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SSBB specific villain


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
In melee, I was always annoyed by the fact that Giga Bowser was the "final boss", and Master Hand/Crazy Hand honestly suck. I have an idea for a central villain specifically for the series. He wouldn't be a "Giga" version of a familiar character, and he wouldn't be a mysterious severed appendage. His name is Dr. Smash, and he is a muscular Grim reaper-esque dude with Master Hand as his right glove and Crazy Hand as his left.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Sounds like a nice idea but i really believe Nintendo will stick with the freaking hands! After all all Nintendo characters in Smash are like puppets in the hands of a kid playing with his toys!


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Sounds like a nice idea but i really believe Nintendo will stick with the freaking hands! After all all Nintendo characters in Smash are like puppets in the hands of a kid playing with his toys!
That just gave me an idea! What if their was a final boss that you defeated after you beat Master and Crazy Hand,Simply called "The Master"?


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
No, you fight all of the rejected characters that didnt make it into the game.

Now to be serious, the only major problem with Master Hand and Bowser is that

Bowser has no story to why he is there, it's just fight a series of battles, and then fight him. He also wasnt hard at all, even on Very Hard difficulty.

Master Hand was just so stupidly easy, again, even on very hard, his attacks never changed and he took about a minute or less to beat, with any character.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
Dr. Smash is a crappy name, but other than that, here are my ideas:

The 'hands' are his actual hands, and he's some kind of dark magician. He animated dolls and trophies of Nintendo characters and made them fight to entertain himself. But in Brawl, he gets 'bored' so he decides to try the real thing by starting a tournament where the final opponent is himself. The prize could be some thing like "a life time's supply of coins" or "an item beyond your wildest dreams. However, he still believes he's in control like he was with the dolls, and starts using his magic powers to manipulate the tournament so no one can win. He would be playable by beating Adventure with every other character or something.

That's my best idea for a backstory


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2006
You guys understand the story of the game right?
A kid playing with his toys (the trophies). Master Hand and Crazy Hand represent the kid's hands, one creating while the other destroying. All the fights are essentially his imagination.

Dr. Smash really doesn't fit with that at all. Unless instead of a muscular grim reaper, it was some 11 year old kid...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2005
ii don't think he should be big, i think he should be average size and fast, and not one of those bosses that have everyone else's moves.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2007
I'm kickin it in Lake Ridge Virginia
I think $hadenexu$ 18 had the be$t idea for the be$t la$t bo$$ ever! Not in hi$ exact word$ but here it goe$!

How about they create a new bo$$ from $cratch and let him or "it" have a move$et $imilar to character$ that made the character ro$ter. Y'know, like let em have Capt. Falcon'$ Falcon Punch, Luigi'$ Flaming Uppercut (doe$n't have to be timed ju$t right), Falco'$ Reflector, and so on.

I'm not saying let em morph into anybody (like Shang Tsung) I'm $ayin let em be like Combot, Mokujin, or Unknown. (Tekken) Only don't let him or "it" change $tyle$ in the middle of battle. (even though thi$ is a good idea too)

And ye$, my 's' key i$ glitchy so lay off.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
as far away from you as possible
You should fight "The Master" like someone said. He would be a black silhouetteish guy with master and crazy hands for gloves, and a white mask. He'd have a moveset similar to Master and Crazy hand. For example, he would charge at you with his fist extended, jumb up and slap the ground, shoot lasers from his fingers, etc. He'd be about twice the size of Marth, and as he does some of the moves his hands get a bit bigger, so the hitbox isn't outrageously huge compared to him.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Well I agree with one thing: Get rid of the Hands as final bosses. They're too easy. They're best for mid bosses or something. A final boss should be someone at regular size, who can pull off combos that leave you with about 80% damage once his done. Not to mention he'll be really hard to throw off.

