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Star Wars:Food Wars; A Galactic Star Wars Spoof


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Welcome to....... Star Wars: Food Wars, A galactic Star Wars Spoof!

Episode I is now complete folks!!!!!!!!

News & Updates Section
Great News! Episode I is finished! I am now working on Episode II, Enjoy!

All Previews For All Episodes
Preview For Episode I:

"5 minutes ago, in a a galaxy far far away, well, not that far...
6 minutes ago, in a galaxy somewhat far away, well, I guess it's not that far...
7 minutes ago, in a galaxy somewhat close, well, actually it's pretty close...
8 minutes ago, in a galaxy really really close, well, actually it's our galaxy...
9 minutes ago, in our galaxy, well, actually, it's the next galaxy over...
10 minutes ago , in the galaxy next to ours, well, actually..."

"shut up"

"don't tell me to shut up"

"Here, I'll do it for you, 10 minutes ago, in some galaxy somewhere, in some universe..."

"How do you even know if it's somewhere, mabye it doesn't exist"

"Then why did you say it was in a galaxy?"

"I don't know, it's in the script"

"Well who wrote the this stupid script?"

"Greg Lukewarmas"

"...I thought it was SuperLinkBrothers"

"mabye they worked on it together"


"Why I am I talking to you? Your my enemy"

"hmmm....your right"

"Go away Darth Mail, leave me be"

"The Orange Menace will never let anyone leave who needs punishment, Mwaa Ha hA...OW...You hit me with the stupid lightsaber"

"Oh, sorry"



Food Wars: Episode I
The Orange Menace

Preview For Episode II:

-Obi-"Que star wars music"
-Jango-"Yeehah, wqay ahead of you"
Jango starts playing some western music, "yeehah"
-Obi--"What the... turn that off"
-Jango-"make me" Lightsaber turns on.
-Boba-"Don't worry dad, I'll help you, I have a big fat gun" The older version of Boba appaered...
-Jango-"how did you...but I...huh...oh whatever, yeehah, lets get em son"
-Yoda-"Stop right you there"
-Yoda-"what, who, you, I, blue?"
-Obi-"okay then..."
-Yoda-"Janoba and Bogo Feet, you should yourselves go screw freaks ya"
-Count-"Mwaa Ha Ha"
-Count #2-"Mwaa Ha Ha...Ha Ha Ha..Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"
-Count-"oh, shut up"

Star Wars music starts...

Yeah, new update, now I have a preview for Episode III, but this time t's more exciting then funny!

Preview For Episode III:

-???-"Join me ??? and we rule the galaxy as father and son"

-???-"Of course master"

-???-"The Jedi will never know of our plans"

-???-"Oh, yes, of course, hey, wait a minute, you're not my father, I don't have a father"

-???-"Why, of course I am..oh, wait, you're right"

-???-"I shall call you Lord Sidious then instead"

-Emporer-"Good, good"

-???-"hmph...who shall we attack first?"

-Emporer-"hah, you're not attacking anyone... you're pregnant Padme, who would you attack?"

-Padme-"*sigh* You're right"

-Emporer-"You can recruit someone for me though..."


-Emporer-"Oh, I think you know"

Star Wars Episode VII Preview


-???-"O.M.G., you've like come back to like life, like wow, totally"

-???-"Shut up, your really fricking annoying, now I have a plan for us, but first tell me if the lord is dead or not"

-Stormtrooper #234-"GHe like died, so like, yah"

-Padme-"Good, good, not much time, we lust take over the galaxy"

-ST234-"Like, yah"

-Padme-"Wait! I sense a jedi near, as well as a sith, that's strange, there both next to each other, very close..."

Luke fell through the ceiling, the emporer flying after him. Luke held his green lightsaber. The Emporer held his red. Padme swiftly pulled out her yellow. The three of them stoood in a triangle.

-Emporer-"I heard what you were discussing Padme, I will not tolerate it"

-Padme-"What, I thought you were dead, so what"

-Emporer-"What...not that-I meant-oh forget it*cough cough*"


-Luke-"Oh, god, that smell it burns me-

-Padme-"Oh my-that-that's so horrible, I'm gonna faint"

-Emporer-"Oh my-that's-that's so great, Who farted?"

