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South Florida Scene - Revitalization


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2010
Miami, Florida
To moderators, if I'm posting in the wrong forum, please forgive me.

I'm noticing an alarmingly low amount of interest for Smash Bros. in the South Florida area. For those of you who know Florida, it's actually a pretty happening state regarding the fighting game community in general. Problem is, what a lot of folks fail to realize is that this pretty much only applies to Central Florida (Orlando, Kissimmee, etc.) and parts of North Florida (lots of guys in Gainseville, I see.) The Miami scene is pretty dead though. Browsing around the Regional Zone thread, most users from South Florida were last seen posting around 2-3 years ago. Not very promising, imo.

In this case, I would like to propose a revitalization of the South Florida Smash community, especially since Smash 4 was just announced and the hype amongst the Smash community in general is pretty high. Maybe a local tournament could attract some goers to the area. I'm no Smash expert nor do I have any experience with tournament organizing, but I do remember attending a small tournament in a joint called Final Round Arcade inside the Mall of the Americas. (Miami, Flagler area). If the manager was up for it, I don't see why we couldn't organize a new tournament, and maybe open it up to both Melee and Brawl (would also probably do both singles and doubles brackets.) It's a bit of a tall order, but that's why I would like to see if any people in the area would have interest in attending such a tournament in the first place.

So please, South Floridians, express your desire for a new local Smash tournament!

...Come on, guys. I'm lonely out here.


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2011

I'm a melee player moving to Miami this week, and am really hoping to keep playing smash while I'm down there. Tournaments, fests, anything. Hope there's a scene to join!

- JU4N


Jan 3, 2006
To moderators, if I'm posting in the wrong forum, please forgive me.

I'm noticing an alarmingly low amount of interest for Smash Bros. in the South Florida area. For those of you who know Florida, it's actually a pretty happening state regarding the fighting game community in general. Problem is, what a lot of folks fail to realize is that this pretty much only applies to Central Florida (Orlando, Kissimmee, etc.) and parts of North Florida (lots of guys in Gainseville, I see.) The Miami scene is pretty dead though. Browsing around the Regional Zone thread, most users from South Florida were last seen posting around 2-3 years ago. Not very promising, imo.

In this case, I would like to propose a revitalization of the South Florida Smash community, especially since Smash 4 was just announced and the hype amongst the Smash community in general is pretty high. Maybe a local tournament could attract some goers to the area. I'm no Smash expert nor do I have any experience with tournament organizing, but I do remember attending a small tournament in a joint called Final Round Arcade inside the Mall of the Americas. (Miami, Flagler area). If the manager was up for it, I don't see why we couldn't organize a new tournament, and maybe open it up to both Melee and Brawl (would also probably do both singles and doubles brackets.) It's a bit of a tall order, but that's why I would like to see if any people in the area would have interest in attending such a tournament in the first place.

So please, South Floridians, express your desire for a new local Smash tournament!

...Come on, guys. I'm lonely out here.
SFL has a decent amount of tournaments... depending on how south you go.
Every Monday or Thursday (Melee or Brawl) there's a smashfest/tournament at Flippers in Hollywood...
That's a lot.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2010
Miami, Florida
Actually just went to Flippers yesterday. T'was good fun. Got my butt handed to me repeatedly, but it was to be expected. Only real problem I have is that the days they get together kinda interfere with my regular life schedule, plus it's a little far for me (20-30 minutes, about). I probably won't be able to go consistently, but hey, it's something. Not that there's anybody else in SFL who still plays Melee.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
There is actually a decent scene in SFL, the problem is their mostly seperated geographically

for example we had a tourney last week with 12 entrants, some of which came from as far as kendall

I just updated the melee page for flippers with the results from that tournament so you can check it out!
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