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Smasher Chronicals from the 808 State


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic

Welcome! The purpose of this thread is for all of you smashers from the 808 State to share about your smash careers. In this thread we will turn back the clock and talk about things like...

-Who your very first main and why
-How you would describe your first play style
-When you first started watching vids/learning advanced techs
-Any major character changes and why
-When you started playing to improve and for competition
-What character you main to this day and how you play now

Then we can all comment, discuss and laugh about how we've all grown and changed as smashers and as people.

Everyone is different so no two stories will be exactly the same. C'mon Hawaii smashers!!! Add to the chornicals of the 808 State!!! Just start with "The Smash Chronicals of *insert your gamer tag here*"

And seeing as how I started this thread, I guess I'll go first. I'll edit the above stuff as people add in ideas and suggestions.

The Smasher Chronicals of Darkmusician

I started playing SSBM around 5 years ago in my freshman year in College. My very first character was Fox. I used Fox all the time in SB64 so I just went with what I knew. My playstyle was really dumb. It was nothing but smashes and...more smashes. I didn't learn about the shine till like 3 years later. >_> I also used Ness, and Yoshi because they were my backups in SB64, although I quickly gave them up because I saw that they worked quite differently.

Around 2 years ago, when we were sitting around at the Music Department, I had an idea. Wouldn't it be great it we had a tv that we could play games on? So we got everyone to chip in about 4 bucks and we bought a mini TV. It was worth every penny. In fact, that very mini TV was used for all of our friendlies at OC3 when we weren't at the venue. Soon after we started playing on a regular basis. My friend showed me a video on Youtube. It was the now famous Ken vs Korius at the JGT. I thought it was pretty cool, but at the time I didn't notice all of the things like L canles and wave dashing. But as I started watching more and more vids I started noticing how slow my play was compared to the pros. I wanted to be as fast and as fancy as they were.

I had nobody to tell me how to learn these techniques. My friend who showed me the videos (Genji) made me "aware" of certain things...like CCing and DI, but he didn't really have any information on much else. So all I did was practice practice practice. I started with fast falling and short hopping. Then I started on wave dashing and shffling. I started using other charactes like Marth, Samus and Peach. I thought at the time that Marths counter was the best move in the game. lolz Long story short it took me about 1 1/2 years to get a "small idea" on what playing like a pro felt like. I still had no idea about things like MoonWalking, Float Cancling, Platform Cancling and Japanese DI.

My road to being a competetive smasher started on New Years Eve 2006. I remembered that I had an account on Smashboards so I went on. I was already improving to the point that I was better than all of my friends, but I was bored and wanted to play better people. If that was possible...

So I found the Hawaii thread. I said hello and wouldn't you know it? Shoyo replies to me and we start talking on AIM. He gives me the low down on how things work and stuff. And at the time I was feeling pretty cocky. I truly in my heart of hearts felt that I was at least as good as them if not better. The rest I'm sure most of you can probably follow. I went to my first Jose fest. Over the months i have become friends with lots of people. To name a few

Matt...he yells the loudest and most pointless stuff
Andrew...he ALMOST never swears, but finds interesting replacements
Merc...the coolest neighbor EVER!!!
Joel...he's very smart and is the most observant out of all of us
Tom...when he plays he's calm on the outside, but sweating like a rapist on the inside
Terence...he says "knee grr" alot but he's such a sweet guy at heart
Arvin...he's a great teacher in games
Jose...too gewd and too cool
Oshiro....so much random ****
Frankie...soooo loud and laughs at almost everything
Nick...too funny
Dexter...he has two volumes...library quiet, and godzilla pandemonium
Scott...he talks so much funny ****
Bryan...lots of random swearing and funny outburts lolz
Eugene...the ONLY person that took the time to talk to me ^_^
Felix...My first rival (almost forgot about you) lolz
and of course Shoyo...he whoops my @$$ =w=

I quickly realized that my style, and skills were weak. I needed to step up my game if I was ever going to call myself "good" in Hawaii. Now here's where things get interesting...

I started using Zelda as a side character. It was mainly just for fun because I saw my friend using her kicks. Those kicks were so good I said "those kicks are money in the back." Thus the money kick was born. That is my trademark name for Zeldas Fair and Bair. And just for the record....I also started the phrase "Ganon Cannon." Ganon Cannon = Ganons back air.

