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Social Dynamics v0.8

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Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
LOL, so guys you made IRC chat just so you can have a place where you can talk about me all day. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. You guys need to get out the house more. Stop living in some fantasy world you created in your mom's basement. It's not healthy to be disconnected from reality for so long. Maybe if you stopped being such poor excuses of a human being you could make friends in the real world, maybe even get laid. Maybe you will grow up someday and realize you wasted a good part of your 20's being obsessed with someone you have never even met in real life.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
Maybe you will grow up someday and realize you wasted a good part of your 20's being obsessed with someone you have never even met in real life.
They will grow up some day but they will never realize or regret what they're doing now, thats not how humans work. Regret without experiencing negative consequence, morality, reflection of the past, and empathy are all things that were counterproductive to survival so instinctively they don't exist. They may one day think that this behavior is wrong when they see it happening, but will never realize that they exhibited the same behavior when they were younger or ever feel conviction of what they were doing was wrong. People change/grow up but they don't sit back and reflect or try to figure out why they changed or why they are the way they are, they just mindlessly move along without conscious like a ball rolling down a hill. In fact, in 20 years from now no one will even remember you if you left them now, they won't remember anyone here if they were to leave. If studstill stopped posting then in 20 years no one would remember him, and because people don't keep these things in active memory, they'll never look back and realize they were doing something wrong or regret doing it at all. If someone said, "hey remember gav or studstill from smashboards?" they would be like "haha yeah they were so stupid we used to make fun of them all the time" but they won't actively remember it, dwell upon their actions, or learn from their past because there has been no negative consequence. They won't even feel convicted of it when they passively remember because instead of thinking about it with their future mind, they will jump back to how they think now. Empathy doesn't exist, people never look back and instead unconsciously move forward in life like a helpless ball down a hill. No one will ever stand in anyones shoes, they simply wear similar looking shoes and stand where that person is standing, deluding themselves that they are empathetic. You have to just give up gav, you have to let go. You will never impact these people, change the way they think, or make them feel guilt or pain like you may feel. There is no universal justice, their is no moral compass, there is no karma. I learned this a long time ago when I was in middle school observing the way people treated others and how behavior changed without people realizing they changed at all. I've conducted many social experiments to prove that empathy doesn't exist, people don't pay attention to their past or their actions, and people will never regret anything that doesn't have a negative consequence. For example, there was this kid I went to middle school with, Samuel Jack Hammond. He always went by Jack but he was a short chubby kid so I gave him the nickname Sam the Ham (taking parts of his first and last name to degrade him to an object that resembled the negative appearance people had of him). It was an instant classic and everyone remembered him as it. He then moved to North Carolina and no one ever heard of him again. No one remembered him, no one ever looked back and thought about him, no one ever regretted anything they ever said or did to him because nothing bad ever happened to anyone because of it. Occasionally we would look through a yearbook and people would be like "Hey remember Sam the Ham" and everyone would laugh and make fun of him in memory without ever feeling conviction. Then one day, about 6 years after he moved, I'm walking with my brother and a couple friends around the 4th of July carnival in my town when I hear a big booming voice yell "Hey Shears brothers, ya'll recognize me?" I look over to see a rock solid giant. Must have been 6'5" 5% body fat and could bench 350. Instantly, I recognized the kid, despite him looking nothing like the person I recognized him as (it was one of those weird moments where you just new, like the stars aligned and you remembered), this goliath was the former Sam the Ham. I didn't even hesitate because I never once felt guilty about anything so I answered his question by saying "Sam the Ham" knowing all too well that in a single punch my face would be broken that I was a dead man in his hands. Surprisingly he didn't raise a finger and said "My names Jack, hahaha" as he chuckled. After that I realized what I had done was wrong, not because I experienced a negative consequence but because I realized that I could have and should have. No one else regrets it, and no one else looks back to thinking they wasted their 10s making fun of a kid, yet everyone has grown up and looks down upon that behavior. Gav, I don't mean this to be offensive and I've never picked on you, insulted you, or anything (with the exception of the 90% idiots/10% deadzone thread), but you are the Sam the Ham of this community metaphorically. No one will ever regret what they're doing, they won't even remember it. If cobr had kids with autism he won't regret how he treated you he won't even remember you said what you said, he will just be a parent to a kid with autism and live his life progressively instead of regressively. I used to think a little like you and hope that people would one day see things the way I or others saw them and that they would grow up and reflect on their past and live in shame. But then I realized they won't because even I don't, and you don't and thats why you have to just give up and let go. Don't let them bother you, don't acknowledge them, and if it means never coming back to smashboards then don't. You will not teach them a lesson, you are just frustrating yourself more and more. Life is not a clockwork orange (or it is depending on how you look at it).


