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Stairway to Heaven?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
I'm not sure if this is known; even tho it's seemingly useless.

Meta Knight will not KO himself by gliding upwards out of the arena. You can fly sideways and get KO'd; however, not upwards. I've tried this on many maps.

My basic test was: Jump as high as I can on the left side, glide down under the map shifting, then popping up really high on the other side. . . then using UP+B, and reversing the process to get even higher on the original side I started on. . . and I went insanely high and it 'felt' like I was 'hitting a wall' but I couldn't KO myself upwards.

In fact, after you go so far upwards, you can't even KO off the sides anymore.

I've found a few neat tricks and uses for this.

Try it out sometime. Fun stuff :)

edit: I was actually able to KO myself once by going too far to the side (diagonal) while REALLY up high. How high he can go if you get a boost from someone or use the moving platform on Smashville or something is insane. I'd like more experienced SSB players to tell me if they think Meta Knight is getting away with something here or if the 'out of arena detection' is just much higher than what I think it is (doubtful, seeing how high I'm going lol)

edit 2: Using a large-sized nearly empty custom stage, it seems I am able to confirm it's true Meta Knight cannot KO himself gliding extremely high upwards. I'm bored.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
A lonely place
I don't think it's possible to commit suicide upwards. I tried to do it with Dedede sometimes, but it just wouldn't happen.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2008
Penticton's finest!
Wario can, though, with his fully charged fart. Infact, it's really easy to do too. Nothing new though.

As for this Metaknight stuff, it's certainly interesting.
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