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ssb4 pokemon!

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Smash Rookie
Dec 13, 2010
so i know that not long after brawl came out a lot of people had already started thinking about characters for the next smash game, and I must admit I was one of them. but one franchise that intrigues me is pokemon! the pokemon character roster is massive and there for a very interesting one to discuss in terms of ssb4 fighters. So come on! anyone got an idea?
I have a little wish list of my own that i'll put as an example:

1. PIKACHU! (no suprise!)
same as brawl but maybe a few adjustments if there are new physics implemented

2. Jiggz
same moves but rest and sing have a little more range and different fs (maybe hyper voice)

3. mewtwo
thats right he's back!
^b: teleport
b: shadow ball, no zig-zag
>b: psycho cut... crescent shaped projectile quicker but less powerful than shadow ball
vb: recover: basically psi magnet
fs: psystrike: mewtwo charges up for a second and then released 1-3 balls of psychic energy (depending on amount of aponents). the balls then home in on other fighters and if it hit it is almost always a ko. if you get far away enough from mewtwo it won't hit you.
new taunts are him closing his eyes and levitating (down) and him facing the front with glowing eyes

4. zoroark
the illusion pokemon
zoroark enters the stage as another character but just before the match begins he transforms back into himself and laughs.
^b: u-turn: exactly like extreme speed except it looks different and does damage
b: shadow ball: like mewtwo's but weaker and quicker
>b: beat up: like marths >b, but with punches and kicks
vb: night daze: a pulse of dark energy appears from under his feet (pretty much exactly like the animation in the pokemon games) and does large to small amounts of damage depending on how close the enemy is when hit. also does small knock back
fs: illusion: zoroark draws is opponents like zss's fs and shoots them out. he then transforms into the first one that was drawn in. however while transformed he has glowing red eyes so you can tell it's him. the effect wears of when he takes 20% damage
taunts: looks upwards and howls (up) laughs at the opponents (side) transforms into one of his opponents for half a second

5. lucario
same as brawl

6. plusle and minun
the concept for plusle and minun is like the ice climbers but different in that you can switch around the pokemon you are controlling
b: discharge/thunder wave: both moves send out a wave of electricity around plusle and minun but thunder wave does more knock back and discharge does more damage. discharge if plusle is lead and t-wave for minun.
>b: charge beam/last resort: if both of them are on the stage than the attack is charge beam which is like rob's laser with less knockback. if one of them is KOed then the remaining pokemon uses last resort: plusle or minun shoot themself forward like pika's skull bash, but this move has much more knockback
^b: Volt Switch: just like zoroark's u-turn but goes farther if plusle and minus are together and a lot shorter if not
vb: baton pass: swithces lead pokemon
fs: encore: a spot light goes on plusle and minun and then every one else. The opponents will either fall asleep become dizzy or constantly tumble. they also take damage while this happens.
taunts they highfive each other (up) they jump up and dow on the spot and cheer(side) or touch tails and create a spark (down)

7. pokemon trainer johto
the reason i choose johto was because generation 2 is the only one that hasn't been represented yet
he has
typhlosion (haven't thought of movesets yet)

So if you have any ideas for a pokemon character why not comment? I'd be interested in hearing your ideas.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
If you have ideas for Smash characters, that should definitely go in SSB4 discussion, even if you are talking about Pokémon. If you really want to discuss it in the Poké Center, use the Social Thread.
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