Smash Apprentice
Just figured I should post some PMs that smasher sent to me begging to be unbanned then raging right back on me within a few days.
why did u mute me then piss me off when i was talking to someone and you had
to stick ur ****ing head in our business like a ****ing ******* just to make me
talk **** to you so u had excuse to ban me
Agent 21-
You knew that you were supposed to be muted, the only reason you were unmuted
was because the server restarded. So I remuted you and you're the one who
decided to insult me by spamming the server with logins and your usernames
insulting me which is asking to be banned.
Immaturity and stupidity makes me very angry. When someone who also has the
power to effect me and bes immature or acts stupid and talks like he knows
what they are doing also makes me mad which you were. I simply cannon't stand
how you, firo or any of those kaillera ******* act. I can understand little
kids acting like that which I also did 3 years ago when i was ****ing 11 years
old playing around like a little kid and actually I was on kaillera in 04
playing arcade games when I was very little with my friend who knew about it.
I can't STAND the ****ing kaillera community. Which is why I would lag servers
which I never did to firo's. I wouldn't be such a ******* to you or anyone else
on kaillera if they wouldn't be stupid when dealing with me. Muting me didn't
help, all that does is make me log in talking ****. Banning me will never
work. Your ban right now isn't going to stick. I will always be back so
theres no point, all it does is make me rusty in smash64. The fact that I have
too much experience with people just like you and firo, but scampy, even
though shes a super admin she has a extremely better way of thinking then the
both of you combined, which is why she has a super admin by paramount from no
were and near and loto. But you too are so simple. Firo seems about 20 or 21
and I'm guessing his skinny and has no real world experience as in fighting or
understanding social predicaments dealing with people against him. So his life
has always been owned by his parents who probity the ONLY reason he has anything
in his life. So in result he has two chooses understand how he feels and wants
to be caring or be a total ******* to everyone. He chooses to be caring which
I know by him not banning me after he thought i hacked the server and thinking
he was twisting my words around when I said "all i want to do is play smash"
When i knew the hole time he was going to mute me to let me on server but he
thinks he controls his server because he pays and owns it. You don't control
something because you own it, do you control a pet lion? You own it don't you?
Yet lions are uncontrollable sense there too uninvolved to have basic thoughts
of how the world works in result doing as they please with no training.
So, firo thinks he can control his server by training the users basically to
not troll or flame wars which will always happen by banning the most popular
troll of them by knowing my past experience with being immature which once
again back in 07 i was 11 years old. Also somewhere in back of his mind he
believes I'm an example of why you shouldn't act like me as lulz does which
is why you were giving him warning for trolling. Lets not forget about you.
Remember you're fail tournament and fail tournament server with Slink? That
there proves you want to have some kind of power within your life even if
you don't believe it or think about it. Somewhere in your life your being
controlled to the point that you wish that person or thing was never there.
It could be you're parents, maybe its your school or job or maybe even the
united states of america. All of this is true to 100% or right in the area
of what is true. Also just for the record, I know everything that happens
within MY community. I created the kaillera community of trolls in smash.
My non-stop abuse against those older and newer users has effected them in
ways. Lets take MATTS for example. When I first started matt's name was matt.
Then soon when he made matts. Then he took quickmans ! and made MATTS!.
Through out the begging he was beaten non stop by my counter picks of non
basic smash. So he was forced to use kirby, also when we played there were
always something that would make someone mad and in result trolling. I trolled
on him in result he trolls on others. Which created his ego. The point I have is,
I'm too good to be unaccepted by you, firo, or anyone else. I'm simply the heart
of what happens in smash servers on kaillera. Also with youtube I still have people
I never even heard of talking about me, Currently its about me hacking someone or
some dumb ****. I recommend you and firo just unban my ip ranges and allow me to
come back and be apart of the community.
Agent 21 AGAIN-
Actaully, scratch most of what I said in the last message, I'm not unbanning you period.
Why would I allow someone back into our server that sat up and said they were going to
crash the master server list? And then you insulted me, and your right since things cant
change like lions, you can stay banned and go rage on someone else.
