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Sonic Vs. Lucario

Xion DarkRose

Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2006
KCMO Middle O' Nowhere.
While it seems that some of the other sonic players are concerned about the weakness of his moves, we STILL have bigger things to worry about here, and thats how Sonic can match up against characters with a grater range and projectile. Now before I get too much into this, I wanna state that I believe that sonic is a perfectly Balanced character. He dosen't need anymore power, he dosen't need anymore priority. Hes got everything he needs and that keeps him balanced. As stated in one of the other threads concerning Sonic's power:
If Sonic could do 20% more on his moves, he'd be super high tier. That's the problem with Sonic. If you change just one or two aspects of his game, he goes from sub-par to great, or even borderline broken.

Think about it. More priority? ****, it's Fox all over again. Easier/Earlier kills? Well screw anyone that doesn't have a projectile game. More damage? Would be nice, but too good, as well.
I agree 110% with this, cause if Sonic was any stronger/Higher prioritized he would be broken, and then we would have people flocking to him rather than leaving him right now. I don't understand why some of us sonic users haven't realized this yet but HIS SPEED MAKES UP FOR HIS LACK OF POWER AND PRIORITY.If you want Sonic to be stronger with a bit more priority, then you meant to pick Captain Falcon rather than Sonic.Now, before I loose my focus... ^_^ LEts return to what this thread was suppose to originally be about.Sooo unlike the other characters who have a better range over Sonic (Marth Ike, Link, Toon Link, Donkey Kong Ect.) Lucario seems to have little lag time between his moves to escape being punished. Not only that but Lucario's attacks seem to have a lasting effect. I dunno how many times I've been pissed because I'd spot dodge, and sTILL be hit by his forward tilt. Even his UpSmash has that same lasting effect even after the bluish aura color he fires upward is gone, you can still be hit. Even after you manage to get around his aura and start your assault... his damage is growing and hes growing stronger. Trying to finish him with Uair is definitely out of the question because his dair with break right threw your attack everytime and sometimes even KILL you in the process.
In fact, being in the air with him isn't a good idea at all because his aura brakes threw most of your attacks. So pecking at his damage and trying to finish isn't good, cause eventually he will catch you with something and kill you in the process. This guy can even stand stationary most of the fight and throw aura balls at you. And if you approach with an attack, nine times outa ten hes going to ****** beat you out or out prioritize you with his busted aura.So whats Sonic to do against something like this? Combo'ing him up into a high damage is not a good way to go about it, and its damn near impossible to finish him at a low percent. Character wise, Lucario has to be one of the worst matchups for Sonic... Anyone got any Ideas?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
San Diego, CA
I think that sonic is for advanced players...his speed and movement are difficult to maintain.
anyways i would choose sonic over lucario any day:laugh:

btw how did u get a pic on ur sig? i tried it and dam bbcode kept screwing me up


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008


- Edgeguard him, his upb can't even damage you. So edgehogging is alot easier as well as gimping.
- Use dashing shield to get in close to him.
- Punish him for a whiffed smash attack, you're fast enough to do this.
- Stutter stepping helps, you will definetely need this in battle.
- Use mindgames, unless you want to get ***** for free against Lucario.
- Punish him for a whiffed Double Team
- Spin dash can stop an uncharged Aura Sphere.

- HIS FREAKING ABILITY!!!:mad: This is where Sonic's hard to hit kill moves will bite him in the ***. Lucario gets crackhead strong when his damage is high.
- As if priority woes isn't enough, he has deceptive range and will beat out your moves most of the time.
- Dair destroys any attempts at chasing him from underneath him.
- A charged neutral b, especially on high percentages.

Opinion: If you think Sonic has an advantage here, let me say this YOU HAVE NOT FOUGHT A GOOD LUCARIO. The thing that always puts you in danger is that ability of his. Sonic will not be killing Lucario at low percentages normally since Lucario is a bit on the heavy side. Gimping him helps to kill him at a low percent due to his upb not damaging a thing. Yeah racking up damage is good and all, but it doesn't mean anything to Lucario especially when you you have a hard time killing someone. To win this, mindgames are an absolute must. You must be very accurate when punishing him with said kill move. You must capitalize on every mistake he does. Don't get all aggressive, they will be expecting that. Instead you must have a great deal of patience in order to get your hits in. I offered good solutions, but it doesn't change the fact that you will definately have a hard time against good Lucario players. At best if you keep losing to him with Sonic, there's no shame to pick another character best suited for the matchup. It will be easier if you know Lucario's weaknesses but it's still hard since Sonic can't effectively capitalize on them like most characters can.:(
This is from BlueTerrorist's Match-up thread, and, IMO, you should have posted in there instead, lol.

If anything, please save your KO moves. Don't use them until you need to.
Congratulations, you've managed to get Lucario to 120%! You want that B-air, that F/D smash to count, and you don't want an even more powerful Lucario coming back to punish your failure.
If you're playing against human Lucarios, you'll want to do quite a bit of feinting, and try to bait them into doing their forward-B
or smashes. I found that sometimes, faking an aerial attack and going into a spring bomb could force a Lucario to u-smash.

There are some threads with useful information that you can use to help decide how you'll catch a Lucario, who is a middleweight. I found the u-
throw>spring>b-air finisher pretty nice, especially if you start from a higher platform like the top level in Shadow Moses Island, since it knocks both of you off into magnifying glass mode, and most Lucarios will counter a spring with d-air, while that move tends to leave you to its side instead of under it.


I give this tip often, since it works for me: If you're having problems fighting a character, use that character yourself. Become acquainted with the moves, tendencies, and weaknesses.

Before character-hopping the (very-misconceived-and-generally-poorly-played) "worst characters" in brawl, I played Ike, and even just watching videos of Ike players, I can read many of their moves and predict what they'll do, and not just because he's a slow character, but because I know what he can use and when he'd use them. As such, if my friends use Ike, then pretty much regardless of which character I'm using, I'll most likely win.

Play as Lucario and learn for yourself where those 'deceptive' hit boxes are. Go to the Lucario forums and see what they say about fighting Sonic, if anything (lol can't find their matchup thread), and play so that you're a discomfort >_>


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
New York
Lucario isn't too hard to beat. You just need to use your speed and punish him for the lag after attacks.


Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2006
I haven't had much trouble with Lucario in my experience, so it's likely I fall into that category of people who "HAVE NOT PLAYED A GOOD LUCARIO" yet.

Anyway, if you want my two cents, I think Sonic's best bet is probably spacing at that awkward distance just outside Lucario's range and waiting for an orchestrated whiff or a poorly spaced roll if they do that sort of thing compulsively. That seems to work pretty well for characters who have some pretty good range on Sonic as long as you're careful and stay on your toes.

Metaknight and Olimar have been giving me the most trouble =(.
Mar 15, 2008
Well,in my opnion I think Sonic would get kill if he going against Lucario.I say,you have to play mindgames to win this lucario match up.And Sonic take skills to use anyway.Why would he have Power that CF job to have that.His speed is his saving grace .

SonicSSJX the Hedgehog

Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Okay, me and my friend are equal as Sonic. But my Lucario can beat his Sonic any day. XD

But I like Sonic a whole lot more. But I still love Lucario, he's awesome too.
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