Bobby Emerald
Smash Apprentice
This is a thread where we can suggest stages for Brawl. I'll showcase my ideas:
Kirby series
We're goin' old school. From the first Kirby game(Kirby's Dreamland),
Castle Lololo-This stage is outside the castle, with the castle in the background, 2d and in color. Those carts that Lololo and Lalala push are big, but fast. They come out from the sides of the screen. This stage is similar to Icicle Mountain(Infinite Glacier) in Melee, with platforms from the time you face Lo & La. The screen doesn't move. The platforms are also in midair. Lo & La push the carts in the screen.
That's all I got from this series...oh well...moving on!
Metroid Series
Metroid Fusion
Main Deck-Near Samus's Starship.
Background-The shaft where the ship comes in.
Stage-The place where you fight Omega Metroid in the end. So in that case there's no platforms. The Omega Metroid will pop out of the right side of the screen, slashing at anyone near. Sometimes it will walk across the stage and back. The Omega Metroid inflicts 10-20% damage. It can take up to a whopping 70%, then it won't be back for 3 whole minutes.
Metroid Prime
Chozo Ruins
That place where you fight Flahgraa(sp?)-Taken over by Chozo Ghosts. The whole room is the stage, although it works a bit like Final Destination. In the center is the giant flower, surrounded by knee-deep water. When the Chozo Ghosts come it gets dark, so dark that you can only see the outline of your picked character. The only light is the aura of the Chozo Ghosts, who are a bright pearly white. They jump around the stage, sometimes even floating(yes, they can do that in Prime...), shooting white energy balls at you. (No negative thinking, sickos!...Ah, I shouldn't be talking, lol) Defeat the Ghosts or they will stay there for 2 minutes, Melee time. The water is poisonous when the Ghosts come. The Ghost can take plenty of hits, up to 60% damage. Did I mention there's two of them? For double the fun? LOL!
Phazon Mines
That place where you fight Omega Pirate- This one's really good. And yes, the Omega Pirate is there. It takes a whopping 300% damage! And lots of other Space Pirates are there, Flying Pirates, Troopers, and the originals. Although this should be an Adventure stage, ya know?
Metroid Prime 2
I'll work on this later....
Time for the Pokemon series. This is gonna be good
From Kanto
Lavander Town-Pokemon Tower is in the background, along with the pokemon center and mart. A wandering cubone in front of the PT. Rock Tunnel mountains are also in the background. This stage is in front of Lavander Town. (south) Of course, there will be ghost pokemon. Haunter, Ghastly, and Gengar levitate out of the PT door. Gengar (Comes out rarely)uses Night Shade, making the screen black for a few seconds. Haunter uses Curse, inflicting up to 20% damage. Gastly uses Hypnosis, and Dream Eater(10% damage only if the player is asleep.)
Cinnibar Island/ Seafoam Islands-Working on it
Power Plant-Outside the Power Plant.
The ledge of the windows of the Power Plant are platforms (4)
Three platforms right above the door, one big platform above those three. There's a window on the top one, and it's open. Electric pokemon come out (go figure...). Electabuzz, Voltorb, Electrode, and Magneton come out. Electabuzz use thunderbolt, inflicting 10-15% damage. Voltorb uses Selfdestruct, if anyone is near it, he or she is sent flying(not so much though), plus 20% damage.
Electrode uses Explosion, even more powerful than Selfdestruct. It uses the same effect as the Bullet Bill in Peach's Castle (Melee). But don't worry, Electrode are rare. Magneton uses Thunder, so 3 thunderstrikes strike at a random place. Makes the stage exciting!
Chances: Electrode-1 out of 10
Voltorb- 3 out of 10
Electabuzz- 3 out of 10
Magneton- 3 out of 10
From Johto
Lake of Rage- An island in the middle of the Lake. 2/8 of the ground platform isn't there, it's actually deep water, 1/8 on the left side of the screen, 1/8 on the right side of the screen. Fall in it and it's a KO. Gyarados emerge from the deep water, either using Dragon Rage(breathing blue fire across the stage inflicting up to 30% damage, idea from Pokemon Stadium), or Bite(jumps out of the lake over the ground platform. If you jump in it's way, you are sent flying downward. 10-12% damage).
Sometimes two Gyarados will come out both sides, one each side, both using bite.
Ground floor is sand.
Background: The rest of the lake, with Gyarados swimming around. Behind the lake is a bunch 'o trees and grass.
National Park-
Background: Trees, grass, benches, and arches. Butterfree and Beedrill fly around. Beedrill
(3) sting you if you make contact with them, inflicting 5-8% damage. Butterfree are harmless. But if you attack them, you automatically fall asleep. Occasionally, a Scyther will jump around like Scizor in Melee. There's no telling where it will come out...even from the sky!
Stage: In the high, thick grasses. No platforms.
From Hoenn
Ever Grande City-
Forefront of stage: Waterfall
Ground floor: Soft groundwith some grass.
Background: Entrance to Victory Road, pokecenter, TONS of flowers, different colored, small, and look nice.