~unknown~"It was I, now*poot* it is time to save someone, but this smell makes me forget who, um, oh uh, whoever walks to me first"

Sith music starts playing...

Star Wars Episode VIII Preview

A long time ago in a galaxy Farther then the naked eye can see...

...there is a great war going on. This is 50 years after the wars of the empire...

...A new enemy to the Jedi has risen, there name...

...the Rocks...

...these candied feinds have killed many innocent people, many bad sith and many many many of those mean jedi, oh wait, the narrorator is supposed to be on the Jedis side, so um, hm, forget what I just said, I'll start over...

...After the empire wars another great war is begining really close, there are Jedi, Sith, Rocks, and Barbarians, they fight, then um, other things happen, but in the end, someone will prevail, but who?....

...Luke Landflyer has made three jedi acadamies, he controls the main one. The masked murderer controls the second one and the third is controlled by Chewy Tobacco, otherwise known as Chewbacca...

...The super secret dark evil cave academy of the sith is hidden in a cave in a city like New York, everyone knows where it is, but are to frightened to go there to atack, in the cave they train people to be Sith, there leader is none other then Darth Cellphone...

...The rocks have there hideout in a bar, where they all get drunk, the rocks despise the Jedi and want to kill them all, if sith or anyone else for that matter gets in their way, then they will destroy them. The rock's leader is Super manhole, he is quite evil...

...There isn't much to say about the barbarians, they don't have a leader, they live anywhere, and they have many small groups, one leaader for each...

the light side, the dark side, the stoney side, and the ugly sid eshall colide in...Star Wars Episode 8: The video game, as well as the movie and the book...

Chapters Updated:

Episode I:
Star Wars Preview
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
CHapter VI

Episode II:
Fett Preview

Episode III:
Padme Preview

Episode IV:

Episode V:

Episode VI:

Episode VII:
Episode 7 Preview

Episode VIII:
Episode 8 Preview


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Thankyou Thankyou, *bows*

*ahem* I got the first part of the story!

Here it is...

Food Wars: Episode I
The Orange Menace

Chapter 1: Negotiations

Scene 1

-Obi-Wan-“ Master why are we negotiating with these people?”
-Qui-Gon-“Obi, I am your fath- wait a minute- that’s someone else’s lines, sorry”
-Director-“CUT, who gave him the wrong script? Where did those lines come from, I like them”

-Obi-Wan-“Master why am I named Obi-Wan Kenoobi?”
-Qui-Gon-“Two reasons, first of all, you shouldn’t be named Ben, and second of all, you’re a noob, so it fits perfectly”
-Obi-Oh! What’s a noob?
-Qui-A new person.”
-Obi-To many new terms these days. Hey master why are we negotiating with these people?”
-Qui-Because those ____ at the academy told us to”
-Obi-Oh! I get it now. Hey master, why do curse all the time, it’s not nice, I’ve never heard anyone else yell like that”
-Qui-Because I’m a ____ loser, you ____ ____why are you asking so many ____ questions?”
-Obi- THAT’S IT!!! I’m leaving, I hate you, you curse so much! Waaaaaahhhh”

Obi runs off crying.

-Qui- that ____ ____, how could he do something so ____ stupid, that’s so lame-____, gaahhh”

Qui gets stabbed in the back with an orange lightsaber.
Qui falls to the floor and dies
An envelope attached to an orange stood there holding the orange lightsaber.

-Mail- Mwaa Ha Ha, now to report this to my lork…I mean fork…I mean ford…ooohhh, ford cars…. ooohhh”
-Director- “CUT, why don’t we just skip this scene for now?”

Scene 2: 5 months later…

-Obi-“are you sure that it was 5 months and not 5 years, or 5 minutes, or 5 million, or 5 ounces?”
-Director- “Yes, I’m sure, well, now that everyone is better at reading along with the script, I think it’s time we take scene 2”
-Obi, Mail-“Okay!”

To Be Continued…


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ok Looking forward to the next episode (Try posting around more in these parts if you want more people to come here)


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Episode I
Chapter I
Scene 2


Obi was running off crying.
Obi sat down in a corner sobbing.