So I decided to give Zelda a shot. And wouldn't you know it, I started getting wins. In fact my first wins on virtually EVERYONE in the JGC was all thanks to Zelda. I think it was around this time that my own play style with Zelda really started to develop. Honestly there are not enough vidoes of Zelda on Youtube for someone to copy a playstyle. And all of the combo videos out there are usually just "kick videos." I plan to change that. hehehe

I think that my playstyle today is one of a kind. It is a style that is all my own and is built on improvising, taking risks and learning how to fight against characters with more speed, reach and power. I don't think that it's a style that can be copied nor is it a style that can be taught. Nick said so himself at 0c3 "Most Zeldas use only 2 moves...this guy uses 5,6,7 moves. He mixes it up."

Today I use Zelda exclusively for competetive play. I will sometimes go Marth, Doc or Captain Falcon, by that's all fo sho. lolz Zelda is my one and only Main and I will never EVER go Sheik in a serious match. If I ever go Sheik, then it's a mistake.

After going to 0c3, I am reinspired to keep practicing and to keep improving my game. My Zelda has proven that it can compete not only with the locals, but some of the top pros on the Mainland. Personally I feel that my Zelda is one of the best out there right now. In the near future I plan on writing a move strategy/character match up guide for Zelda. I promise to do a good job on it. I promise to do whatever I can to keep smash alive and active in Hawaii. And finally, I promise to keep lighting the way for all Zelda lovers out there.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
The Smasher Chronicals of Oshiro

Lets see… I started playing smash my freshman year of high school. My friend’s were all better than me, cause it was the first time I had ever even touched a bloody game cube before. I started off with Young Link, not knowing how to do smashes, so I would run around and do running attacks. Eventually, Scott, along with his ‘pro’ friend, came along. At the time, Scott and his friend mained Sheik. At this point in time, free-for-all was the thing to play. Scott and his friend, being the best players there, would always finish off the other two people, and then they would fight each other. They had the ‘cheap’ combo of down throw, up smash, up smash, slap, which worked like “The Tom” does now. Having two Sheik’s team up on one Young Link was not very pretty. Getting murdered horribly just drove me to try harder and to get better at the game.

One day, as fate would have it, our friend forget the memory card, so I was forced to play big Link (we always played on Corneria, so stages weren’t a problem). I did better with big Link, so I stuck with Link. One day, I read the instruction booklet for melee, and found out this INCREDIBLE technique known as the shield grab. What a GLORIOUS day this was for me. I was taught the broken technique of down throw to spin attack with Link, which worked just as well as “The Tom;” combined with the shield grab, I was a monster. Eventually, the shield grabbing stopped working, so I needed to do something new. I talked to The GERM on aim one day, and he sent me Linkology, a vid of him vs. Zel, a vid of Neo vs. KrazyJones, and the god of smash, Mofo, ****** KrazyJones with the drillshine infinites. These vids were VERY inspirational, and I started to attempt the wavedash, the single most important thing Link needs, screw that l-cancelling crap, although, wavedashing didn’t go so well, so I gave that up, and tried to learn how to l-cancel.

L-cancelling, and soon after shffl’ing, started to be a part of my game, and I started to learn more characters. Soon, I learned how to play as Marth and Roy. Marth was a great character to play with his grabs to fsmash and the spike, Marth was good, but a ***, so I played Roy. For me, Roy was better. He had grabs to fsmash, a better sword (I couldn’t get the tipper too often then), flare blade edge guard, FIRE! Roy was too good, although, Scott’s Sheik and Terence’s Falco were still too good for Roy, but Link could compete.

As time went on, the DBR combos arrived. Gods, they were gods. Crazy Link edge guarding, Fox shinespikes, Doc grapple caping, they were too good. I started to play as Doc and Fox, and was decent at them. Eventually, Adrian came in and Scott started to play Samus; Terence stayed as Falco.

Time went on, not much had changed, other than everyone but me learning how to wavedash. They eventually went to play Tony (Gimpyfish), and got their butts whooped by a Bowser. They slowly started to get better, missile canceling, shinedashing, new techniques, while I stayed the same. One day, I was bored, and ditto’d Scott with Samus, and learned that wavedashing wasn’t as hard as I thought, although I never really added it to my gameplay. I started to play as GAW and stopped playing Link at some point time, but I don’t really remember when.

