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Sonic New Technique: If not discovered yet


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
BR City
Its not really new but its what Ive been doing. I call it Spring Guarding. It much more effective than edge guarding bc we all know how well that goes.

When your opponent is out of the stage and trying to get back in the stage, run off the stage(jump if they are above the stage) and pop a spring out. it will knock them away or downwards.

Ex.1 - MetaKnight. I hit metaknight off the stage and he was below the stage. As he was flying towards the stage i ran off the edge, dropped a spring and he hit it. He tried to up B, I spring him again he died.

Ex.2 - Lucario. He tried to do his Up B back to the stage, I jumped off the stage, in mid air i dropped a spring and he flew straight into it and fell straight down.

And so on. you get the point. It's all about timing. Another techinique to kill beside the homing chase out of the stage.

Sorry no Vids for now, the metaKnight game last 5min, and the lucario game lasted 3:08. I will try to get Vids ASAP.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
Just make sure you hold the control stick diagonal towards the stage when you spring so you can come back quickly with a dair. Spring is the swordsman slayer, save metaknight and pit, but Ike, Link, Tlink and Marth all have some trouble against it.

Speaking of edgehogs, I think Sonic has all bases covered.

Spring or edgehog for those who like to recover low. This is one sweet gimp.

Fair or edgehog for those coming just above the stage. This goes for people who don't use horizontal
recovery because the spring can take care of them.

Homing or fair/bair for those above.
You might notice how the homing attack always just misses, going above the head of your opponent. Try to predict when they will jump and release your attack.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Marth gets gimped? What? 6 frames of invincibility, and a disjointed hitbox, and he gets gimped by a spring?

I wish. D: Bair owns him pretty well, though.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Odd, those invincibility frames seem to disagree with him being easy to edgeguard. Maybe I just suck at it, though. I've only played like... 20 rounds (and no, I'm not being sarcastic, that's not nearly enough). Hrm, I'll try being more aggro.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
I've been able to gimp my friend who plays as marth a few times. Spring drops on marth's head, he gets knocked under the stage, and down he goes :)


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2006
Williamsburg NY
Odd, I do the same thing. He just DIs towards the stage, then up-b's. Then again, he tends to save his jump, too.

im guessing everyone besides him is a noob right? maybe youll get lucky a few times but your not edge guarding him with the spring and hes right bair is better

-thx out
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