20 minutes later…

-Pepper 1-“over here”
-Pepper 2-“alright”

Obi gasped

-Obi-“Droids are- I mean peppers are coming”

-Pepper 1-“You there, you’re under arrest”
-Bottle of alcohol-“hic-stop right the-hic-there”
-Pepper 2- “Oh no”

The bottle of alcohol tipped over a little spraying the peppers with alcohol. He got back up-Alcohol-“Hello-hic-Kenogi-One-Bio-Two-hic”
-Obi-“ummm…it’s Obi-Wan”
-Alcohol-“what-hic-ever, I think you outta-hic-drink me”
-Alcohol-“No I’m Not, I’m a-hic-bottle of alcohol-hic”

The bottle of alcohol tipped over a little, spraying alcohol on Obi.

~One hour later~

-Obi, Pepper 1, Pepper 2, Alcohol- “Yes, were drunk, were drunk, and we like it, Yeehah-hic”

Pepper 2 pulled out a blaster and started randomly firing. He hit Pepper 1.
-Pepper 1-“Ow-hic”
Pepper 1 fell over laughing. Obi was feeling a little queasy, In 20 minutes Obi fell into the corner. When Obi woke up the next day with a hangover, the alcohol and Pepper 1 were dead. Pepper 2 was in a different corner. Obi gasped
-Obi-“ Oh My God, I’m an alcoholic, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”

Scene 3

-Super supreme guy to be negotiated with-“what is that screaming?”

-Other guy-“oh, nothing, where are those two Jedis?”

A pepper rushed in through the door.
-Pepper 3- “Sir…sirs, one of the Jedi is dead, the other has a hangover”
-Negotiator Guy-“Good, send the Pepperikas”
-Other Guy-“Of course sir”

Scene 4

-Obi-“nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, gasp Pepperikas, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”

Blaster shots flew past Obi. Obi got up and pulled out his lightsaber hilt, he lighted it, a flower popped out,


He tried again, a red saber came out.

-Obi-“good enough, hey why did I say doh?”

To be continued…


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
I didn't steal your idea, you said that he should be an alcoholic on the board I didn't need to give you credit for it, your supposed to Private message me, then I'll give you credit, *sigh*, I'll give you credit for it...


Episode I
Chapter I
Scene IV

-Obi-“huzaaah, there all dead”
-Director-“CUT, that was a lame fight scene, let’s do it over again”

Scene IV

Obi jumped over and slashed them to death.

-Obi-“huzaaah, there all dead”
-Director-“CUT, still lame, lets add another character

Scene IV

Obi Jumped over and slashed them to death.

-Obi-“huzaaah, there all dead”
-Mysterious Voice- “really, all of them”
Obi gasped.
-Obi-“Not-h-h-homer simpson, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”
-Director-“CUT, please stop with the over dramatic long no’s.

Scene IV

-Obi-Not h-h-homer Simpson, I-I m-must get you’re a-autograph”
-Homer-“Okay, doh, you got a pen?”
-Obi-Yeah, right here”
-Homer-Thank you, doh, you got some paper?”
-Obi-“No, but I have a Nintendo DS you could write it on”
-Homer-“Okay, thanks, doh, the pen is out of ink”
-Obi-“umm…. just lick the DS
-Homer-“Okay thanks, doh, I’m out of saliva”
-Director-“That is it, we’re going onto the next scene”

Scene V

Obi and Homer ran down the halls.

Scene VI

-negotiator-“Did you set the trap in the hall?”
-Other Guy-“Yes Sir”

Scene VII

Obi and Homer ran down the hall.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next 2.
And the next 3.
And the next 94650375929254038562.
And the next.
And then homer got hit with an anvil.

Obi shrugged and ran on down the hall.
And the next.
Then he arrived in the hall with the door into the negotiating room.
He decided not to talk, but to go throught the other door, jump on one of the ships and drink alcohol.
He did so

To be continued…

Special Thanks To:
Legolastom for Obi being an alcoholic

There, happy?


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
lol, lol, *ahem*, lol

Fine here is a short update of the story...

Someone bombed Bowsers Castle, one of the towers blew to pieces...


ok, there happy? Now please... I must go....soon....

Yes that is part of the story, I have no ideas why! XD


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
..lol, wow, that last post was so quick, it was meant for my oother story, so um...

Sonce I put it in this one, then uh, it just happened, but no one knows where, b.t.w. I still can't update on the story for like two days at least, sorry, I can put in little random things though, if you want...

oh...wait...I know, a preview for Episode 2!