One day, Scott told me that there was a smasher who lived in Wahiawa, and said he could give me a ride to Jose’s house. I said ok, and started to think of who to play as. I was a CC ***** at this time at school, and those two thought I would get murdered by the gods of smash. I decided I would main as GAW at Jose’s house, cause I really didn’t have a main, and no one plays as him so I thought I would be original. I went there, and I was amazed, but I was somewhat near their level, cause I always played Scott and Terence who played the ‘pros’ regularly. GAWing went decently, except against the pillars of Kapolei. I was told I had to play Sheik against Frank, and I got *****. >_> Tom’s fox and Nick’s Falco murdered my GAW and Jose was too good. My Sheik against Tom’s Samus went well for me, and I don’t think anyone expected the win from me. I did well for a newcomer, and I taught Tom a new thing to watch out for against Sheik (wallspike son!)

After my first Josefest, I started to play you guys a lot more, and slowly became what I am now. Being inspired by you, and pro vids, I started to become more and more diverse. Forward inspired me to play Falco, Tom, Falcon, Dex… I inspired him to play GAW >_> I started to play a lot of chars, and that is how I became so diverse today. Not maining as anyone (the Hawaii Smasher Finder lies, I don’t have a true main) allows me to be one of the most diverse players on this island, able to somewhat compete with many chars, even at a serious level.

Sorry about the length, I know its long >_>


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2007
Bry(Hola!) The Youngest Of The Bunch!

Chapter One:Life Befor SMASH!
Dude, it was the ending of my junior year of highschool befor i started playing smash. Freshman year i was one of the first "maybe even the first" to break apart from our group which stayed together from 5th grade to the ending of 8th grade. My freshman year i left the group to hang out with a couple of seniors and also hung out with a few gangsters. Dude i've seen 5lut's fingered in front of me in the bushes while cutting school, to gang fights and people getting stabed. Smoked weed and got drunk eating poptarts while my friend fuucked his girlfriend in his room. It's a good thing that sophmore year most of them graduated or stoped going to school. Dude sophmore year i kinda got into the whole breakdanceing scene. Dude you know how many girls dig that 5hit. Junior year... Fuuck! Everyone graduated again. This year was prolly the most chill ever. I joined the wrestling team at our high school. Dude i frickin own that sport. Too bad i quit cause i would have been state champ. But i had drivers ed, and i wanted to drive more than i liked wrestling. To choose between being able to take girls out in your car or wrestle in tights with another guy? a simple choice huh? Ohkay so now junior year is almost over. Everone graduated or doing something else. One day I run into Eugene and Rod...

Chapter Two: The Beginning
The ending of my junior year and the summer of 2006 was one of the best times I've had. It was a while since the last time i hung out with Gene and Rod. One day Gene asked me if I wanted to play smash. I was like "yeah shure". I remembered that game because i used to have it befor my crackhead uncle stole it along with my gamecube, X-Box, PS1, and PS2. I ended up buying another PS2 later on but he stole that one too. And my third one broke. (Drugs are bad! It hurts more than one person) I looked at Rod and he gave me that stupid look like yeah! Fresh meet! So they took me to Rod's house. When we got there we played FFA's, no items, Final D, Four stocks. There was Gene, Rod, and Rods two brothers. Fuuck were these guys good! (so i thought) The first person out would pass it on. That person would be me. I cant remember which charaters i mained at that time but according to Eugene I played Luigi, and i know i played that ***** bowser. Gene used Marth and Rod used Mario.

Chapter Three: New Challangers
During the ending of that school year and the start of that summer we did a lot of things. We did stuff like dodgeball and hide and seek at schools at night... (Memories) and of course smash. During te beginning of that summer i met people i havent seen in a while and new people also. I remember meeting Chad and his big bro Cam. Again I'm out first. I swear i was the worst of the bunch. Gene took me into town a couple times to play with Matt and Shoyo. I remember calling Shoyo, Shoya for the longest time and he never corrected us. I still think Shoya is cooler. I remember playing teams. Rod was feeling *sick* so we let his Biitch AS5 sit on the side. It was me and Gene V.S. Shoyo and Matt I felt rely bad cause i was a noob and we kept looseing while Matt and Shoyo were yelling out "plan A, no plan B"... all the way up to like plan G or something. Plan G was like plan gay ****** or something. I rely felt bad cause i thought Gene was getting upset, i know i was, but Gene's a cool guy never "rely" says anything bad and always encurages you. I knew that Gene could take them one on one at that time and I was holding him back. I also met other people like Shawn, Ed, Rylan, and Kawika. But at that time I spent a lot of nights at Rods house with Gene playing smash and Pokemon and makeing late night runs to 7eleven at 12-3 in the morning on a bike with a flat tire and scooters. (Good Times)