Well, that does make sense. I never thought of it in that way but the only reason i raged
on you was because you muted me as i was mad at someone else for raging quiting in middle
of my combo which pissed me off. Well if you unban me, I'm just going play people i know
only again. No playing ragequitters. Also, I didn't ban my self, the people around me banned
me by causing my emotions to change in result me flaming you.
Agent 21-
Like I said, until you realize what is the problem with you, I can't unban you man.
You have to take responsibility for your actions. They can't make you rage, if you choose to
let something probably 12 year old kids type or do on an online game then that's YOUR FAULT not them man.
Come on, please understand, I don't like banning.
I don't change? You think I have grown up any from any experience with being banned non stop by people on servers?
I have grown up a LOT sense 07. And actually this ban iv grown up more. I don't see the reason to lower my self
to someone else who is so pathetic they would ragequit on my because they are losing. I would just ignore them.
But, You wont unban me even if i say sorry because i said i would crash master server list and talk **** to you.
First of all, let me tell you everything.
The only time i EVER "hacked" a server was when i got the crash client from fireblasters friend and near
banned me for having it. Then i went on God weapons and there i spammed BARCODE into there main chat and sent millions of dropped packets.
That was my only hack i have ever done to a server. I have NEVER hacked again let alone i no longer have program.
I lie about a lot of **** when im mad. Also crashing the master server list would do NOTHING. Using nettools to
flood a website is only slowing down the website. Nothing else, At most maybe just MAYBE i could make the master
server list history stick about 1 min longer. Thats all. Also I dont care at all about you personally i have
nothing against YOU. I have something against your powers and firos power. I have nothing against ether of you
personally. I only hate your powers its that simple. I flame your superadmin for the fact that you could do the
**** your doing now. And iv changed more then anyone on kaillera ever will. Let me show you some history of why
and how i was immature. When i first joined kaillera back in late 07, I played smash as link and made my name
weirdlink. Soon i joined iXi after i beat stoned. But then soon canuet said i was
when my youtube was weirdlink the i and e were flipped and him and couple other people started calling me hentai.
From then on as a 11 year old kid just trying to play a game it soon became more then that and got me competitively
into smash and kaillera community. Soon i made the name Smasherx74. Then nonstop i trolled on EVERYONE even scampy
when at time he was super admin on EGX. I trolled against paramount and everyone. But soon after EGX died and galaxy64
turned from dolphin server to n64 server it started happing. Virus who made name Near was the owner. He BANNED ME for
getting 0 ping client back in summer of 09. then it was 6 months till loto owned galaxy64. I got back on and said Sorry
to every single one of them even people i hated like fireblaster and holy. Then soon i was rebanned for 1 day after 3
idiots were happy about beating me with 1 stock by 1 guy in 3v1 and that pissed me off so firo banned me for 1 day. I
came on here and talked **** to him. So then he perm ban me. But my birthday in april 26 was coming and the same exact
day, he unbanned me and mute me. Then a couple weeks later you ban me. You have no idea of how insane it is for me when
i have nothing. My hole life i have played video games and always had people neglect to be proud of me or anything.
games were the only thing that could actually keep me from wanting to die when i was 6 and school made it worse. I hate
school too i cant stand those ****ing teachers telling me **** like they own me. And sense i been 6 i played socom up to
being 11 when i started getting on computer and found out about smash64 online and ****. and the older i get the worse it
gets with how insane in the mind and lonely i become with nothing but smash64 to keep me alive. I live by living inside
that community. Haven't you noticed how Serious i am about smash64 and kaillera? do you think a real normal person would
act the way i do if they had anything else besides this? And the only way i actually get through school is by being as
bad as possible to actually get people to be somewhat proud of me as in kids ****ing ******s that are 14 and 15 years old
to. The only way i can fight is by punching someone i nthe ****ing throught so they cant breath and then chopping there
legs to beat them to keep my self to seem like im bigger and stronger then everyone else. and i rather play on kaillera
and smash64 then **** some ****ing *****. Iv never told any of my girl friends were i live in real life all i ever do with
them is in bathrooms at school or on bus. and all thats a fake life i hate that i hate the public. What is just a couple
of numbers under a deny on server to you is my ****ing life. Also the only thing i can think of that also keeps me straight
in the mind is being high or buzzed off of weed or beer or liquor. But i cant drink unless when i can find someoneto buy me
some and i can smoke anytime sense i have lots of ****ing ways to get some but can never smoke because i dotn have enough
money or my dads home. my plan for life was when i get 23 or something sell programs like how hypercam and fraps is online
and live off that and get drunk every day. i have nothing to keep me going without smash64 kaillera. Im not begging you,
im Pleading for you to accept me back into galaxy64 again with no **** on me.
