Kind of a shift in topic (which is, somewhat ironically, per the usual in this thread), I'm saying it anyway.
really don't get it when people say, "lol, PSASBR is like, entirely third party characters." Yeah, even as a fan of PSASBR, I can admit it has issues (just needed a bit more fine tuning in the KO system, IMO), but that's not one of the issues.
There were only five third parties in the game. Roughly 80% were first party, and for Sony, which has less character driven IPs than Nintendo, comparatively, I think that's pretty damn good. Plus the five they added made sense. Bioshock's a very well-known series, so Big Daddy's a cool choice. New!Dante sucks, but eh, DMC is, again, a big series, and I'd blame Capcom moreso for the controversial redesign. The Metal Gear series has always had Playstation association, so Raiden isn't jarring (though Snake's absence is

). Heihachi...he's from Tekken. Tekken makes sense to be in a fighting game, for obvious reasons. And Dead Space as a series was a big hit as well, like Bioshock. Even if it wasn't exclusive, it made sense.
Just some food for thought, I guess. PSASBR's roster wasn't bad in the slightest. And the absence of Crash, Spyro, Lara, and Snake can easily come from issues with rights, as they're not owned by Sony anymore (or ever were, in Snake's case).