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Smashing the Backstage Results - October 16th (Ludington, MI)


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
Phew, my first tourney as a TO in Brawl was small, yet surprisingly hectic. But let's get down to business. Firstly, I want to apologize because I missed catching who everyone played during the tournament, and only caught the games themselves a couple times.

Original Thread here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=289341

Fees for tournaments were $10 per person for both tournaments. Melee and 64 ended up being just a lot of friendlies.

So I pulled the characters they normally use off their profile or SWF rankings. Otherwise, I 'unno.

1. Lain ($73.50) :popo: :metaknight: :snake:
2. Sparta Kick($21.00) :snake: :metaknight:
3. L_Cancel($10.50) :olimar:
4. Lonewolf :marth:
5. Roller :popo: :pikachu2:
5. TuTu :falco:
7. Ori_Bro :marth:
7. Gio :metaknight:
9. Lordhelmet :falcon: (?)
9. Robjoe :marth: :lucario:
9. HellFyre :ike:

[collapse="Pools 1"]

[collapse="Pools 2"]

[collapse="Singles Bracket"]

I think I'm missing a few secondaries or subbing in Seconds for Primaries, so just let me know and I'll make the proper adjustments.

Ho hum doubles time. Do note that there was some leniency during it, and hollaforadolla(Lain + Gio) were given the bye because of it. Anyway, moving on.

Doubles Bracket:
1. Pumpkin Pluckers ($84.00) (Tutu + L_Cancel) :falco: + :olimar:
2. Roller + Sparta Kick ($42.00) :popo: / :metaknight: / :pikachu2: + :metaknight: / :snake:
3. Hollaforadolla ($14.00) (Lain + Gio) :metaknight: / :snake: + :metaknight:
4. Ori + Lordy :metaknight: + :falcon:
5. Horton*(?) + Ransom*(?) :random: + :random: (possible Pika and Lucario)
5. Lonewolf + Robjoe* :marth: + :marth: / :lucario:
7. HellFyre* + Septrion* :ike: + :random:

*Locals. HellFyre is known as Zach Byer on the brackets.

[collapse="Doubles Bracket"]

Do note that, like above, the characters might not be exact. None of the matches from Doubles got recorded due to a mistake during recording that was out of my hands. However, some of the more 'lolworthy' bracket situations were, in fact, my fault, as I was just placing them due to pools performance.

Also, here are some videos, courtesy of lordhelmet.

And here is the link to the Singles Tournament on Set 1. HOWEVER, it is buffered by about a half an hour of unskippable Brawl+ shenanigans and then narrated by a local girl. I HAVE NOT VIEWED THIS YET. In fact it opens to me being very loud with my gum, and for that I apologize. We'll be trying to get this cut up so you can see only what you want to see.


Personally, Big shout-outs to Ori, Tutu, and Kail. Also, brofists to L_Cancel and Lonewolf. The rest of ya are awesome too.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2009
L sucks lain and gio rappppppe good **** for beating L with dat wolf sk etc


Smash Master
Feb 10, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
1. Lain - Fun games, thanks for doing friendlies and ****** me on livestream!
2. Sparta Kick- SK rapin' as usual, fun friendlies. I'll get you back for robbing me a dollar.
3. L_Cancel - Nice to see you as always, amazing doubles matches :D
4. Lonewolf - No one knew who you were lol, I should've asked you for friendlies :/
5. Roller - I had fun dude, great friendlies friday and great matches at the tourney.
5. TuTu - Thanks for taking time to play me! Our doubles set was too good, shame it didn't get recorded
7. Ori_Bro - Thanks x1000 for taking me and Roller and housing. Food was great and the house was great!
7. Gio - Good bracket match, I need to step it up a bit.
9. Lordhelmet - You suck, get better.
9. Robjoe - Thanks for coming over to smash on Friday
9. HellFyre - Thanks for coing to the event!

Btw, Gio went straight MK. Ori used MK in doubles. I went straight Falcon except two games in which I lost anyway... so just keep Falcon :D

Huge brofist to Miles, the event had a few snags but it was extremely fun! The livestream was a really good idea and was very entertaining.