Originally Posted by Agent_21 View Post
"lol the only person dissing Galaxy is the one banned from it...."
BECAUSE you are NOTHING. I simply want to become more in detailed into the smash community like i have been for 3 ****ing years, UNLIKE YOU i care about actually playing instead of ***ging off on a server every 5 secs and BAN BAN BAN everyone you pathetic piece of dog ****. When firo stops paying ill make **** SURe my emulinker server is remade and called galaxy64 so i can take over and make a fake name like firo and own it and ****ing IP Ban all your ****ing ranges search every ****ing body that is popular and were they live and if they live in same city as you, IP RANGE BANNED. you can go to hell you ****** **** sucking *****. And you keep saying BRO BRO BRO like i give a **** about you enough for you to ever attempt to say i was ever your freind or apart of your pathetic useless ignorant family who was a mere speck on the face of the earth which no one cares about. I hope your grandma goes to hell, your grandpa you dad you mom you and any kids you have or may have go to hell and ill be there waiting on you all while i make hell seem like a ice cream place for you compared to the torment i will inflict on everyone you know and care about.
Notice he thinks that people are going to join his emulinker server. I just want to warn you that this kid has serious mental issues and you might not want to trust someone like this. Also, take a look at when he says "Immaturity and stupidy makes me very angry" wonder he's always angry.
why did u mute me then piss me off when i was talking to someone and you had
to stick ur ****ing head in our business like a ****ing ******* just to make me
talk **** to you so u had excuse to ban me
Agent 21-
You knew that you were supposed to be muted, the only reason you were unmuted
was because the server restarded. So I remuted you and you're the one who
decided to insult me by spamming the server with logins and your usernames
insulting me which is asking to be banned.
Immaturity and stupidity makes me very angry. When someone who also has the
power to effect me and bes immature or acts stupid and talks like he knows
what they are doing also makes me mad which you were. I simply cannon't stand
how you, firo or any of those kaillera ******* act. I can understand little
kids acting like that which I also did 3 years ago when i was ****ing 11 years
old playing around like a little kid and actually I was on kaillera in 04
playing arcade games when I was very little with my friend who knew about it.
I can't STAND the ****ing kaillera community. Which is why I would lag servers
which I never did to firo's. I wouldn't be such a ******* to you or anyone else
on kaillera if they wouldn't be stupid when dealing with me. Muting me didn't
help, all that does is make me log in talking ****. Banning me will never
work. Your ban right now isn't going to stick. I will always be back so
theres no point, all it does is make me rusty in smash64. The fact that I have
too much experience with people just like you and firo, but scampy, even
though shes a super admin she has a extremely better way of thinking then the
both of you combined, which is why she has a super admin by paramount from no
were and near and loto. But you too are so simple. Firo seems about 20 or 21
and I'm guessing his skinny and has no real world experience as in fighting or
understanding social predicaments dealing with people against him. So his life
has always been owned by his parents who probity the ONLY reason he has anything
in his life. So in result he has two chooses understand how he feels and wants
to be caring or be a total ******* to everyone. He chooses to be caring which
I know by him not banning me after he thought i hacked the server and thinking
he was twisting my words around when I said "all i want to do is play smash"
When i knew the hole time he was going to mute me to let me on server but he
thinks he controls his server because he pays and owns it. You don't control
something because you own it, do you control a pet lion? You own it don't you?