Platforms: 3 rocky ones that jut out of Victory Road in a formation like the Battlefield in Melee, except farther apart and a bit higher.
Zelda series-
Twilight Princess
Sacred Grove-Anyone got some ideas? I'm thinking the place where you fight the skull kid and his minions...
SOMEWHERE in the Twilight Realm-Any ideas?
Hyrule Castle Roof- Just like the Hyrule Castle stage in SSB 64, except bigger and more atmospheric. It would be raining and thunderstorming. The background music would be the theme that plays when you return to Princess Zelda after you complete the Lakebed Temple.
Hidden Village-The stage should be a bit like Onett from Melee.
Stage looks like when you first come in the Hidden Village, 2 platforms on sides of the screen, one on each side, where the archers shoot fire arrows. The arrows inflict 5-15% damage. You can attack them. They can take up to 25% damage, then they are tossed out the screen, like how you beat up a goomba in Adventure mode. Ground platform is dusty ground, with a harmless tumbleweed going across the field occasionally. And two boxes where the first cat you see on top was. They can be platforms, but sometimes they'll light on fire from the archers' arrows. The fire is harmful, inflicting 2%damage as long as you touch the fire. The wind will blow across the field after a minute the boxes are on fire. The archers don't blow away though. The background is what it looks like in TP.
City in the Sky-It's in the sky, duh! Anyway, the whole ground platform is made of blue rectangular prisms (that's what they look like in Tp) that will shake for 10 seconds after you land on it and then drop out the sky (no pun intended). Boxes and barrels can also make the blue blocks fall. There are four suspended platforms in a diamond figure. Not made of blocks. Argorok will occasionally fly past the stage either breathing fire or dive-bombing, inflicting 20% damage.
Dragon Roost Island-Players will fight on the beach, near that little pool with the bomb flowers, occasionally exploding suddenly. There are three. It's a big stage, about as big as Final Destination. A sudden gust of wind will flow past the stage; bomb flowers will drop during and after the wind blowing.
Scenery- Cyclos will fly past the stage VERY fast and will cause a tornado, similar to the one in the first SSB (Hyrule Castle). Zephos will fly across the screen, causing the wind to blow, causing bombs to drop. They're just having fun! Water from the pool form 1/5 of the platform. Fire effect won't do as much damage in the water, but impact stays. All players are slightly slower in the water. If a tornado hits the water, it gets m ore powerful the longer it's in. Music-A remix of DRI.
DK series-
DK 64
DK Island-Working on it....
King Rool's Battle Ring- The name of the title explains it all.....just a boxing ring with the Kremlings watching in the crowd.
Ok, I'm done. Rate my stages and post yours ideas so I can make more!
Kirby series
We're goin' old school. From the first Kirby game(Kirby's Dreamland),
Castle Lololo-This stage is outside the castle, with the castle in the background, 2d and in color. Those carts that Lololo and Lalala push are big, but fast. They come out from the sides of the screen. This stage is similar to Icicle Mountain(Infinite Glacier) in Melee, with platforms from the time you face Lo & La. The screen doesn't move. The platforms are also in midair. Lo & La push the carts in the screen.
That's all I got from this series...oh well...moving on!
Metroid Series
Metroid Fusion
Main Deck-Near Samus's Starship.
Background-The shaft where the ship comes in.
Stage-The place where you fight Omega Metroid in the end. So in that case there's no platforms. The Omega Metroid will pop out of the right side of the screen, slashing at anyone near. Sometimes it will walk across the stage and back. The Omega Metroid inflicts 10-20% damage. It can take up to a whopping 70%, then it won't be back for 3 whole minutes.
Metroid Prime
Chozo Ruins
That place where you fight Flahgraa(sp?)-Taken over by Chozo Ghosts. The whole room is the stage, although it works a bit like Final Destination. In the center is the giant flower, surrounded by knee-deep water. When the Chozo Ghosts come it gets dark, so dark that you can only see the outline of your picked character. The only light is the aura of the Chozo Ghosts, who are a bright pearly white. They jump around the stage, sometimes even floating(yes, they can do that in Prime...), shooting white energy balls at you. (No negative thinking, sickos!...Ah, I shouldn't be talking, lol) Defeat the Ghosts or they will stay there for 2 minutes, Melee time. The water is poisonous when the Ghosts come. The Ghost can take plenty of hits, up to 60% damage. Did I mention there's two of them? For double the fun? LOL!
Phazon Mines
That place where you fight Omega Pirate- This one's really good. And yes, the Omega Pirate is there. It takes a whopping 300% damage! And lots of other Space Pirates are there, Flying Pirates, Troopers, and the originals. Although this should be an Adventure stage, ya know?
Metroid Prime 2
I'll work on this later....
Time for the Pokemon series. This is gonna be good
From Kanto
Lavander Town-Pokemon Tower is in the background, along with the pokemon center and mart. A wandering cubone in front of the PT. Rock Tunnel mountains are also in the background. This stage is in front of Lavander Town. (south) Of course, there will be ghost pokemon. Haunter, Ghastly, and Gengar levitate out of the PT door. Gengar (Comes out rarely)uses Night Shade, making the screen black for a few seconds. Haunter uses Curse, inflicting up to 20% damage. Gastly uses Hypnosis, and Dream Eater(10% damage only if the player is asleep.)