-Obi-"Que star wars music"
-Jango-"Yeehah, wqay ahead of you"
Jango starts playing some western music, "yeehah"
-Obi--"What the... turn that off"
-Jango-"make me" Lightsaber turns on.
-Boba-"Don't worry dad, I'll help you, I have a big fat gun" The older version of Boba appaered...
-Jango-"how did you...but I...huh...oh whatever, yeehah, lets get em son"
-Yoda-"Stop right you there"
-Yoda-"what, who, you, I, blue?"
-Obi-"okay then..."
-Yoda-"Janoba and Bogo Feet, you should yourselves go screw freaks ya"
-Count-"Mwaa Ha Ha"
-Count #2-"Mwaa Ha Ha...Ha Ha Ha..Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"
-Count-"oh, shut up"

Star Wars music starts...


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
okayley dokayley, so, what do you think of Food Wars so far and of the preview for Episode 2???

I have alreaddy written chapters 1-5 of Episode I!

Some of them are really short, none of them are as long as chapter one, which is really long... I am going to try and make chapter six longer though, so, just hold on and enjoy the ride...


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Sorry About Posting Again, but I need to mention that the preview for Episode III is now up on the starter post at the top of the page, so, um, I want to know that I stillhave readers, so, is anyone still reading my story? Because if no one is, then I'm going to like stop and start a new thread with the story instead...

HEY, wait a minute, this whole time, I've only had one reader, what a rip...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2007
Between the grahm and the 'mallow.
Hey, I am. Heck if you read all that crap I wrote I'll read anything you write even if it was just


for 20 solid pages.
I say write what you wanna write when you wanna write it, don't let lack of viewership stop you (of course, this is coming from the guy whose story has a word count of 7351 and counting lol).


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Oh boy, this is a good chance to put in my new part of the story,


There, XD, lol, Rofl, okay, I'm done

thanks for the inspiration, well, now I have someone reading this story...now what about my other story, *sigh* oh well, Hey Legolastom, are you still here? Is anyone else here?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Can someone please read this story as well... i wont always be here to stop him from double posting... eugh im dead l8trz!


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Yay! I have atleast 2 readers... I know other people are reading this story, but could those people speak up please, I need more people to stop me from double posting, oh, and um... uh... whatever, just please speak up, thanks.

My computer with more of my story is having problems right now, I'll be back with more of the story, but I have to keep my thread busy, soooo, hmm...., let's see, I'll...

Nope, I've got nothing...oh, wait! Eh! Never mind...hm... I need more time to think.

...................That's it! Did anyone notice that instead of 6 episodes, there are 8, well, I'll post really short previews for both of them, just to show you a look at what is hidden there....

Edit: I'm very sorry, but it won't let me edit my first post, so I'll have to post the previews right here,

Star Wars Episode VII Preview


-???-"O.M.G., you've like come back to like life, like wow, totally"

-???-"Shut up, your really fricking annoying, now I have a plan for us, but first tell me if the lord is dead or not"

-Stormtrooper #234-"GHe like died, so like, yah"

-Padme-"Good, good, not much time, we lust take over the galaxy"

-ST234-"Like, yah"

-Padme-"Wait! I sense a jedi near, as well as a sith, that's strange, there both next to each other, very close..."

Luke fell through the ceiling, the emporer flying after him. Luke held his green lightsaber. The Emporer held his red. Padme swiftly pulled out her yellow. The three of them stoood in a triangle.

-Emporer-"I heard what you were discussing Padme, I will not tolerate it"

-Padme-"What, I thought you were dead, so what"

-Emporer-"What...not that-I meant-oh forget it*cough cough*"


-Luke-"Oh, god, that smell it burns me-

-Padme-"Oh my-that-that's so horrible, I'm gonna faint"

-Emporer-"Oh my-that's-that's so great, Who farted?"

~unknown~"It was I, now*poot* it is time to save someone, but this smell makes me forget who, um, oh uh, whoever walks to me first"

Sith music starts playing...

There, I hope you all liked my preview, now for Episode 8...

Star Wars Episode VIII Preview

A long time ago in a galaxy Farther then the naked eye can see...

...there is a great war going on. This is 50 years after the wars of the empire...

...A new enemy to the Jedi has risen, there name...

