended up being. Do not cram, do not procrastinate, and DO NOT BE THAT GUY THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY DO HIS PART OF A GROUP PROJECT. Also don't be that guy that copies others homework. You are there to prepare for a career, take it seriously and you will remember a lot after you graduate, take advantage of hands on lab work, internships or assistant work related to your interests ASAP. You have to be proactive in college to make your degree valid in the real world (that and you wouldn't want all that money to be wasted).

From a social standpoint, if you want to get the most out of it, live near or on campus with roommates who are like minded. Say yes to any and all positive social opportunities, do a lot of study groups, get involved in organizations or clubs. College is where it's finally time to be yourself and others will gravitate to that, you will make lifelong friends and make sure you get a lot of healthy relationship experience. What I mean by that is don't be afraid anymore if you ever were. Ask someone out if you like them, tell them at the very least, just be confident and be yourself.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
The best thing to do is get help/go to help sessions whenever you feel you are not doing. I failed to do this at the start of my first semester and nearly flunked the course. I then kept going o help sessions and somehow made it through. I went from mid low C's to high B's/low A's.

For making friends, offer to help people when they need it and be social. Join clubs and do events that suit you (though don't do anything that could get you in trouble of course).


Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2015
thank you! I found a club that I am genuinely interested in and i look forward to interacting with the other club members and making friends!
thank you to everyone who replied to this thread
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