Cinnibar Island/ Seafoam Islands-Working on it
Power Plant-Outside the Power Plant.
The ledge of the windows of the Power Plant are platforms (4)
Three platforms right above the door, one big platform above those three. There's a window on the top one, and it's open. Electric pokemon come out (go figure...). Electabuzz, Voltorb, Electrode, and Magneton come out. Electabuzz use thunderbolt, inflicting 10-15% damage. Voltorb uses Selfdestruct, if anyone is near it, he or she is sent flying(not so much though), plus 20% damage.
Electrode uses Explosion, even more powerful than Selfdestruct. It uses the same effect as the Bullet Bill in Peach's Castle (Melee). But don't worry, Electrode are rare. Magneton uses Thunder, so 3 thunderstrikes strike at a random place. Makes the stage exciting!
Chances: Electrode-1 out of 10
Voltorb- 3 out of 10
Electabuzz- 3 out of 10
Magneton- 3 out of 10
From Johto
Lake of Rage- An island in the middle of the Lake. 2/8 of the ground platform isn't there, it's actually deep water, 1/8 on the left side of the screen, 1/8 on the right side of the screen. Fall in it and it's a KO. Gyarados emerge from the deep water, either using Dragon Rage(breathing blue fire across the stage inflicting up to 30% damage, idea from Pokemon Stadium), or Bite(jumps out of the lake over the ground platform. If you jump in it's way, you are sent flying downward. 10-12% damage).
Sometimes two Gyarados will come out both sides, one each side, both using bite.
Ground floor is sand.
Background: The rest of the lake, with Gyarados swimming around. Behind the lake is a bunch 'o trees and grass.
National Park-
Background: Trees, grass, benches, and arches. Butterfree and Beedrill fly around. Beedrill
(3) sting you if you make contact with them, inflicting 5-8% damage. Butterfree are harmless. But if you attack them, you automatically fall asleep. Occasionally, a Scyther will jump around like Scizor in Melee. There's no telling where it will come out...even from the sky!
Stage: In the high, thick grasses. No platforms.
From Hoenn
Ever Grande City-
Forefront of stage: Waterfall
Ground floor: Soft groundwith some grass.
Background: Entrance to Victory Road, pokecenter, TONS of flowers, different colored, small, and look nice.
Platforms: 3 rocky ones that jut out of Victory Road in a formation like the Battlefield in Melee, except farther apart and a bit higher.
Zelda series-
Twilight Princess
Sacred Grove-Anyone got some ideas? I'm thinking the place where you fight the skull kid and his minions...
SOMEWHERE in the Twilight Realm-Any ideas?
Hyrule Castle Roof- Just like the Hyrule Castle stage in SSB 64, except bigger and more atmospheric. It would be raining and thunderstorming. The background music would be the theme that plays when you return to Princess Zelda after you complete the Lakebed Temple.
Hidden Village-The stage should be a bit like Onett from Melee.
Stage looks like when you first come in the Hidden Village, 2 platforms on sides of the screen, one on each side, where the archers shoot fire arrows. The arrows inflict 5-15% damage. You can attack them. They can take up to 25% damage, then they are tossed out the screen, like how you beat up a goomba in Adventure mode. Ground platform is dusty ground, with a harmless tumbleweed going across the field occasionally. And two boxes where the first cat you see on top was. They can be platforms, but sometimes they'll light on fire from the archers' arrows. The fire is harmful, inflicting 2%damage as long as you touch the fire. The wind will blow across the field after a minute the boxes are on fire. The archers don't blow away though. The background is what it looks like in TP.
City in the Sky-It's in the sky, duh! Anyway, the whole ground platform is made of blue rectangular prisms (that's what they look like in Tp) that will shake for 10 seconds after you land on it and then drop out the sky (no pun intended). Boxes and barrels can also make the blue blocks fall. There are four suspended platforms in a diamond figure. Not made of blocks. Argorok will occasionally fly past the stage either breathing fire or dive-bombing, inflicting 20% damage.
Dragon Roost Island-Players will fight on the beach, near that little pool with the bomb flowers, occasionally exploding suddenly. There are three. It's a big stage, about as big as Final Destination. A sudden gust of wind will flow past the stage; bomb flowers will drop during and after the wind blowing.
Scenery- Cyclos will fly past the stage VERY fast and will cause a tornado, similar to the one in the first SSB (Hyrule Castle). Zephos will fly across the screen, causing the wind to blow, causing bombs to drop. They're just having fun! Water from the pool form 1/5 of the platform. Fire effect won't do as much damage in the water, but impact stays. All players are slightly slower in the water. If a tornado hits the water, it gets m ore powerful the longer it's in. Music-A remix of DRI.
DK series-
DK 64
DK Island-Working on it....
King Rool's Battle Ring- The name of the title explains it all.....just a boxing ring with the Kremlings watching in the crowd.
Ok, I'm done. Rate my stages and post yours ideas so I can make more!