...the Rocks...

...these candied feinds have killed many innocent people, many bad sith and many many many of those mean jedi, oh wait, the narrorator is supposed to be on the Jedis side, so um, hm, forget what I just said, I'll start over...

...After the empire wars another great war is begining really close, there are Jedi, Sith, Rocks, and Barbarians, they fight, then um, other things happen, but in the end, someone will prevail, but who?....

...Luke Landflyer has made three jedi acadamies, he controls the main one. The masked murderer controls the second one and the third is controlled by Chewy Tobacco, otherwise known as Chewbacca...

...The super secret dark evil cave academy of the sith is hidden in a cave in a city like New York, everyone knows where it is, but are to frightened to go there to atack, in the cave they train people to be Sith, there leader is none other then Darth Cellphone...

...The rocks have there hideout in a bar, where they all get drunk, the rocks despise the Jedi and want to kill them all, if sith or anyone else for that matter gets in their way, then they will destroy them. The rock's leader is Super manhole, he is quite evil...

...There isn't much to say about the barbarians, they don't have a leader, they live anywhere, and they have many small groups, one leaader for each...

the light side, the dark side, the stoney side, and the ugly sid eshall colide in...Star Wars Episode 8: The video game, as well as the movie and the book...

There, I hope you all liked that, it is longer then I thought it would be, but, who cares, right?...


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Still cant post, so sorry
well, I dont have any previews for you, but, I have a poll!!!!
Who do you think was the person that farted in the review for Episode 7?

A. Luke
B. The Emporer
C. Padme
D. Stormtrooper #234
E. Stormtrooper #1
F.Stormtrooper #-43
G. Darth Vader
H. Han Solo
I. Han Trio
J. Chewbacca

I's strange, but whatever


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
ok, I will only reveal the answer if someone gets it right, everyone only has two chances each....
F is incorrect....
Now you have A-E G-J, ok, vote!(I might reveal the answer eventually)


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Doo doo Do Dooooooooo, we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, It Was Darth Vader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wahoo! *clap clap clap* Lol, so anyway....

Um, now I have to think of something new and exciting to keep the viewers happy, I am still sorry for the delay of the story, I hope that You Will Love when it comes back again.

....hmmmm.....now what.....

That's It! I have an exciting Idea! I want to see what everyone thinks about this.....

In Episode II, who wants me to kill off Boba? It's a yes or no! You Have um, 24 hours aprx. to vote, yes or no, yes, you want him killed, or no you do not! Let The Readers decide tha fate of Boba, for I am all Mighty and powerful, well, I have to go now, buh-bye


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
Start The Music!!!
*imagines Mettallica in head,Wahoo!*
Not That Music, Start the real music, come on...
*pulls out guitar*
No no no, you know, the Movie/Book/Game Music
Oh, ok, *turns on cd player, puts in cd, victory music starts playing*
NOOOOOOO, The Main Music, The Main Star Wars Music, jeez...
*puts in different cd, It's Raining Men starts playing*
Oh, sorry, wrong side, *flips cd over, teletubbies theme song starts playing* Oh, um, let me go the next song * Sith Music Starts playing*
Oh, good enough, it's Food Wars At Least...

...That's Right! Im Back!
I Now have my computer all fixed up, so the stuff that I wrote in Word is now readdy for Smashboards, Yay!!!!!!!!!!
So Anyway, I'll give you all another day or something like that to answer The Boba Question, hmmmmmm, I gave you all over a week to answer, and you didn't, EVER!!!! Have You stopped reading this story or something!!!!
Well, anyway, Im sorry for the delay of the story and Im finnally back in bussiness...(or so to speak)Now!!!! Just to see if anyone respondes, I will leave and come back later (plus I have to go do some stuff anyway)
Please tell me if you'd like me to kill Boba, now, Ill be on my ways...to update my other story, lol!


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
No, I mean Boba, remember the preview? It was in the preview, no, for some mysterious reason, Boba is an adult instead, as well as Jango! I won't give away the details of that untill Episode II though.....

Well now that someone is here, I might as well post more of the story....

Here goes..


Episode 1
Chapter 2-1

Chapter 2:Some stupid creature

Scene I

-Jar-Jar-“Hello, mesa jar-jar binks, mesa really stupid”

A ship landed on Jar-Jar, crushing him right after he mentioned the lake.

