Never heard of that character
Youi're missing like SO MUCH!!!!
Well, allow me to explain (don't worry for those who never played any Paper Mario game before, this post won't contain major spoiler).
Gombella (female) is a character that appears in Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door (TTYD) at the very beginning of the game (actually, some minutes after the prologue started....that soon). You soon get to have her as your first partner in the game and she's what you would call the '"tattler" of the game since she's not only quite usefull in battle, but she has a special ability called tattle usable both in battle and in the overworld.
It is not uncommon to see this, but what this ability does is it would give information about the appropriate subject. In overworld, it's going to be about the current location you are, or the map currently loaded. You could also do her ability on npc to get more info about them. I battle however, this is where it gets interesting as you get a complete and comprehensive description of the enemy you choose to tattle. This is from essential info like hp, attack and defense to the attack the enemy uses and basically, how to fight him. This works on every enemy in the game including bosses.
On a side note, TTYD also add a tattle log in which every time you tattle an enemy, a summarised version of the tattle is now accessible in an option in the pause menu. Great if you aim to 100% (like me!)
Now, that's good, but the best thing about her is her personality. The text is sometime HILARIOUS and by that I mean that out of every characters, this is probably the one that breaks the most oftenly the 4th wall of the game. She sometime even feels sorry to do that which is just silly, but funny
Among other things. She could give like exagerated thoughts about how enemy are named, or even some video game logic jokes like how hammer bros has infinite hammer and the list goes on and on....
She also appeared as a trophy in both Super Smash Bros Brawl and Super Smash Bros for WiiU (not on the 3ds version) giving the game a great representation.
On a last note, TTYD has simple txt files containing all the text in the game. In total, these files are 2 megavytes which is huge considering for text files, one character is equal to one byte....that's a lot. I mention this because I cqan confirm you that out of all the text in the game....she's probably the character that talks the most mainly due to the tattle, but also because she has a lot of replica due to her being the earilies partners in the game.
I hope you enjoyed this explanation
The more you know now