Chapter Four: Who The Fuuck Is That Guy!?
As the summer went on we continued to play, by we i mean me and Gene and Rod but Rod got tired fast and often went to sleep, and by play i mean almost every single frickin day we frickin could. Along with the other random and totaly stupid things we did like running across the freeway in the middle of the night and journeys to poop town. "the most ghetto place in hawaii" Along with our countless hours of playing smash came a whole shiit load of funny stories. One story that I heard a lot was about this tournament a long time ago. It was a 2 vs 2 turny and Gene and Rod entered together and thought they had it in the bag. They wrecked threw most of the competition and made it to the finals. It was at MK2 and items were on and i think it was only the first characters in the game, by that i mean no unlockable characters. It was sort of a stupid turny. So from what i heard it was an epic battle. Gene was Pikachu and Rod was Mario and ironicly they're oponents were one of our friends Chad. And he had his partner who at that time we had no idea who the fuuck he was. So when ever i heard the story i was like who the fuuck is that guy!? So it turns out it was going to be a ditto. Mario and Pikachu Vs Mario and Pikachu. In the end chad and "who the fuuck is that guy" stood victorious! Gene was like how the Fuuck and Rod says he's scared for life hahaha.

Chapter Five: Who The Fuuck Is That Guy!? Oh Shiit Its...!?


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
oh im going to make a story like this i guess. maybe jose will make one someday too

ko 'olina eh bryan, white people go to ko 'olina


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
The Smash Chronicles of Tom/Firefly
...Let's Take a Trip to the Past...

It all started off at SB64 when I was eight years old back in '99. I have had so much fun playing this game. I mained Fox, CF, and Samus. Within a short period of time I unlocked all characters and stages. After a while I discovered l-canceling by myself by mashing all the buttons together after a d-air with Link. I tested this with other characters and knew that when you button mashed after an aerial attack, the character becomes slightly faster. I thought that this was too tiring after a while and unnecessary so I did not incorporate it into my game until Melee.

A year later, I moved to Kunia. I played this game often with the neighborhood kids. There were about eight of us and we played in my garage. It was always FFA with items off about 90% of the time. Even though we played FFA's, I was considered the best until a girl down the street came to play and she whooped my ***....with Kirby! A few months down the line, one of my neighbors showed me an article with a picture about Melee in a video game magazine. I wanted that game.

I moved to Kapolei in Fall 2001. I didn't play smash too much but there was Pokemon, playstation, and other stuff going on. I was connected to the internet at the time and I found out that there were about 2 sites about Melee with news, updates and videos just like how Brawl is now.

Christmas eventually came and I opened up a gift to find a cube and some games. I hooked up my cube in a few minutes and started playing smash. The very first character I picked was Bowser and my cousin that played with me picked Peach. Bowser was so awesome at the time (claw, breath, bomb, f-smash) but I tried other characters. The first hidden character that I unlocked was Falco. I did not like this character because my cousins kept spamming lasers. Young Link was my main for a while because he could get around Falcos lasers easy, more projectiles, and speed. I mostly played with my cousins and my neighbor, Brandon. I tried the button mashing technique with Link and Young Link and I was surprised to see it worked in this game. After a while I didn't think that it was necessary and too tiring to do it in this game too. I played this game less and less each week because of the lack of people to play with.

I started playing this game again sometime in mid 2004. I was on GameFAQs and read about wavedashing. It was supposedly to be easy with Yoshi or Luigi. I practiced this for about a day and just totally gave up on it. A few months pass, school starts and I meet Felix. He enjoys playing smash too. At the time I mained Ganon now, he mained Samus, and his brother mained Sheik. He told me he was good, but I told him I was really good. I eventually went to his house in September. We played no items, 5 stock. Felix pretty much made me his ***** by 2 and 3 stocking me left and right. My playstyle was mostly charge in and attack. His play style was waiting out a little bit and that punished me. He could also combo the **** out of me with his crazy tech skill at the time. Thats not even the worst part. After Felix ***** me, I found myself getting my *** whooped by his brother, his SEVEN YEAR OLD brother. His Sheik never missed a beat with the combos. I went back to his house pretty often and I lost all the time.