Yet lions are uncontrollable sense there too uninvolved to have basic thoughts
of how the world works in result doing as they please with no training.
So, firo thinks he can control his server by training the users basically to
not troll or flame wars which will always happen by banning the most popular
troll of them by knowing my past experience with being immature which once
again back in 07 i was 11 years old. Also somewhere in back of his mind he
believes I'm an example of why you shouldn't act like me as lulz does which
is why you were giving him warning for trolling. Lets not forget about you.
Remember you're fail tournament and fail tournament server with Slink? That
there proves you want to have some kind of power within your life even if
you don't believe it or think about it. Somewhere in your life your being
controlled to the point that you wish that person or thing was never there.
It could be you're parents, maybe its your school or job or maybe even the
united states of america. All of this is true to 100% or right in the area
of what is true. Also just for the record, I know everything that happens
within MY community. I created the kaillera community of trolls in smash.
My non-stop abuse against those older and newer users has effected them in
ways. Lets take MATTS for example. When I first started matt's name was matt.
Then soon when he made matts. Then he took quickmans ! and made MATTS!.
Through out the begging he was beaten non stop by my counter picks of non
basic smash. So he was forced to use kirby, also when we played there were
always something that would make someone mad and in result trolling. I trolled
on him in result he trolls on others. Which created his ego. The point I have is,
I'm too good to be unaccepted by you, firo, or anyone else. I'm simply the heart
of what happens in smash servers on kaillera. Also with youtube I still have people
I never even heard of talking about me, Currently its about me hacking someone or
some dumb ****. I recommend you and firo just unban my ip ranges and allow me to
come back and be apart of the community.
Agent 21 AGAIN-
Actaully, scratch most of what I said in the last message, I'm not unbanning you period.
Why would I allow someone back into our server that sat up and said they were going to
crash the master server list? And then you insulted me, and your right since things cant
change like lions, you can stay banned and go rage on someone else.
Well, that does make sense. I never thought of it in that way but the only reason i raged
on you was because you muted me as i was mad at someone else for raging quiting in middle
of my combo which pissed me off. Well if you unban me, I'm just going play people i know
only again. No playing ragequitters. Also, I didn't ban my self, the people around me banned
me by causing my emotions to change in result me flaming you.
Agent 21-
Like I said, until you realize what is the problem with you, I can't unban you man.
You have to take responsibility for your actions. They can't make you rage, if you choose to
let something probably 12 year old kids type or do on an online game then that's YOUR FAULT not them man.
Come on, please understand, I don't like banning.
I don't change? You think I have grown up any from any experience with being banned non stop by people on servers?
I have grown up a LOT sense 07. And actually this ban iv grown up more. I don't see the reason to lower my self
to someone else who is so pathetic they would ragequit on my because they are losing. I would just ignore them.
But, You wont unban me even if i say sorry because i said i would crash master server list and talk **** to you.
First of all, let me tell you everything.
The only time i EVER "hacked" a server was when i got the crash client from fireblasters friend and near
banned me for having it. Then i went on God weapons and there i spammed BARCODE into there main chat and sent millions of dropped packets.
That was my only hack i have ever done to a server. I have NEVER hacked again let alone i no longer have program.
I lie about a lot of **** when im mad. Also crashing the master server list would do NOTHING. Using nettools to
flood a website is only slowing down the website. Nothing else, At most maybe just MAYBE i could make the master
server list history stick about 1 min longer. Thats all. Also I dont care at all about you personally i have
nothing against YOU. I have something against your powers and firos power. I have nothing against ether of you
personally. I only hate your powers its that simple. I flame your superadmin for the fact that you could do the
**** your doing now. And iv changed more then anyone on kaillera ever will. Let me show you some history of why
and how i was immature. When i first joined kaillera back in late 07, I played smash as link and made my name
weirdlink. Soon i joined iXi after i beat stoned. But then soon canuet said i was
when my youtube was weirdlink the i and e were flipped and him and couple other people started calling me hentai.
