The current amount is 809. Meltan and Melmetal are Gen VII.
There are currently 48 Mega Evolutions, bringing the total to 857. There are 18 Alola Formes, making the total 873. Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon are 875. Ash-Greninja is 876. Zygarde 10% and Complete, as well as the new forms for Solgaleo/Lunala/Necrozma make 881. Kami Trio's Therian Formes, Keldeo's Resolute Forme, Meloetta's Pirouette Forme, Kyurem Black and Kyurem White make 888. Shaymin has Sky Forme, Giratina has Origin Forme, so that's 890. Deoxys Speed, Attack, and Defense make 893. Hoopa Unbound makes 894.
Now for the non legends, regional Formes, and Megas. Aegislash has Sword Stance and Shield Stance, 896. Castform has Sunny, Rainy, and Snowy, 899. Lycanroc has two extra forms, 901. Oricorio has four total styles, so add three, 904. Rotom's appliances make 909. Burmy and Wormadam's other cloaks make 913. Autumn, Summer, and Winter Deerling and Sawsbuck make 919. Wishiwashi has School Forme, 920. Cherrim has Sunshine Forme, so 921. Shellos and Gastrodon make 923.
At that point, only 78 Pokémon would need to be added to get to 1000. That's all. Kalos was the entry with the fewest new additions and that gave 73 if I remember correctly.
The best part is? This list doesn't even include the different types for Arceus and Silvally, nor does it include the other forms of Unown. With those, that's another 61, making 984. That's also not including the different flower colors for Flabébé, Floette, or Florges, Minior's meteor colors, Spiky-Eared Pichu, or the five Cosplay Pikachu.
And the best part? I'm absolutely certain there are some I'm forgetting (obviously ignoring Shiny Pokémon, Spinda, and specifically Shiny Spinda).
Edit: I forgot to delete the video. I have become what I sought to destroy.