Smash Hero
Unlike most people, when I get bored of this game though, I end up thinking of silly things to do or really hard things to do that would actually benefit everyone.
I'm sure that some of you remember my "Platform schenanigans" thread.
Yeah, I was super bored of Melee at that point.
Well, that time has come again where I get so bored that I propose something absurb for you guys to come in like "WTF?! That's too hard." and then lose interest after two days.
This all began one day when I was playing against one of my friends that is bad at the game. We were doing Mario(me) vs Luigi(him) on I think Yoshi's. I would knock him off the stage and then I'd walk up to the ledge, expecting him to getup-attack.
Sure enough, he did and I powersheilded it into a Usmash.
Mind you, the guy was at like 100+ so he should have died but he shot up and then the invisible ceiling glitch happened and he shot back downwards.
Later that match, the exact same situation happened. Powersheild ->Usmash->Invisible Ceiling Glitch->WTF?
So ever since that moment, I've been thinking about powersheilding/ICG(Invisible Ceiling Glitch, not Insane carzy guy) on command and its implications during a match.
A) Invisible Ceiling glitch can be used to start up some stupid, stupid, dumb combos. LEt's take a matchup that is familiar to you all, Marth vs Fox on Yoshi's or something. Marth is at 0%. He does a Nair and Fox powersheilds it, cancelling it into an Usmash. Invisible Ceiling Glitch happens and Marth comes flopping downwards right back in front of Fox. Now Fox can probably Usmash again at this point, he could grab, he could probably aerial if he reacts quick enough. For practicality's sake, Fox would probably just Usmash again into a Uair/Bair or something. But for a hypothetical combo video's sake, let's write the dumbest combo I can think of.
Powersheild -> Usmash -> ICG -> Pivot Utilt -> ShReverseBair(when you hit with the front of it, carrying him with you forward under a platform)-> Pivot Utilt -> Jump -> Shine -> Waveland onto/off of platform into a Dair->Dsmash
Yeah, pretty stupid.
B) It could also be used for stupid low-percent kills too. Like say Ganon is at like 40% and Marth is at 80 on Yoshi's. Wanting the kill, Ganon starts spacing aerials on Marth's sheild. Marth powersheilds the fair and then does a Reverse Dolphin Slash or something. Ganon flies off the stage and then ICG happens and he flops downwards, below the ledge.
Based on my experience, it seems like it'd be practical. I've already thought about implications for Ice Climbers(my character) and I'm trying to figure it out for others as well.
It's silly that I only think about these kinds of things when I'm tired of the game.
Tell me what you guys think of it! Possible? Impossible? Possible but impractical? Possible but situational? ****ing ****?
I'm sure that some of you remember my "Platform schenanigans" thread.
Yeah, I was super bored of Melee at that point.
Well, that time has come again where I get so bored that I propose something absurb for you guys to come in like "WTF?! That's too hard." and then lose interest after two days.
This all began one day when I was playing against one of my friends that is bad at the game. We were doing Mario(me) vs Luigi(him) on I think Yoshi's. I would knock him off the stage and then I'd walk up to the ledge, expecting him to getup-attack.
Sure enough, he did and I powersheilded it into a Usmash.
Mind you, the guy was at like 100+ so he should have died but he shot up and then the invisible ceiling glitch happened and he shot back downwards.
Later that match, the exact same situation happened. Powersheild ->Usmash->Invisible Ceiling Glitch->WTF?
So ever since that moment, I've been thinking about powersheilding/ICG(Invisible Ceiling Glitch, not Insane carzy guy) on command and its implications during a match.
A) Invisible Ceiling glitch can be used to start up some stupid, stupid, dumb combos. LEt's take a matchup that is familiar to you all, Marth vs Fox on Yoshi's or something. Marth is at 0%. He does a Nair and Fox powersheilds it, cancelling it into an Usmash. Invisible Ceiling Glitch happens and Marth comes flopping downwards right back in front of Fox. Now Fox can probably Usmash again at this point, he could grab, he could probably aerial if he reacts quick enough. For practicality's sake, Fox would probably just Usmash again into a Uair/Bair or something. But for a hypothetical combo video's sake, let's write the dumbest combo I can think of.
Powersheild -> Usmash -> ICG -> Pivot Utilt -> ShReverseBair(when you hit with the front of it, carrying him with you forward under a platform)-> Pivot Utilt -> Jump -> Shine -> Waveland onto/off of platform into a Dair->Dsmash
Yeah, pretty stupid.
B) It could also be used for stupid low-percent kills too. Like say Ganon is at like 40% and Marth is at 80 on Yoshi's. Wanting the kill, Ganon starts spacing aerials on Marth's sheild. Marth powersheilds the fair and then does a Reverse Dolphin Slash or something. Ganon flies off the stage and then ICG happens and he flops downwards, below the ledge.
Based on my experience, it seems like it'd be practical. I've already thought about implications for Ice Climbers(my character) and I'm trying to figure it out for others as well.
It's silly that I only think about these kinds of things when I'm tired of the game.
Tell me what you guys think of it! Possible? Impossible? Possible but impractical? Possible but situational? ****ing ****?