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So the question was "How did you become friends with Bill Partridge?"


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Well. The night was aging. Past twilight, the rain fell heavy. Fog filled all of Chapel Hill. The fog was cut in half by a blaze of fiery red flames concentrated on one destination; ME. I deftly dodged and counteracted with a straight shot kick into the air, forcing a backlash that spread out several feet. Bill was pre...ssed back with the indirect force of the kick. With a soul of heartfelt sorrow seen within his eyes, Bill pawnched the floor with a force only seen in the gods. The ground shook and I was risen by a platform of slowly shattering brick road. All of this in a moment, I had little time to react before Bill came from behind with a flaring green spin kick. I lifted my arms as fast as I could and took the force of the kick, bringing me back to the now broken earth. With a yell to bring forth strength, I charged at Bill through the smoke of his last barrage. A pause was made when I stood face to face with Bill. We glanced at each other and he knew what was to come. In a span of ten seconds, Bill Partridge took the damage of eight thousand punches and fell to one knee. I, drained of energy, fell on both knees, barely staying conscious, not realizing how damaging Bill's attacks were. We both lifted our heads and stared for many minutes as we wheezed heavily from the encounter.

Bill muttered "You're fairly good in your arts. Usually the new guy I meet doesn't come back from my spin kick, let alone make an attack afterward."

I grinned and replied "I wasn't expecting power like yours, and so soon, even. I assume that wasn't your best?"

Bill stood up, slowly walked in my direction as he said "Your assumption would be correct. But I want to say you still have more up your sleeve? The name's Partridge. Bill Partridge."

Still breathing heavily, I took the hand Bill offered as support and rose, during which I replied "My name is ZIO. I come from out of town. I joined L0zR. I'm sure you he-"

I was cut off. An explosion that cratered the world took place and amongst the smoke, a shady figure with a glowing green eye.

"I suppose L0zR has been training?" Bill noted.

"Always" I said.

The shadowy figure, assumed to be L0zR, jumped into the night sky, Bill and my eyes latched on to its course. The rain skewed our view and we lost track of L0zR. Bill and I stared at each other, and as if we could understand each other without words, we separated. Right on Franklin street, I stood hundreds of feet away from Bill. Second were the only things that passed us as L0zR dropped from the sky. A wind was blowing from his direction; He was the source of this wind. It represented his staggering amount of power. All the while, he was bound in an awesome lime green glow. People from all over Franklin street came out of their comfort zones to find a sight they rarely see. Titans of strength and power, clashing.

"So, what's with this show, Adam?" I darted.

"PRACTICE, BIT!" Adam proudly replied.

"Well, You could leave me ou----" I was yet again cut off. But not by a noise. Bill landed a kick with the back of his left foot on the right side of Adam's head. Astonishingly, Adam took the full force of the kick, but only staggered. He was still left largely unharmed. Or so it may have looked like.

"I need some . . . BUSCH ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

L0zR took a stance familiar to fans of the Dragon Ball series. A stance that goku would make when gathering his energy. Complete with the scream that was made for it.

"Holy snap? L0zR! You're gonna destroy some very important property."

Realizing this, Bill grabbed L0zR's collar and the two disappeared in a flash of ominous light. I thought to myself about how ugly the battle could be made, and wondered just why Adam decided to go all out right at the beginning. While wrapped in all this thought, I knew where they went; Miles away to a place that only knows trees and plants. Bill was smart. Taking the battle there would reduce any more damage that has already been caused, and prevent casualties to innocents.

I followed them. When I reached the battlegrounds, the fight was already underway, but a newcomer apparently approached the battlefield. What was this? Yeroc? For what? I had to ask him.

"I wanted to test my new 'controller'." Yeroc said in a calm voice.

Yeroc sat inside of a giant machine. He was located at what looked to be the head. While I marveled at the size of the bot, I also sat in awe as I watched L0zR take it on with only his fists.

-------I was BORED-------

I will do more . . ..


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I never got a response on it, and since I put quite alot of time in to it, I figured I'd give it some more attention.

Alright. I can finish it. Just give me some time. And if I need to include pictures, I will, but I think it ruins the mood.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Way back when... I was playing smash one day with a lot of friends, and after beating them all they told me "You should play Bill Partridge. He's really good." After 5 or 6, 7..8..9..12 beers (non-alcoholic of course :>) I got on Facebook and sent Bill the message "I own your *** with jigglypuff." He essentially said yeah sure buddy why don't you come out and play melee with us, we love competition etc. A week or 2 later I showed up at a melee get together at UNC and played Bill in a bunch of matches with different characters (I was a marth main at this time). He won most of them. When we played jiggs vs sheik for the first time it came to one stock each, but he was at like 10% and me like 140% lol. I shieldgrabbed a dash attack, dthrow'd him and he didn't DI... REST! Game! Bill: WHAT THE F******CK!!!!!!! lol. Friends ever since.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I played Ganon before you kids knew his level of power. I played him like I played my controllers; until he broke.

Then those silver arrows. BAM!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Ganon can't BREAK!!?!!

Twitch stop playing with me.
Tell that to the pile of dust that used to resemble him that I left behind as I walked into the next room to pick up chix (aka, zelda [hot mistress of the night, BTW]).


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Look at my location, d00d. I been in Hyrule before you even knew you stepped foot into it from Termina.

I knew the Evil King when he was a Prince and even before.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
I am a ganon slayer, ive got the master sword hanging in my room in case that beast comes near

Also zio continue on with this, i like it

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
I am a ganon slayer, ive got the master sword hanging in my room in case that beast comes near

Also zio continue on with this, i like it
He really does have a master sword. You ganon mains are ****ed.

EDIT: I loooooove Zero_gamer's avatar!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Of course you would like Adam. It has you winning in it . . . so far. :chuckle:
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