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
LOL, so guys you made IRC chat just so you can have a place where you can talk about me all day. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.
It's not safe to assume things gav. How would you know we talked about you all day in irc if you are not in irc all day? Point proven.

You guys need to get out the house more. Stop living in some fantasy world you created in your mom's basement.
Get out of the house? Most of us have jobs, or are in school. Name one member of this community that does nothing besides play smash and interact with the community (group chats/irc/swf).

LOL, so guys you made IRC chat just so you can have a place where you can talk about me all day. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. You guys need to get out the house more. Stop living in some fantasy world you created in your mom's basement. It's not healthy to be disconnected from reality for so long. Maybe if you stopped being such poor excuses of a human being you could make friends in the real world, maybe even get laid. Maybe you will grow up someday and realize you wasted a good part of your 20's being obsessed with someone you have never even met in real life.
Disconnected from reality? You have consistently pointed out that most of the people who talk **** to you would probably not do it in real life. I'm bound to agree with you. When you fail to realize that the internet is a medium of communication with no physical interaction, and continue to not realize you cannot make people change the way they act on the internet, that's pretty disconnected from reality (reality includes real life and the internet).

Maybe if you stopped being such poor excuses of a human being you could make friends in the real world, maybe even get laid.
Because when we make fun of people on the internet, we are automatically friendless virgins, great job deflecting from the issue with non-issues gav.

Maybe you will grow up someday and realize you wasted a good part of your 20's being obsessed with someone you have never even met in real life.
And who has wasted a good amount of time for the sole purpose of being trolled?



Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
The fact that you think all of this is ok and trying to make it seem like I'm in the wrong for not liking it is absurd. You are not a reasonable person. The fact that you somehow thought I would want to ride with you to apex proves even further that you have no sense of reality. That's not how the world works. What kind of person would possibly take up that offer. If behaving like this online is the only way you can enjoy yourself then I seriously feel bad for you.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
They will grow up some day but they will never realize or regret what they're doing now, thats not how humans work. Regret without experiencing negative consequence, morality, reflection of the past, and empathy are all things that were counterproductive to survival so instinctively they don't exist. They may one day think that this behavior is wrong when they see it happening, but will never realize that they exhibited the same behavior when they were younger or ever feel conviction of what they were doing was wrong. People change/grow up but they don't sit back and reflect or try to figure out why they changed or why they are the way they are, they just mindlessly move along without conscious like a ball rolling down a hill. In fact, in 20 years from now no one will even remember you if you left them now, they won't remember anyone here if they were to leave. If studstill stopped posting then in 20 years no one would remember him, and because people don't keep these things in active memory, they'll never look back and realize they were doing something wrong or regret doing it at all. If someone said, "hey remember gav or studstill from smashboards?" they would be like "haha yeah they were so stupid we used to make fun of them all the time" but they won't actively remember it, dwell upon their actions, or learn from their past because there has been no negative consequence. They won't even feel convicted of it when they passively remember because instead of thinking about it with their future mind, they will jump back to how they think now. Empathy doesn't exist, people never look back and instead unconsciously move forward in life like a helpless ball down a hill. No one will ever stand in anyones shoes, they simply wear similar looking shoes and stand where that person is standing, deluding themselves that they are empathetic. You have to just give up gav, you have to let go. You will never impact these people, change the way they think, or make them feel guilt or pain like you may feel. There is no universal justice, their is no moral compass, there is no karma. I learned this a long time ago when I was in middle school observing the way people treated others and how behavior changed without people realizing they changed at all. I've conducted many social experiments to prove that empathy doesn't exist, people don't pay attention to their past or their actions, and people will never regret anything that doesn't have a negative consequence. For example, there was this kid I went to middle school with, Samuel Jack Hammond. He always went by Jack but he was a short chubby kid so I gave him the nickname Sam the Ham (taking parts of his first and last name to degrade him to an object that resembled the negative appearance people had of him). It was an instant classic and everyone remembered him as it. He then moved to North Carolina and no one ever heard of him again. No one remembered him, no one ever looked back and thought about him, no one ever regretted anything they ever said or did to him because nothing bad ever happened to anyone because of it. Occasionally we would look through a yearbook and people would be like "Hey remember Sam the Ham" and everyone would laugh and make fun of him in memory without ever feeling conviction. Then one day, about 6 years after he moved, I'm walking with my brother and a couple friends around the 4th of July carnival in my town when I hear a big booming voice yell "Hey Shears brothers, ya'll recognize me?" I look over to see a rock solid giant. Must have been 6'5" 5% body fat and could bench 350. Instantly, I recognized the kid, despite him looking nothing like the person I recognized him as (it was one of those weird moments where you just new, like the stars aligned and you remembered), this goliath was the former Sam the Ham. I didn't even hesitate because I never once felt guilty about anything so I answered his question by saying "Sam the Ham" knowing all too well that in a single punch my face would be broken that I was a dead man in his hands. Surprisingly he didn't raise a finger and said "My names Jack, hahaha" as he chuckled. After that I realized what I had done was wrong, not because I experienced a negative consequence but because I realized that I could have and should have. No one else regrets it, and no one else looks back to thinking they wasted their 10s making fun of a kid, yet everyone has grown up and looks down upon that behavior. Gav, I don't mean this to be offensive and I've never picked on you, insulted you, or anything (with the exception of the 90% idiots/10% deadzone thread), but you are the Sam the Ham of this community metaphorically. No one will ever regret what they're doing, they won't even remember it. If cobr had kids with autism he won't regret how he treated you he won't even remember you said what you said, he will just be a parent to a kid with autism and live his life progressively instead of regressively. I used to think a little like you and hope that people would one day see things the way I or others saw them and that they would grow up and reflect on their past and live in shame. But then I realized they won't because even I don't, and you don't and thats why you have to just give up and let go. Don't let them bother you, don't acknowledge them, and if it means never coming back to smashboards then don't. You will not teach them a lesson, you are just frustrating yourself more and more. Life is not a clockwork orange (or it is depending on how you look at it).
I can`t be the only one that is floored by the length and sincerity of that, Shears. Great points.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
'No one else regrets it, and no one else looks back to thinking they wasted their 10s making fun of a kid, yet everyone has grown up and looks down upon that behavior.'

i didn't bully kids so i can't say for that case, but other than that your post is not truth
not gonna narrate stories but reflections on past behavior not only come, but come uninvited sometimes to me, by sheer mind power, and not by a external stimulus such as anti bully pep talk, sappy movie, 6'5 person in front of you, etc


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
The fact that you think all of this is ok and trying to make it seem like I'm in the wrong for not liking it is absurd. You are not a reasonable person. The fact that you somehow thought I would want to ride with you to apex proves even further that you have no sense of reality. That's not how the world works. What kind of person would possibly take up that offer. If behaving like this online is the only way you can enjoy yourself then I seriously feel bad for you.
No one is saying that us harassing you is right. I'm pretty sure everyone is clear on the concept that deliberately harassing someone hoping for a reaction that gives us entertainment, aka trolling, is not a nice thing to do. We're just saying there is SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. I said "hoping for a reaction that gives us entertainment," if you stop giving us reactions that entertainment, we lose our enjoyment. It's quite an easy thing to do.

