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Sonic combos

Super Sonic Man

Smash Rookie
May 21, 2008
hey anyone who was combs for sonic plz tell me. i know 1, side charge, kick in air and then hit down, any more beside that?? :sonic: RULZ


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Err.. welcome to Smashboards?

in case you don't know, U/D/B/F/N are up, down, back, forward, neutral... etc

If you mean combos like inescapable, training-mode-sees-it-as-a-combo, Sonic has a few of them:

U-throw > U/F/Neutral-air (0-30%)
U-throw > Spring > B/F/U/N-air (110-120% on medium weights)
Spin Dash Roll [hit] > Spin Dash Jump [optional hit] > aerial attack
Aerial Spin Dash Hop [hit] > jump + aerial attack
Aerial Spin Charge (down B) [hit twice] > jump + aerial attack
Double jump > spring (drop it on them) > D-air > ground attack

If you mean 'combo' like a good move string that would be nice if the opponent doesn't dodge or counter attack...

U-throw > U-smash (0-30%)
Early dash attack > U/F-tilt
Early N-air > jab combo

Well, Sonic actually has alot of those >_>
Also, this thread has a bunch of useful moves and information, like how to kill opponents earlier and move strings ("combos") that you can use to finish people. If you like it, drop a post in there, it needs a bump luls.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
@.@ well, the ones I listed above (first half) are basically it, unless you count setups where you drop a spring on someone, hitting them toward you, and attacking them during that time period.

Also, "kick in air then hit down" isn't... very informative xD
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