From then on as a 11 year old kid just trying to play a game it soon became more then that and got me competitively
into smash and kaillera community. Soon i made the name Smasherx74. Then nonstop i trolled on EVERYONE even scampy
when at time he was super admin on EGX. I trolled against paramount and everyone. But soon after EGX died and galaxy64
turned from dolphin server to n64 server it started happing. Virus who made name Near was the owner. He BANNED ME for
getting 0 ping client back in summer of 09. then it was 6 months till loto owned galaxy64. I got back on and said Sorry
to every single one of them even people i hated like fireblaster and holy. Then soon i was rebanned for 1 day after 3
idiots were happy about beating me with 1 stock by 1 guy in 3v1 and that pissed me off so firo banned me for 1 day. I
came on here and talked **** to him. So then he perm ban me. But my birthday in april 26 was coming and the same exact
day, he unbanned me and mute me. Then a couple weeks later you ban me. You have no idea of how insane it is for me when
i have nothing. My hole life i have played video games and always had people neglect to be proud of me or anything.
games were the only thing that could actually keep me from wanting to die when i was 6 and school made it worse. I hate
school too i cant stand those ****ing teachers telling me **** like they own me. And sense i been 6 i played socom up to
being 11 when i started getting on computer and found out about smash64 online and ****. and the older i get the worse it
gets with how insane in the mind and lonely i become with nothing but smash64 to keep me alive. I live by living inside
that community. Haven't you noticed how Serious i am about smash64 and kaillera? do you think a real normal person would
act the way i do if they had anything else besides this? And the only way i actually get through school is by being as
bad as possible to actually get people to be somewhat proud of me as in kids ****ing ******s that are 14 and 15 years old
to. The only way i can fight is by punching someone i nthe ****ing throught so they cant breath and then chopping there
legs to beat them to keep my self to seem like im bigger and stronger then everyone else. and i rather play on kaillera
and smash64 then **** some ****ing *****. Iv never told any of my girl friends were i live in real life all i ever do with
them is in bathrooms at school or on bus. and all thats a fake life i hate that i hate the public. What is just a couple
of numbers under a deny on server to you is my ****ing life. Also the only thing i can think of that also keeps me straight
in the mind is being high or buzzed off of weed or beer or liquor. But i cant drink unless when i can find someoneto buy me
some and i can smoke anytime sense i have lots of ****ing ways to get some but can never smoke because i dotn have enough
money or my dads home. my plan for life was when i get 23 or something sell programs like how hypercam and fraps is online
and live off that and get drunk every day. i have nothing to keep me going without smash64 kaillera. Im not begging you,
im Pleading for you to accept me back into galaxy64 again with no **** on me.
Originally Posted by Agent_21 View Post
"lol the only person dissing Galaxy is the one banned from it...."
BECAUSE you are NOTHING. I simply want to become more in detailed into the smash community like i have been for 3 ****ing years, UNLIKE YOU i care about actually playing instead of ***ging off on a server every 5 secs and BAN BAN BAN everyone you pathetic piece of dog ****. When firo stops paying ill make **** SURe my emulinker server is remade and called galaxy64 so i can take over and make a fake name like firo and own it and ****ing IP Ban all your ****ing ranges search every ****ing body that is popular and were they live and if they live in same city as you, IP RANGE BANNED. you can go to hell you ****** **** sucking *****. And you keep saying BRO BRO BRO like i give a **** about you enough for you to ever attempt to say i was ever your freind or apart of your pathetic useless ignorant family who was a mere speck on the face of the earth which no one cares about. I hope your grandma goes to hell, your grandpa you dad you mom you and any kids you have or may have go to hell and ill be there waiting on you all while i make hell seem like a ice cream place for you compared to the torment i will inflict on everyone you know and care about.
Notice he thinks that people are going to join his emulinker server. I just want to warn you that this kid has serious mental issues and you might not want to trust someone like this. Also, take a look at when he says "Immaturity and stupidy makes me very angry" wonder he's always angry.