Sparta Kick

Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2008
I used mostly Snake and Wolf in singles, but I guess MK can stay too because I used him in one pool match. And lol, I guess I’m “Snake” for the pools…


1. Lain ($73.50) – It was fun playing you… in three different sets lmao. Good stuff on winning.
2. Sparta Kick($21.00) – I kept asking for my opponents ban when I won… and soon everyone else did the same. lmao
3. L_Cancel($10.50) – Our first set was ridiculous. I’m glad you understood that I didn’t go into the match with the mindset of timing you out. I admire how never john, and just try harder next time. Good stuff.
4. Lonewolf – Fun set.
5. Roller- It was cool talking with you, and teaming with you.
5. TuTu – Good stuff winning dubs.
7. Ori_Bro – Fun friendlies. THAT MARIO. lmao
7. Gio – You and Lain seemed a bit off in dubs, but fun set anyway.
9. Lordhelmet- Fun MM. It was nice talking with you. Your Falcon is too good.

Thanks for hosting, SuperTH. It was a fun tourney even though the turnout was a bit depressing.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
1. Lain ($73.50) – Nice seeing you again! xD Hopefully next time we'll play again!
2. Sparta Kick($21.00) – Very well played in both sets. Your Wolf is really good, I didn't know you had one! xD Look forward to playing you again! I'll try to bring more of a challenge next time!
3. L_Cancel($10.50) – Wifi Olimar.
4. Lonewolf – GGs. Glad to meet you at a tourney! You did well for your first MI event too!
5. Roller- GGs in doubles and friendlies xD Hanging out was fun too.
5. TuTu – We did it! Our unlikely team inspired by a pumpkin. xD GGs in our sets too. Sorry we didn't get more friendlies in. :<
7. Ori_Bro – GGs. We had a good singles set! You're improving every time we play.
7. Gio – SMASH 64444. Lol was fun playing! GGs in our set too. o:
9. Lordhelmet- Sorry we didn't get more friendlies in! I thought we would have more time. D:
9. Robjoe - Glad you entered! Hope you learned some stuff!
9. HellFyre - Fun friendlies! Glad you learned a lot and were inspired to improve. :3

Additional Shoutouts -
SuperTH - it was a fun event, thanks for everything! xD

Kail+/Kail- Thanks for everything. xD Definitely was a fun car ride and thanks for all the meleeeee experience!


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
1. Lain - Good **** man, sorry you got jipped out of MLG, I was hoping you'd make it. Fun doubles match, sorry you guys seemed a bit off. =/

2. Sparta Kick - Teams was too good. Double mk on brinstar vs locals was hilarious. Great meeting you, and congrats on getting 2nd!

3. L_Cancel - Great to finally meet you! Fun friendlies, we'll have to do them again sometime. In doubs.. We shoulda had you guys first set!! Note to self, don't start playing gay when up 2-0. lol

4. Lonewolf - Good games man, I have to say I didn't take you too seriously game 1, but you are definitely a legit Marth that I hope to play against again sometime.

5. Roller - step yo' game up.

5. TuTu - Hey man, great seeing you, as always. Sorry about how your bracket worked out, and stuff. I had fun playing on Mansion for once, and good doubles matches. Subway was good, but was no kfc, lol. We'll have to go someplace extrahype next time. =P

7. Ori_Bro - Dude. Best. Housing. Ever. Thanks for taking me so last minute! Your mom had like, everything we could ever need, lol. Tell her thanks again for everything, especially the coupons. XD Fun matches the night before. Hope I helped you out a bit vs pika. I'm sure we will meet again pretty soon.

7. Gio - ****. Fun doubles matches, sorry about how you wound up missing the Iowa game and driving all the way out here and everything just for a stacked bracket. =/

9. Lordhelmet - Your Falcon is amazing! I will always refer to you as the best falcon ever. lol, nice time out. XD Fun friendlies the night before, man. Hope to see you again soon.

