So, I was going to make a post on "Ace Attorney Online" to find some people to help me make my project. But then I saw that the site was based around a case maker, that basically allows you to make a Ace Attorney style case by yourself, played on your browser.
And, Sweet Baby Jesus, some of them are horrible. Some of them are just fan made, with some OCs and stuff, but others are just flat out weird. Heck, there's even badly made crossovers on there. For example, I played one case where Phoenix had to defend
Superman who was accused of killing Lex Luthor who "
became the president of the United States". I know Phoenix was in a "Super Hero" game, but that...wasn't canon, at all. Here, the guy thought to himself "Wow, Superman fits
so much in the Ace Attorney world !". Really. Superman.
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You could say that my project of making a crossover between Ace Attorney and Nichijou is laughable. But at least, I'm trying to respect the canon to the maximum, and not just making a bad crossover where I just put Phoenix in Nichijou and only making him solve a stupid case. Originality, please.
Well anyway, I don't want to make a fangame out of it. A manga is much more respectable for Nichijou, and even Ace Attorney. And at least, I won't make Mio defend Superman or some **** like that.
What's new, by the way ?