I had to find a way to win. Then, I remembered. GameFAQs. I read about all the advanced techniques (wavedashing, l-cancel, edgehog, etc) and tried them out. I first learned wavedashing with Luigi and Ice Climbers. I learned that with this technique you can trick your opponent to attack you by dashing in forward, then wavedashing backward. It took sometime to perfect the wavedash and wavesmash but it was worth it. I found myself frequently winning against both of them because of this small technique. When I was spamming the wavedash as a taunt, he was like "wtf are you doing?" I showed him advanced techniques as well as videos from pro players in America (Ken, Azen, Wes) as well as Japan (Captain Jack, Brown Mario) we both learned a little bit by watching these vids.

November 2004, LiveWire. One of my friends that came to play with us at Felix's house told me about this place called Livewire which is a internet cafe/video game center. He said he saw people play there (Nick, Jose, Jose's brother Darren) and that they were really good. I did not believe that they were not that good. I also was not cocky about these players. I went into Livewire one day and saw an FFA of 4 people playing. I was surprised to see that they knew what wavedashing was and how fast they all moved. My friend, being the cocky guy he is yelled out "Hey this guy can beat any of you!" I told him to stfu then apologized to the smashers. They let me play an FFA on Corneria. It wasn't a true FFA because the two other players were standing all the way to the right under the wing. I was Doc and the other person was Luigi. He was much faster than anything I have seen IRL, and could combo better than Felix's brother, meaning zero-to-death. I was surprised to see how good these players were and they weren't even Nick or Jose. My friend told me that Jose was the best player there and that it was impossible for me to beat him.

About a month or so later I met both Nick and Jose. They were good people. I played Sheik most of the time because of how fast the character was. Nick played Young Link and Doc and Jose played PICHU and Samus. It is not even a joke to say how bad it was playing against them. Nicks Young Link was probably the fastest character at the time and they both use l-canceling. I was still doing a little of the charge-in playstyle and got *****, unsurprisingly. These losses made me player better and try harder. I spent a while learning more of the advanced techniques by myself from GameFAQs. My first win on Jose was not until about early 2005. Jose was still the best at the time and I had no chance ever again after that. In April 2005, the zone hosted a doubles tourney at the blaisdell. Jose encouraged me to play in the doubles tournament with either Ian or a friend of mine. I did not want to embarass myself more than I already could and I did not attend the tourney. The next few days, Nick told me that he and Jose won the doubles tourney.

When I heard about that I knew that there is no one else better than those two in the state. If I wanted to keep playing I had to become better. I spent weekends at Livewire and played with everyone more frequently (ouch $$$). I learned a lot with many characters and I didn't have a main. I played doc, fox, ganon, marth, sheik, samus, young link, ice climbers and cf. Eventually I got up to as close as Nick and Jose level as a I possibly could, but they were still considered the elite and the best.

Sometime after that, DBR vids were being spammed on GameFAQ's. I enjoyed watching these videos and learned a little from them such as waveshining, knee combos, and aerial combos with Samus. I showed Livewire about these vids and Ian was the most surprised to see Fox's shine. No offensive to DBR but I thought that the pro players from America and Japan were better.

August 2005 rolls around I meet gimpyfish and nexis online from GameFAQs. I chatted with him for a little while then eventually went to UH for some smash. He played Bowser and Nexis played Roy. I played fox, ganon, samus, and ice climbers mostly. I have seen Jose's Bowser and Gimpy's was just a little more technical. He told me that he played with Skypal and critiqued my characters a little bit. After that day, Hawaiis smash community has grown so much. Gimpy came to Livewire a lot. I met Terence, Scott, and Adrian shortly after. They were good, funny guys that we all loved. More serious 1v1 matches were mostly played at livewire now.

The next major edition was Dexter when he showed up to my b-day party at livewire, April 2006. He played CF, full ***** (tech chase/chain grab/oc2) style, something that I was not used to. We both played a competitive CF kinda taught him not to use the ***** style.

Shortly after, I entered my first smash brothers tournament hosted by The Zone again. I was feeling confident because of the smash experience I already had. The rules were best of 3, single elimination. To my surprise it was Nick and I in the very first match. I played Fox and Ganon. No chance at high level competitive play. Atleast Nick went into the finals with Jose and I think Jose won. I had to play, train, and practice more than ever if I wanted to be really good.

I met Arvin, the best Peach that I have ever played. He was a tough one playing against. He was fast and had full control over Peach so he could combo the crap out of my cf and fox.
Frankie started using puff a lot more and considered it his main. I had a lot of practice against floaties now.