9. Robjoe - Cool meeting you, you are definitely better than me at +, lol. Sorry about cging you to death in bracket. =/

9. HellFyre - I hear you got inspired to get better. Sweet! Hope you come out to more of these, man.

Super - Nice meeting you! Now I have a face to your voice on the smyn podcast, lol. Your Mario is pretty good, that match we had was pretty lulzy. And Thank you so much for helping us with the TVs!!! We woulda been F'ed


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
I think Roller just had the advantage in the matchup from the start and pulled an early win. I think IC's chaingrab was involved. I just wish I got to see more matches, but I had a great time going toe to toe with Lain in B+. Didn't take long for him to get used to it, but I'd love to play him more. Same with L_Cancel, his Olimar is crazy good.

Roller, Lordy, Ori, great friendlies, I just wish we had more time to play. I'd have suggested such, but I got in at 3:00 AM back in 'Stee after some clean up.

Also, I sound like a broken record by now, but has anyone found my black GC controller? We had numerous things left behind, and I'll be bringing most of it along for Youmacon, just hope to see my black controller show up when I get there. >>;

I wish I wasn't so busy right up until the end - I totally missed out in brawlin' with TuTu, Gio, Lone and SK. Not a single match with those guys. Ah well, hopefully in three months. Maybe sooner with Youma.

Oh, and I'm fixin' the Livestream videos. If I'm right, you should be able to seek to different parts of the video by the time I'm done, but I've downloaded the Singles Pools/brackets video. It's in FLV format, so I'll probably get around to converting that before I send it out. Depends if I'm able to, but I should be...


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
1. Lain ($73.50) - much <3 as always dude, thanks for helping me with the Snake MU as well. Irts funny that the only match we replayed was one of the 3 you won and won the rest XD
2. Sparta Kick($21.00) - You are the #1 Snake in MI, and that Mario is SO good XD. but thanks for hwelping me with the Snake MU dude I just need to practice it a little more
3. L_Cancel($10.50) - I've got your number next tourney L >:3 but overall it was great to see you again!
4. Lonewolf - I really underestimated you. your MK is legit keep that Marth up I love seeing more Marths :D
5. Roller- Thanmks for giving me all that pikachu help, I think i'll be set on that MU. nice job beating tutu in bracket. ggs in pools ICs too good :D
5. TuTu - everyone has their off days, but fun doubles set
7. Ori_Bro - You can beat L_Cancel you can do it u r finally getting the snake matchup, a little!
7. Gio - My *** hurts from the beating you gave me in smash 64
9. Lordhelmet - Fun dubs dude we should have had it but i ****ed up XD, it was hangin with you for 3 days. Your falcon is too pro
9. Robjoe - fun friendlies Friday night Rob
9. HellFyre - nice Ike, hopefully by you playing us it will make you wanna travel and get a lot better

Super - Great tourney despite the low turnout, I had a great time and look forward to the next one! I'll see you around on the SMYN boards.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
1. Lain ($73.50) you got super ***** out man=[
2. Sparta Kick($21.00) I'mma sandbag pools next tournament so I meet you in bracket
3. L_Cancel($10.50) <_______________<
4. Lonewolf: 10Salts
5. Roller: 100Salts
5. TuTu: Why does everyone capitalize the second T? It looks incredibly ********. 10Salts
7. Ori_Bro: Why are you surprised that I lost to an ICs? It takes a mentally ******** chimpanzee with a broken controller to lose that MU as ICs. 1000Salts.
7. Gio: Great sets, hopefully you don't get put on Lain's side of the bracket for a while.
9. Lordhelmet: ................................................................................................................ dat punch <______<
9. Robjoe: Thanks for entering, hope you enjoyed yourself.
9. HellFyre: Not sure who you were


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
I've been capitalizing it... 'cause I have. Not sure why everyone else is.

HellFyre is a local named Zach, I just chose to put in his Smashboards name that he made the day before the tournament. Or two days. Whatever. But yeah, looks like Zach and Robjoe are working to stimulate the local populace for Smash. Apparently they're working on smashfests.
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