Sweet matches everyone, had a great time. Gary rocked the competition with Roy, very nice matches! Nice having Zyroqwa/Kintehr along for the ride, we definitely need to get some smash fests in when I'm back on breaks, was too bad the other C.R. people had stuff going on, would have rocked to really represent C.R. at this one.
Fall- Sweet matches, great getting a chance to test some strategies out against you, Ness shall only grow in power }
DV02- was good playing against you, even if I died a little inside every time I played captain condom. Take it easy on your brother, hes the only other Ness player in Iowa I've heard of.
Kami- Cool hanging out with you, sad to hear you're quitting smash, but hey, whatever it takes, just bunker down and get some school work done, you'll be happy later (and besides, we all know Brawl will draw you back in :D ).
Deveyus- nice nerding out a little with you, hope to see you around.
Sheer Cold- You better not let your stomache in the way of low tier next time!! j/k, thanks for hosting, was a great location, really close matches, see you around.
Random people from somewhere?- You guys should have stayed for singles, was pretty fun, if you read smash boards you should definitely post the videos you took of the doubles, hope to see you again.
Overall a great time, I'll be in Indiana most of the time now, but hope to see you all at big events and on breaks!