Insiders actually see Geno as a safe bet. They’ve had Doomguy discussions, too.
Cool. I hope they actually make it in.
If I can be blunt,
You were trying way too hard to believe that this is real. Your beliefs seem to be only existing just to spite those who don't want them in the game. That type of mentality is frankly unhealthy and is no better than those who say "Well at least it isn't [insert character here], so it's real!"
Okay. This is where the wall of forums and text causes some trouble because you're assuming a lot of my emotions. I tried to make it clear that I was NEVER emotionally invested in this leak. I am not upset. Geno and Doomguy aren't even my top wants (Geno breaks the top 10, but not the top 5). I wanted to believe the leak because I'm tired of this Nintendo drip feed. Like I said before, I just wanted an NRS style leak that told us everything and was just... right. Because that way I know what to actually get excited for. There's no chance of disappointment at a reveal when I was able to spend the last few months not getting excited for what I want and instead getting interested in and excited for who is coming. That's what happened with Hero. If he hadn't been leaked, I probably would have been a little miffed at the reveal. But because i knew he was coming I was able to look into and get invested in Dragon Quest well ahead of time and find the things I like in the idea. Instead of just whining because I wanted them to do someone else instead.
And besides all of that, people tend to be real jerks about what characters they do and don't think are likely. They take their own perceptions on a set of rules and criteria that we realistically know nothing about and downing and belittling people who want someone that doesn't fit into that mold. I'm not mad that they don't want Geno, I'm mad because they're being an ass about it. But I probably would have believed that leak anyway even if Geno wasn't part of it because it looked very convincing to me and I didn't want to disbelieve it on the off chance that someone who was better then everyone else decided to mess with people. Like, photo-shopping a fake leak and getting lucky is one thing, but learning computer coding and modding skills beyond anyone else doing the same thing just to make a fake leak and trick people is another. One just sounds way more farfetched than the other.
See, the thing about Geno is that he's a Spirit. I know y'all are probably tired of hearing the "spirits deconfirm characters" argument, but, like...
If Geno was ever planned to be a fighter, if that was even a concept that ever crossed Sakurai's mind, why would he bother making him a Spirit? Why give the people this consolation prize if he was gonna be playable? It's just effort put in for no reason.
Why would he have put trophies of Lucas and Mewtwo in Smash4 if the idea of adding them as fighters ever crossed his mind? Why would he give fans the consolation prize if he was gonna be playable later.
Sakurai probably didn't know he was gonna get to do DLC again when he maid the spirits, and even if he did, he certainly didn't know that he was gonna get more then five additional characters. SO that's why they get the consolation prize at launch. But now that he has more he gets the opportunity to try a few ideas he was previously forced to scrap for whatever reason. That is just as possible as any other explanation because, and i have to stress this, WE DO NOT KNOW HOW HE IS PICKING THE FIGHTERS. Every rule is something we made up. It might be real, it might not. Because of that, everyone is potentially likely and a viable choice.