I like the name "The Master" for him. Has a nice ring to it.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
You should fight "The Master" like someone said. He would be a black silhouetteish guy with master and crazy hands for gloves, and a white mask. He'd have a moveset similar to Master and Crazy hand. For example, he would charge at you with his fist extended, jumb up and slap the ground, shoot lasers from his fingers, etc. He'd be about twice the size of Marth, and as he does some of the moves his hands get a bit bigger, so the hitbox isn't outrageously huge compared to him.
This is the general idea I had before, I kinda described it wrong. And by "Grim Reaper", I meant dark cloaked figure as opposed to skeletal angel of death. There is no official "story" for SSB or SSBM, the 11-year old thing is fan made. But what if Dr.Smash/The Master was some incredible villain until he was unmasked, and turned out to be an eleven-year old kid all along? That would be very "Nintendo funny". I have a very crude picture of what this guy might look like but I'm still trying to find a way to upload it.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
Sorry it's so small, but It's just an MS paint edit of Zasalamel from Soul Calibur 3 and that's the best looking size thers is. He has crazy hand tucked into his pocket because he "can't control his impulse to destroy."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2007
You guys understand the story of the game right?
A kid playing with his toys (the trophies). Master Hand and Crazy Hand represent the kid's hands, one creating while the other destroying. All the fights are essentially his imagination.

Dr. Smash really doesn't fit with that at all. Unless instead of a muscular grim reaper, it was some 11 year old kid...
yeah a good examle is in the first one in the intro the guy was takin out the toys and his hand was all like omg battle


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
as far away from you as possible
Wow, you quadruple posted.


That's a nice picture, but I still think he should have a white mask
And his moveset MUST be based on Master and Crazy hand's moves.

Edit: by white mask I mean he would sorta have a volley ball for a head. Except it would be head shaped and not a sphere.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'm going to be the shining, solo-flying voice of reason here, and put my foot down and say 'no' to a specific villain that has been created from scratch for Brawl.

Smash has never been a game based on story, so therefore it doesn't even make sense to try to create a new character completely for the game. The only story the game has is what makes the Hands make sense....

As for a Giga Bowser type guy, though, I wouldn't mind seeing Meta Ridley, or Metroid Prime...I think the first would work wonderfully. But no to a specific, new villain.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
I'm just sharing my ideas, I doubt he'll actually make it. As for his appearance, a white mask would be cool, and he would be about the size of Ganondorf. I'm tired of people shooting down this idea, I just want to know whether or not it's a cool idea. Meta Ridley is a Metroid villain. Giga Bowser is a Mario villain. SSB is filled with characters from both of these franchises and many in between. The Master would be a SSB villain. He would antagonize every character in the game, not just Samus or Mario. If you have any thoughts other than "This won't happen", please post.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2007
What I would say, is have Master Hand and Crazy Hand in the final battle on all difficulties. If you defeat them in Normal mode or higher, you fight the person behind the hands (same battle, you wipe, you start over at the hands).

There, a clear logical progression from one game's 1P mode to the next.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
Well, the makers of Smash Bros have never cared much about unplayable characters.
Fighting Polygon Team, the Wire Frames, Giga Bowser, you name it - they are all clones of playable characters.
Master Hand is an exception, but he has a completely different playstyle and he's the only one who really matters to the story of Smash. The same goes for Crazy Hand.
As for Giga Bowser, the final boss of Melee, he represents Nintendo's villains by being an upgraded version of their most iconic franchise's main villain. It just makes sense. It is fairly hard to top though.

So. We have a bunch of clones and two characters who have a completely different playstyle to every other character. Something tells me that they don't really care about unplayable characters.

I've also had the idea that 0rion talked about in the last post of the first page and I'd actually say that this is the way to go. Except that I would actually prefer it if the boss randomly changed movesets during the battle. It would still be a clone, but it would make for a very interesting and intense battle. And it wouldn't even need a brand new model for itself. Just tinting the models of every playable character black and giving them red eyes would work. You know, something a la Dark Link, basically.