But common gav I need a ride to apex, I don't work enough because I spend most of my time online behaving the way I do, so I don't have enough money to drive to apex. Lets work a deal bruhbruh.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
No one is saying that us harassing you is right. I'm pretty sure everyone is clear on the concept that deliberately harassing someone hoping for a reaction that gives us entertainment, aka trolling, is not a nice thing to do. We're just saying there is SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. I said "hoping for a reaction that gives us entertainment," if you stop giving us reactions that entertainment, we lose our enjoyment. It's quite an easy thing to do.

But common gav I need a ride to apex, I don't work enough because I spend most of my time online behaving the way I do, so I don't have enough money to drive to apex. Lets work a deal bruhbruh.
Whoa. Dude. Like. I don`t think a single person on here agrees with you on this. Seriously, man, I`d read your post a few more times and really try to think about what you just said.
Caneut, there will ALWAYS be people to target. Always. Be who ever you want to be, man, but know this:
This is a forum for Smash Bros, not for you to use or abuse other human beings to entertain yourself.

I`d love to give you and/or Gavin a ride to Apex, I think you could benefit from the 16 hour trip and I`m always looking to help.
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Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
'No one else regrets it, and no one else looks back to thinking they wasted their 10s making fun of a kid, yet everyone has grown up and looks down upon that behavior.'

i didn't bully kids so i can't say for that case, but other than that your post is not truth
not gonna narrate stories but reflections on past behavior not only come, but come uninvited sometimes to me, by sheer mind power, and not by a external stimulus such as anti bully pep talk, sappy movie, 6'5 person in front of you, etc
I think you're missing my point. You are an outlier then, most people never reflect on their past behavior without external stimulus. The point is don't expect people to change or ever be empathetic. Thinking "he's so mean to me, I'll say this and it will get to him and he will stop and leave me alone and he will regret it and ask for my forgiveness" is ineffective. It's not an anti-bully pep talk, I'm not telling people to stop bullying gav, I'm telling gav to give up with the defense and stop letting the bullying matter and either never come back to SB or stop acknowledging the statements made against. And its not sappy movie. It's a real event and you can Facebook the kid and ask him about it.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
My point is gav, continuing to call or raise isn't your best option, sometimes just fold and let them take the pot. Leave with what you have before you stay and lose it all.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
Whoa. Dude. Like. I don`t think a single person on here agrees with you on this. Seriously, man, I`d read your post a few more times and really try to think about what you just said.
Caneut, there will ALWAYS be people to target. Always. Be who ever you want to be, man, but know this:
This is a forum for Smash Bros, not for you to use or abuse other human beings to entertain yourself.

I`d love to give you and/or Gavin a ride to Apex, I think you could benefit from the 16 hour trip and I`m always looking to help.
No stud. I am 100% serious when I say, I consider the factors of how easy it would be for you to conceal a knife on you, and for you to lose your temper. You've also had a history of Driving While Drinking.

Good luck not getting last place at apex stud!


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
I've always considered myself an anomaly in this community, so no worries people, I'm the guy who watches over the Watchmen and ensures there's no corruption in place.

Crazy how pidge doesn't capitalize my name, doesn't even show my full name, and I'm last.. bottom of the list material. That's the kind of corruption I stand against. But why are you still here, UNKNOWN, if you get abused like this? Because I have to take it. I never did anything wrong. I am the hero Smash deserves, and the one it needs right now. So I'll take this abuse. Because I can take it. Because I'm not only your hero. I'm a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Professor and Doctor of LUV.

Thank you all.

