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STAR(ter) WARS Round 2!

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Who has the worst fire starter line? (Torchic)
Who has the worst starter line, overall? (Tepig)
I just don't understand posts like these.

Seriously people if you put a Pokemon as your favorite/least favorite line of all time, it's OBVIOUSLY gonna be, in your opinion, the best/worst line for its type.

That's like me saying Mewtwo is the best Pokemon of all time, but Charizard is the best generation 1 Pokemon.



Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I just don't understand posts like these.

Seriously people if you put a Pokemon as your favorite/least favorite line of all time, it's OBVIOUSLY gonna be, in your opinion, the best/worst line for its type.

That's like me saying Mewtwo is the best Pokemon of all time, but Charizard is the best generation 1 Pokemon.

I could argue that your example doesn't work, even though I agree with what you said. This is relatively straightforward on those terms, so I definitely agree with people really ****ing up on this when their worst starter doesn't fit in one of the other three categories. I mean, unless you choose Pikachu. But that's the only exception.

What makes your example not work though is dependent on what you think makes the best Pokemon of all time, and what makes the best generation 1 Pokemon. For instance, if you considered Mewtwo the best of all-time because he's your favorite and you think he represents the entirety of Pokemon more, then at the same time you could say Charizard is the best generation 1 Pokemon because although Mewtwo's your favorite, Charizard is a close second and you feel that Charizard represents just generation 1 more. I don't know if that makes any sense, but yeah. It's just a perception thing.

I got into this mode of thinking after watching the CMAs this year and Need You Now won Single of the Year, but The House That Built Me won Song of the Year; despite both being nominated for both categories. The difference sits in what you think a single usually is and should be. Because I know at least to me, Need You Now was a single and The House That Built Me just kind of felt like something else entirely; even though it was also a single.

That probably makes no sense and it's pretty off-topic, but whatever.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
What you said is true but you're over thinking what I meant.

Maybe this is a better example:

Mewtwo is my favorite Pokemon of all time. Out of the 649 we have now, Mewtwo is numero uno.

But out of the first 151 (which Mewtwo is in), Caterpie is my favorite.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Who has the best water starter line?
Mudkip. 3rd gen was the first time I saw myself questioning the choice between starters. In the end I went with Mudkip. It's evolution line doesn't disappoint at any stage.

Who has the worst water starter line?
Oshawott. I just don't really like it.
I don't like when evolution lines look like they make no sense at all, and from 2nd form to 3rd I get that feeling. With every other starter line you can clearly see how it evolves and grows. Not the case here.

Who has the best fire starter line?
Charmander. My first starter ever, and I never looked back at that choice. In my mind he is what every starter should strive to be. Simple and cute, but becomes epic, powerful, and badass.

Who has the worst fire starter line?
Tepig. It's just... ugly in my mind. And the worst part is that I think it grows uglier each time it evolves. Not to mention that using Fire/Fighting for a THIRD time in a row is so unoriginal at this point. Really, it seems lazy to me on their part to just toss us another Fire/Fighting starter.

Who has the best grass starter line?
Snivy. Definitely who I was most excited to use when the 5th gen starters were revealed. It was by far better looking than the others, and its evolution line was easily the best. Each evolution improved upon the last, and Jarooda makes Arbok and Seviper look so lame.

Who has the worst grass starter line?
Chikorita. Too plain in my opinion. As it evolves it doesn't really improve all that much either.

Who is the best 1st form?
Snivy. I don't think any other starter has as much attitude as Snivy.

Who is the worst 1st form?
Tepig. At least Oshawott is pretty cute. Tepig is just ugly, and I wish I could just choose a Spoink instead every time I see it.

Who is the best 2nd form?
I think this is a toughy. Generally the second evolutions are like the bridge from cute to cool, so they never really wow me. I guess if I had to pick, Futachimaru. I agree with those who don't like Oshawott or Daikenki, but Futachimaru is so much better than both of them combined. If only they kept with his general look with Daikenki...

Who is the worst 2nd form?
Chaobuu. Ew. Ew. Ew. It needs to go away.

Who is the best 3rd form?
I absolutely love Empoleon. Piplup and Prinplup are bad in my opinion. Empoleon on the other hand saves the entire line, and makes it one of the better lines all by himself. It is exactly what I would imagine. It personifies the idea of "emperor."

Who is the worst 3rd form?
Enbuoo. Again... Tepig's evolution in general is so ugly to me.

Which gen. had the best starters?
I think that the 1st is by far the most consistent. Other gens might have something I like more, but have something I hate at the same time.

Which gen. had the worst?
I think I would have to say the 5th generation is the least consistent. Snivy is my favorite of any generation, and the evolution line is good on top of that, but the others are just bad.

Who has the best starter line, overall?
I think the most successful is Charmander. It has everything that an evolution line needs in my opinion.

Who has the worst starter line, overall?
I haven't said it enough, but Tepig. Just bad.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
Who has the best water starter line? (Mudkip)
Who has the worst water starter line? (Oshawott)

Who has the best fire starter line? (Charmander)
Who has the worst fire starter line? (Tepig)

Who has the best grass starter line? (Treecko)
Who has the worst grass starter line? (Turtwig)

Who is the best 1st form? (Snivy)
Who is the worst 1st form? (Oshawott)

Who is the best 2nd form? (Quilava)
Who is the worst 2nd form? (Chaobuu)

Who is the best 3rd form? (Swampert)
Who is the worst 3rd form? (Enbuoo)

Which gen. had the best starters? (3rd)
Which gen. had the worst? (5th)

Who has the best starter line, overall? (Mudkip)
Who has the worst starter line, overall? (Tepig)
i really hate Tepig's evo line
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