Scene II

-Obi-“here’s the lake”
Obi swam into a dome.

He walked into a room with the lord/king

-King-“I think you should take my ship, we love those land people and envy them.
-Obi-“no, I don’t want it”
-King-“Take it or else”

The King forced Obi into the ship to travel to the Queen.

Scene III

Obi dodged lots of wildlife

Scene IV

Obi arrived at the city

To be continued…

…continued right now…

Episode I
Chapter III: The princess
Scene I

-Obi-“The Princess”
-Princess-“The Princess”
-Obi-“The Princess”
-Princess-“The Princess The Princess”

Scene II

-Mail-“The Princess”
-Lord-“The Princess”
-Mail-“The Princess”

Scene III

-King-“The Princess, The Princess, The Princess”

Scene IV

-Jar-Jar- “The pr-princess, not mesa”

Scene V

-negotiator-“The princess”
-Other Guy-“The princess”
-Pepper 356-“The princess”

Scene VI

-Alcohols Ghost-“The Princess”
-Homers Ghost-“The Princess”

Scene VII

-Obi-“The Princess”
-Qui’s Ghost-“The ___ Princess”

Scene VIII

-Anakin-“The Princess”
-Director-“CUT, Anakin is not part of the story yet, Who the Princess did this?, gah, whatever, they go to Naboo”

...to be continued....
...but when? Mwaa Ha Ha

There, I made those two segments a long time ago, but I put them both together now for two reasons...

1:There kinda lame
2:I haven't posted more of the story in a long time...

I hope you all enjoyed more of the story, I will try to put up more tommorow, remember to comment...


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
.......is that supposed to be a joke, an insult, a compliment, or, being confused?
Because here's my response(s)...
thankyou, go away, thankyou, and don't worry about it, those responses are all in order, now, I have no idea why I just wrote that, but, whatever....

Im sorry about the delay (again) but my computer is being so stupid, well, I hope you enjoy my new post!

Episode I
Chapter V: The Race
Scene I

Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 5
Scene 5
Scene 7
Scene 8
Scene 6
Scene 9783654
Scene 9783655

Scene 9785656

The Naboo Race is about to start!

Pizza The Hut spit a pepperoni at the bell, the bell swung back and forth, hitting a clothes line, the pants fell to the shirt, the shirt fell to the sock, the sock fell to the clothesline below that one, the clothesline bounced up and down knocking down a bucket, the bucket fell over spraying water on an old man, he yelled that aliens were attacking, an alien popped out of a window and looked offended, he picked up his phone, The person with the flag….his phone rang, he answered and yelled Go!

Scene 67

The race started and they all flew past a bunch of campers dropping there picnic stuff on the people…and creatures shooting them with rifals. They went into a canyon, where one of the speeders hit another one into a wall, he then came up behind Anakin Spacerunner.
He dodged the orange ship’s attacks except one, which sent him flying into a wall.
5 hours later he woke up surrounded by his Mother, Obi, and Padme.
-Anakin-“Mom, before I die, I want to say, I hate you, Obi, I want to say, I hope You stop being an alcoholic soon, Padme, I want to say, ummm….uhh….never mind, uhh….how are you going to pay for the ship?”
-Padme-“Oh, I found the money in my bank account”
-Obi- “You said it was on the ground”
-Padme-“Oh…Yeah…The Ground”
Padme kissed Anakin good bye. Obi and Padme left.
In 5 minutes Anakin rushed out “I want to go too, I want to be a Jedi.”
His mother ran out after him, “Are you sure?”
-Anakin-“Yes, I want to leave you forever, so goodbye…and good ridins”
They hugged and departed from each other.

To be continued…

wow (what will happen....IN THE LAST CHAPTER OF EPISODE I, Mwaa Ha Ha, dun dun dun, lol, I can't believe the dun dun dun joke is still around, well, anyways, I think I actually have more then one reader, two mabye even three! Wouldn't that be nice!XD


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
....well, to tell you the secret....

Have you ever seen Spaceballs the movie? That's where I got the idea?

Sith Music Starts………..

Sith Music Stops…………

Action Music Starts……….