Oh and Shears, everything you said has been said/explained/discussed/etc. to/with gav for several years. I know you guys are new to the scene and may think everyone's a bully, but there's a history to gav that has proven he's unwilling to change. Some people in this community live in a bubble as if everyone's lives revolve around them, but that's not true whatsoever. They create these atmospheres because it's what they enjoy, whether they admit it or not they love the attention. People have tried, and still try, to be respectful, but the same problems arise.

Cane's right in that if gav just ignores the **** and more importantly, doesn't CAUSE the **** (which in many cases he does..), then the era of gavQuotes may end. At the end of the day, this is still the best community and cane is still the worst.

It's proven I'm unwilling to change what? Maybe you should browse the forums and actually see what's been going on instead of being typical ignorant unk. I posted in a thread about competitive smash mindset and was not talking about anyone whatsoever but for whatever dumb reason, karajan comes in the thread talking about my social skills which is completely random and unnecessary. Whatever man, you keep a word doc full of my quotes, you really aren't in any position to talk about me. So you can stop pretending that I start stuff. This whole notion that I need to get off the internet, turn off the computer because of a couple people is ********.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2006
So because you occasionally make thoughtful posts means all the pollution you cause should be forgotten? That's what perpetuates the issues you're having. You're not fooling anyone gav, maybe the people who haven't been around as long as the rest of us.

It's not the community that's unwilling to change, it's you. The fact that we still even talk with you, play games with you, TRY to act civil with you, is proof enough that your position in this community isn't hopelessly lost to being the troll no one respects. ****, cane is probably one of the more vile people on here (seriously, that has to change cane), but he understands what you don't: be part of the change you want to see.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
So because you occasionally make thoughtful posts means all the pollution you cause should be forgotten? That's what perpetuates the issues you're having.
So because I said something in the past means every time I post in the future about smash it's ok for people to talk **** to me? Please give me example of "pollution I cause". You can stop acting like everyone is a victim of my "pollution".


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
So because you occasionally make thoughtful posts means all the pollution you cause should be forgotten? That's what perpetuates the issues you're having. You're not fooling anyone gav, maybe the people who haven't been around as long as the rest of us.

It's not the community that's unwilling to change, it's you. The fact that we still even talk with you, play games with you, TRY to act civil with you, is proof enough that your position in this community isn't hopelessly lost to being the troll no one respects. ****, cane is probably one of the more vile people on here (seriously, that has to change cane), but he understands what you don't: be part of the change you want to see.
You need to stop this gav against the community nonsense. Just because a handful of people (including you) hates me doesn't mean everyone else does. You are damn near 30 years old and still holding on to this high school drama mentality. Please grow up. You are sadly mistaken if you think I NEED this community.
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Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
I'm kinda missing the point on purpose, the 'let's end the drama' posts are almost as tiring as the drama itself by now

and anti bully pep talk I didn't mean you. I literally thought of a tacky auditorium with goody goody moms talking or sth
Ahh I see now, I kind of agree. The requests to end it are about as frequent and lengthy as the drama itself. Good point. I'm done mentioning it. Gav be gav, cobr be cobr, unknown be unknown, mixa be sedda, mic_128 be hitler, and I'll be shears.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
Gav. You have consistently spouted out evil and ****ed up the people who harass you are, and you expect different results. That's insanity.

I may insult you over and over again, but I get the same result each time. Sadistic, but not insane.

If you didn't realize, I'm calling you Insane.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
What am I even doing?
I moved this out of that thread at least, and although the conversation itself probably doesn't need to exist, I didn't really want to outright delete it either (god dammit Shears). #_#

[if people want I can merge it into the social].
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Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
Why would you delete my post but keep unknown's as if he's saying anything important besides his typical bashing of me.

Mr Bushido

Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2013
Dale Star
what the hell are you talking about? how did I insult everyone? you got alot of nerve to talk about someone else having insecurities.

Fine I wont defend myself on this site anymore like a normal human being would.
normal human beings don't bother with defending themselves on the internet
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