The hands are definitely coming back too. I've always loved how simple yet effective the "playing with toys" story is and there's no need to change it.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
I'm not saying the hands would go away, I just think "The Master" woud be cool too. And he would be playable, that's the point. He's basically a playable, human shaped version of the hands.


Smash Rookie
Apr 27, 2007
Im thinkin a avrerage size shadow that has whatever moves and shape(kinda like a Game and Whatch shade)the charecter u are entering classic,story,ECT with.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2007
There is nothing whatsoever wrong with the hands. Doesn't anyone remember the opening cutscene to Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. The hand pulls out the trophies, and starts playing with them in a battle. The illusion is that none of this is really happening: Link didn't fall out of the Legend of Zelda, and Mario didn't fall out of the Mushroom Kingdom, and do battle on a flying platform. It is all imaginary. The game is really about service to the fans. Since they cannot make a single game which features characters from other franchises, they make a game that takes a generic fan and uses his imagination to create the game world.

And as for those who say Giga Bowser has no story, the Super Smash Bros. franchise is not really about story. Sure, it does not make sense that he was there. But perhaps the kid who was playing with his toys from the first game has expanded his repertoire, and acquired a taste for theatrics. And so, when victory seems assured, he imagines that Bowser returns - bigger and badder - to fight again.

The point is, it does not matter at all. Super Smash Bros. is really about the generic fights. 1 vs. 1. 2 vs. 2. Free for alls. Hectic battles where you play against your friends or computers who have taken on the forms of your favourite characters. Story is not essential to Super Smash Bros. The experience is.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
I personally think they should keep the master hands and Giga bowser but who knows. Maybe a specific boss for each character.....no thats stupid...... but i agree with Granite about the whole smash having no story its just the way the game is played with all those characters and including the 3rd party characters they really can't have a specific villian


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2006
Maybe you could have an individual boss for each character?

For example, Link and Zelda/Shiek's boss would be Ganon in Pig form.
And Samus would have Ridley or Kraid or Something.
Giga Bowser would stay for Mario, Luigi, Dr. M, Peach and Yoshi.
DK would get King K. Rool (If he ain't a Character).

Etc. Etc.

I dunno, I suppose that's pretty dumb.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2007
Maybe you could have an individual boss for each character?

For example, Link and Zelda/Shiek's boss would be Ganon in Pig form.
And Samus would have Ridley or Kraid or Something.
Giga Bowser would stay for Mario, Luigi, Dr. M, Peach and Yoshi.
DK would get King K. Rool (If he ain't a Character).

Etc. Etc.

I dunno, I suppose that's pretty dumb.
Then the programmers would have to design character sprites and movesets for a whole slew of people that they do not even use. The only way "character-specific" bosses would work is if they were other playable characters, like the Destined Battle (or whatever it is called) from Soul Calibur II. i.e. Mario is destined to face Bowser, Bowser is destined to face Mario, Luigi is destined to face Mario (out of jealousy), Peach is destined to face Donkey Kong, you get the idea.

It is because they rarely program characters that are not playable that I knew Falco was unlockable. In the one Event Match you fight an invisible Falco. And I knew that they would have not included him solely for an Event Match, so I went about unlocking him. The only characters included in Super Smash Bros. Melee that are not playable are Master Hand, Crazy Hand, Giga Bowser (same controller mappings as Bowser, just a different skin), and Sandbag. That's it. The fighting Wire Frames are skinless characters.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
I like these ideas, but once again, the point of "The Master" is his playability. Master Hand and Crazy Hand are only available through cheats. "The Master" would be a way of converting them into a playable character.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2006
By GraniteJJ
Then the programmers would have to design character sprites and movesets for a whole slew of people that they do not even use.
Yeah, that's why I thought it was a bad idea.

Oh, and I unlocked Falco before I did the Event Match where you fight invisible Falco and Fox. Weird how it works sometimes.
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