lol how can you be bad at this game is what i dont understand..this is my first RTS / MOBA (i dont know the difference honestly) and all i did was watch the tutorial and im tearing most players apart
Lots of rage kids as usual, free games seem to always be full of them
If you get friends together and actually coordinate strategies, until you hit lvl 20 / Higher Ladder Ranks you prob wont lose very much.
This game does require you to sit and play a single match for anywhere from 15-90 mins depending on game style and teams. The main setup, summoners a 5vs5 map with games that last usually between 30-60 mins..for this reason i prefer to play 3vs3. They have shorter games (due to lesser players and smaller map) and the odds of getting stuck with noobs (if you go in without a preset team) in a game that's pretty much a impossible to win, is less.
When i started this post, Ciaza was editing his...when i finished he still was D: