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Sorry guys


Apr 10, 2008
Due to the negative feedback of 2 posts, and me feeling like crap after reading them, i've decided to tell you that this whole thread was a big joke. there is no wavedashing that I'm aware of in brawl. I'm sorry olimar community. please forgive me. :(

For all of you that didn't get to see my post before i ruined it, i've decided to keep it up to show you all how much hard work i put into it. :(:(:( Sorry.

How can i delete this thread? :(

Originally posted:

So, if u don't already know, this guy named GullibleJoe posted a thread in the tactical discussion section saying that he was able to perform a wavedash. everyone dissed him and called him a troll. Just before i was going to post this following message, an admin shut down the thread because he wouldn't explain how do to it, and he wouldn't show any videos. Well, i'm here to tell y'all how i was able to do it! You all, my Olimar buddies, will be the first to know how! (GullibleJoe said that he could do it with Samus)

I like how everyone is yelling at the guy when he said he had to go to work,...
At least one guy had faith in him.:laugh:

This is what i was GOING to post:

Btw, while y'all were sitting on your computer chair, i decided to actually try it out and see if i could perform it. I dash-danced regularly then purposely did it sloppily so i could mess up and maybe do the wavedash thing GJ talked about, and I eventually accidentally DID IT. i actually did it! it wasn't the prettiest sight, but I dashdanced. I managed to do it for about 6 seconds after practicing. Here's how i did it:


1) dashdance back and forth. look up a thread how to do it later if you don't know how already. In order to wavedash, u have to go a little farther on one side of the dashdance. This creates the moving effect of this wavedash. That is why GullibleJoe was able to do it well with samus. It's easier to generally move(move in a directon overall while dashing) in a direction with samus while doing this technique. I recommend doing it with Olimar instead because I was able to do it with even less trouble than with Samus or any other character. I havn't been able to do this with Marth, MK, or Pikachu at all for some reason though. Here is a diagram how to do it.

(<,>)- means u move one dashdance space in that direction.
(<<,>>)- means u move a little farther than u normally would move when dashdancing.
you start at the first arrow:

>> < >> < >> < >> << u can either do it this way to move to the right.

> << > << > << > << > do it this way to move to the left.

2) set the c-stick on attack.

3) while dashdancing, do a dash attack and cancel it. look up another thread how to do that step later if u don't already know how. ( this STEP is most easily done with snake, but not overall easier to do a wavedash with)

4) cancel the running attack into a dsmash.

5) while performing the dsmash, cancel it.(yes, i was surprised too) To the best of my knowledge, this can only be done with a dsmash while canceling a running attack. In order to cancel the dsmash, press z and u can do any of the following: any smash, jab, or SPOT DODGE.

6) in order to wavedash correctly, u must press z, and do a SPOT DODGE.

7) wooo... ok. take a breath and practice steps 3-6 on one running attack.

8) do steps 3-6 repeatedly while dashdancing.(yes, it cancels the lag at the end of one dash)

9) With lots of practice, you will wavedash.

10) practice makes perfect :)

I'm going to play in local tourney tommorrow and use GJ's' new technique and everyone will get confused. I think I'll call it the... nvm with the long names.

I'll just call it the...

Just kidding! There is no wavedash in brawl! Did i fool you? haha. forgive me if u attempted this... i warned you so you wouldn't waste your life trying this fake technique. who's the gullible joe now. haha. Sorry. (but really, am i good or what)

If you happen to be the administrator reading this, this was just a fun joke on the whole Olimar thread. forgive me :p I warned everyone earlier.


Apr 10, 2008
maybe i should delete this thread... i feel kinda bad


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
ur now uncool -.- i was so excited............. luckily i went to bottom to look for a vid and read it was fake....... danger was semi-cool...... now he's uncool


Apr 10, 2008
ur now uncool -.- i was so excited............. luckily i went to bottom to look for a vid and read it was fake....... danger was semi-cool...... now he's uncool
i'm so sorry. i didn't expect this to happen. i kinda don't like the whole technique of wavedashing. I failed to realize that this would make people get excited, then sad:(.
I'm going to give it all up if u forgive me. Please?:ohwell:

admin, if you see this, please remove this thread from existence. I messed up. Sorry. :(:(:(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
I don't know, I think it was funny. If anyone saw all those arrows and thought this was a viable tactic then that makes it even more funny. Don't feel bad DanGR. It's not even a game we're talking about, it's a discussion board about a game. Nothing wrong with trying to have a little fun with it (as long as it doesn't take over the boards).


Apr 10, 2008
WhoseReality, it is a BIG deal in melee, and it's a real tactic used often in melee. (not the same elaborate way to execute though) Many people were sad to hear that it's not in brawl, and many had to change their whole playing style. I on the other hand, didn't like to resort to such tactics to play such a simple game. (boy was i wrong) i played for fun. I never tried to learn to wavedash effectively.

I now mostly play brawl for fun, but also to get better, enter some tournaments, and prove I'm a very good brawler. I love the game, and for the people like Zori and Pyronic Star who may very well have been excellent users of wavedashing, it hurt them knowing that I planned this whole thing out. I didn't think of the effects it might(and did) have on those people and I'm sorry for that reason. I feel so immature it's not even funny anymore...:(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Just ask!
Thank lord I didn`t bother reading the whole post (and skipped to the very end instead).
I have 2 things to say;
GG to you with nothing else better to do
You should make your instructions more clearer by putting in things like [>][<<][>]


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
u should, i effin hate u now, my dreams r ruined, i'm quitting brawl...... just playing haha :p

but ummmm, yea, idk...... but its oddly funny that u feel this bad lol. u shouldn't, i mean....... i'm not really hurt by it lol........ although i did go "omg, wavedash wit oli gotta read" then the beginning had me, i was like "yes, i'll have it for the tourny 'critical hit 2' this weekend"
although i loved wavedashing....... wavedash in, out, then back in into a f-smash with marth while ur moves finishes lagging was effing awsome lol

but don't feel bad lol, i'm not hurt lol, i was kinda joking by my comment lol........ if it helps... ur semi-cool again? haha
this would have been perfect for april fools btw lol.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
I laughed, though only on the inside, guys just let go of WDing, we have the tools available already to start a competative community, and as SPanda proved with his real post about dash pivot canceling despite the arguments we aren't aware of Brawl's full potential yet, we are responsible for making sure Olimar is one of the best when we get there though, keep up or great community =)



Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
I laughed, though only on the inside, guys just let go of WDing, we have the tools available already to start a competative community, and as SPanda proved with his real post about dash pivot canceling despite the arguments we aren't aware of Brawl's full potential yet, we are responsible for making sure Olimar is one of the best when we get there though, keep up or great community =)

BTW - Olly's DP Cancel is pure sexyness - he doesn't slide like my friend's squirtle does, but man its still really really good.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
BTW - Olly's DP Cancel is pure sexyness - he doesn't slide like my friend's squirtle does, but man its still really really good.
i wasn't useful right? because when i was playing with it didn't seem like there was much of an advantage to using it unless i was doing it wrong
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