Action Music Continues……

The Beast Stood There Menacingley, evily, menacingly, evily, menacingly, evily, (did I mention Menacingly? Oh, well, whatever), menacingly, evily, viciously, um, some other vile word that makes the story more intense unless you use to many of them, menacingly, evily, viciously….

The Beast still stood there… menacingly, with an evil grin on his face, he just stood there with that smirk, staring at Obi, Obi staring back…

The Beast looked at Darth Mail……oops, sorry, my bad as the narrorator, I meant…yeah, well, whatever, start over…

The Beast stood there…blah blah blah…Obi stood there…blah blah blah…Darth Mail started running away…blah blah blah…Obi Chased him…blah blah blah…

Mail jumped to the next platform, and the next and the next, until he was at the top of the tower. Obi could not make such jumps, and as so, Mail took advantage of it…

He shot blasts of Orange Slices at Obi. Obi(being part icecream, from his mothers side) absorbed this, becoming an orange sherbert, now, Obi could fight back! He blasted Mail with Ice as sharp as a pencil that just came out of a pencil sharpener that is really pointy and sharp, Mail dodged to the left, shot an orange slice, dodged to the right, and from there, he shot a banana peel, it landed in front of Obi, who, (as this being a cartoon) slipped on the banana peel and fell to his doom….


……but! He was saved! By…….. Spider Pig????? Actually it was Homer Simpson holding Spider Pig…

Spider Pig can do anything, you remember that Obi-Wan, he saved me from that anvil, so I decided to come and help you…

Darth Mail laughed, that pig can’t do anything, he shot an orange slice at Homer, he of course, slipped on this slice, falling to his doom….

Which had a long and dramatcic, DDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, then a crash, then another crash, then a fart, and a short doh.

Spider Pig pointed his hand in the air, a spider web shot out above Darth Mail, he climbed up, dropped down, and did his deadly OINK at Mail, making him fall to the ground. His orange fell off his mail, falling to its doom, which only had a Splat!…

The Mail, with one arm, got up, he pulled out his lightsaber from beneath his envelope and cried out….

-Mail-You cannot defeat my master
-Obi-Yeah, and who’s that?
-Mail-I cannot say his name
-Obi-Why Not?
-Pig-Oink oink oink, oink oink!
-Mail-well, because, well, he is, well, you know who
-Obi-No, no, I don’t
-Mail-He’s you know who
-Obi-I just said I don’t know who he-oink
-Mail-he’s you know-oink
-Obi- For gods sake, I don’t know who the oink he is, so oink off, you oink, oink, oink, oink oink oink, oink oink!
-Mail-Will you shut that oinken pig up?
-Obi-Yo, Spider Pig, shut Up!
-Pig-OINK! Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink oink oink, oink oink oink, oink oink oink.
-Mail- Gah! He’s You-Know-Who!
-Obi-Who Is That?
-Pig- I know who he is!
-Mail-Did he just…
-Obi-maybe we ought to forget it…
-Homer-dddddddoooooooohhhhhh-DOH, another anvil, uuuhhhhh, I cant feel my head, its dark down here…
Lucuis Mouthfoy came bursting through the single window at the top corner of the room, which is the size of a peanut(no, he’s not tiny, he just used magic), someone called his name, who was it?

-obi-oh, it was-uh-Spider Pig!
-Lucius-I do not see a spider pig, all I see is a big shaft, an anvil, blood, Obi, Mail, a banana peel, Harry Porker, orange slices, What! Harry Porker!!!!!
-Obi-Oh, I guess he changed from Spider Pig to Harry Porker, awww, he even has the little scar on his head…
-Pig-That’s Right-oink, and yes, I can talk-oink!
-Lucuis- This is an outrage, I shall not let my arch-rival get away…


The great battle will be continued….


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
It Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes The Final Part of Episode I is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Wars Fan Club Music Starts Playing.....
So, do not worry, This is not the end of all of Food Wars or anything like that, it is just the end of Episode I.....
I would really enjoy if everyone who is reading would speak up about what they think about with my first Chapter, like compliments, complaints, anything I could improve, you know that sort of thing.....oh what am I babbeling on about, no more waiting.....

