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Some Help with Desynching?


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2008
As you can see, I've only just made this account. I've been a smashboards browser for quite some time now but have never participated in the threads.

I recently picked up IC's and have been catching on to their metagame pretty quickly. However, probably my biggest weak point with them right now is desynching. There is a nice description in the IC sticky guide, but it doesn't really go into the details of how to do it (or I'm just too dumb to get it).

I can desynch out of the d-throw to fair combo (usually into an ice lock) and kinda pull of the dash dance desynch (not very consistent). Obviously, I can also do it with a standing up-b but that has no practical use in competitive play.

I keep reading that there are ways to pretty much desynch out of any move or situation, but I can't seem to figure it out. A little help or even a small desynching guide would be greatly appreciated.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Just search Desync on this forum. I did it after posting a topic with no help and theres an old Desync guide with like an odd 20 methods.


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2008
Perhaps we could get a guide like that stickied? It just seems like such a major part of the IC's. Either way, thanks for the help. I'll be sure to look into it.

Edit*: This guide from late march has been very helpful if anyone else is looking for some help desynching. If it's just me (since I hardly see it discussed, seems like no one has any problems with it), then, obviously, don't bother stickying something like this.

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