……..The Great Battles Starts…. NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Obi flipped back away from Mail, and unsheathed his lightsaber with such immense speed that it would probably be faster then the sound of speed, I mean speed of dark, I mean speed of Light years, I mean….the speed of my memory…………

He sprang into the air, everything went into slow motion, he kicked him with his right foot, landing safely on his left. When his right landed he swung his left straight into Mail sticker to seal him. He repeated this process, knocking Mail to his feet, his saber flying across the room. Lucius flew down grabbed it, and threw it to Mail, who at the same time sprang to his feet and caught it. Lucuis flew back up to get hit with a freezing spell.

“Oink” Spider Pig Grunted with authority. He shot a web to the ceiling, swung down, his tail whipping Mail across the face on the way, leaving an opening for Obi to lunge his saber forward right into Mails Stamp. Mail cried with agony as white blood poured out of the opening.

“You shall defeat me when pigs fly Obi-Wan” Mail yelled out. He rushed towards Obi, shot his saber through the air; it hit Obi and made a large wound on his right shoulder. Mail ran past Obi, punching his right shoulder with as much fierce as he could, and grabbed his saber again. Obi dropped to the floor. Mail walked up to him and kicked him towards the center of the room, where the pit is. Obi left arm lie off of the platform, dangling down. Mail slammed his foot down on Obis Shoulder. Obi moaned and urged but couldn’t find enough power to move.

Meanwhile Spider Pig turned into Harry Porker, he pulled out his wand, dodged the spell Louis shot and cast some more freezing spells since the first one didn’t do much. Lucius quickly moved from side to side, carefully maneuvering as to not be hit and loose his defenses. Harry pulled out a cape, he transformed into……Superpig! He flew into the air and just as he did that, Obi had enough power to rise up, punch Mail in his mouth, and slit his neck. Obi used the force to grab his saber. He smirked “when pigs fly…..when pigs fly”

Superpig flew faster and faster, chasing after Lucuis. Lucuis pulled something out of his pocket………. Kryptonite…. Super pig, fell to the floor, slowly moving away. Lucuis landed in front of him, slowly walking after the crawling away pig…..

Obi slashed to the left, to the right, jumped over him, swung from behind, and stabbed forward, but Mail blocked every attack with his own Orange saber. Obi kicked upwards, hitting Mail below the waist and above the knee. He then punched him in the chest, making Mail fall backwards and into the hole. He landed on one of the circles below, hanging for life.” HEY, weren’t you supposed to be the one that falls down here???”

“hmmm…. You’re right Mail, well, if you can get back up here, you can push me down”

Mail jumped into the air, landed on the ground above, and pushed Obi in. Obi landed on the circle, hanging for his life, his lightsaber sitting up top. He started using the force on it…..

Spider Pig crawled away from Lucuis, accidentely bumping into Mail, who tried balancing to stay up on the platform and accidentley swung his lightsaber back, slicing Lucius in half, his two half-bodies fell down the hole to their doom. The kryptonite staying up on the platform….still weakening Super pig! Super Pig inched towards it, and tried to push it off of the ledge, while Obi tried to get his lightsaber closer.

“HEY!!!!” Screamed Mail, “I know what you’re trying to do Obi, I will not let you”, Mail picked up Obi’s Lightsber. Spider Pig nudged the kryptonite off of the ledge, it hit Obi in the head, making him fall to his doom. Super Pig slowly got up, staggeringly, and accidentally knocked Mail off of the ledge. Super Pig realized what he had done, and flew down the hole after Obi. He grabbed Obi, and swung him up to the ledge up top, Super Pig then got weakened by the kryptonite, which was now flying to the bottom of the shaft next to Super Pig….Super Pig fell to his doom……..

Meanwhile the annoying creatures had defeated the chilies. Great Celebration was to be had, and there were to people that now had to become Jedi; Anakin and Padme!

The End (or is it…)

WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPISODE I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have a party to commerate this achievement.....I'll call it......Episode 1.5, the party for nothing!


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Hyrule...OF COURSE!
.........how did you know that's what it is called.......XD that is really what I'm gonna call it XD

Is there anything that I could do to improve it??? If so, please tell me...

Hmmmm..... there is a chance(believe it or not)that I can update tommorow cuz have off from school, so I might be able to type up some more!


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Make it look better... you done well with grammar and such but use different fonts for different things,change the size , add a title.

Just general stuff used to make it all look nicer...

That was one of the first "C" lettered vegetables i could think of ; )
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