Shortly after the tournament, gimpy invited us to California for oc2, an ssbm tournament where players around the world would join. Livewire planned on going and we needed a lot of practice and money. We did chocolates fund-raising for our trip. Around Mayish, we found out that the livewire shop was going to close for business on June 30th. Jose decided to open up his garage the day after closing where we frequently practiced for oc2.

I met playerone and Daniel through smashboards. They came to livewire to play occasionally. Playerone worked for one of the airlines and he wanted to help us with traveling to other islands for smash. We never got the chance to do it and we haven't seen playerone in a while.

I met Andrew on smashboards, just one of the many Waipahu smashers in July. I saw some of his vids on youtube and I was really eager to play him. We were supposed to have a crew battle of Waipahu vs Kapolei but there wasn't enough Waipahu players at the time and it was last minute planned. I enjoyed watching the crap he could do (double shine, double laser, tech skill in general) and it was great playing a fast fox.

The only practice we had was livewire and the rest of the island which isn't much compared to the pros being able to travel to play for smash. We practiced weekly for this tournament and tried learning everything I could. By this time, I could beat Jose more frequently than Nick could but Nick would still **** me all the time. We had V8 challenges to help us with pressure and competitiveness. I was really happy to win the first V8 challenge. It was me and Nick in the finals in an epic match. I made Charles drink the V8 though, lol.

I honestly thought that I could go kinda far in oc2. The chain grabbing/tech chase killed me. Even though I didn't, I had an amazing time at oc2 meeting Ken, Captain Jack, Isai, JD, Nealdt, and everyone else. oc2 was a great 11 day worldwide smashing experience that I will never forget. I got to play and interact with the worlds best smashers.

After a tiring trip from Cali I wanted to call smash quits as soon as I got home, but about a week later I was playing with my friends and neighbors. I still loved the game. A few months past and we have a josefest every friday every week. A whole new community is introduced (Shoyo, Matt, Eugene + Waipahu, Joel, Bobby, Oshiro, Merc) late 2006 early 2007. I played smash competitively and was considered one of the top 5 players of Hawaii. Each time a new smasher came into the community, Kapolei supposedly "showed them the light" I always enjoyed playing new people and the new smash community was great.

We had two crew battles against these smashers and both sides did pretty well. (reverse double u-air beasting on shoyos fox with cf) The josefests slowly died and I started playing wherever and whenever I got the chance to. I slowly improved as well as everyone around me playing.

I found out around Feb that Mililani was hosting an island wide tourney in late March. With the josefests slowly dying, I played at Dexters place, my place, and sometimes UH. I had a good feeling about this tournament until I got sent to losers bracket. 3 SD's, I didn't feel so good until I started winning more and more matches until the finals came. It was such a great feeling to win a large 80-man islandwide tournament. The largest ssbm singles tournament in the state.

After that tournament, I wanted to keep up my competitive play and knowing in my mind that I was the best player in the state. Whenever and wherever possible I wanted to play smash. The feeling of winning is good as well as just playing the game with other people. The next tournament in April was half the size with mainly JGC being there. "The pillars" made it to the top 4 and even with a smaller amount, it was still a pretty epic tourney. 2 in a row? I definitely wanted to go for three.

I've had too many close matches with Shoyo in the past and the last playntrade tournament was too close. Obviously, I wasn't done with smash after the July playntrade tournament because oc3 came.

Oc3 taught me a lot in competitive play. Just by practicing and playing with people off this island, I got a little bit better. I learned how to control being nervous, DI, combos, tech reading etc. I am glad I went to oc3 for smash. We just played on Friday and Terence ***** the crap out of me. Bob also beat me in our first singles match of the day. I had no pressure playing Shoyo and I beat him more times than him. 2-3 stock wins 90% of the time. Knives is the best Fox that I have ever played , no other Fox in Hawaii is better (no offense to Merc either but he mains Falco) so there is no pressure playing Shoyo and I am fully confident every match. If everyone was somewhat serious about competitive smash, they would travel out of state to play other people....or have other people travel to Hawaii.

>_> well thats it folks, sorry that it seems kinda rushed and dont go all grammar nazi on my ***
couldnt sleep earlier, nothing better to do lol
kinda left out details on thoughts about smashers ive met over the years and mainland tourney experiences, i might edit later


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
Honolulu, HI
My first main was Roy, back when I thought I could own everyone by spamming Flare Blade and his F smash. Then on the last day of summer school, somebody brought SSBM and we played 4 man FFAs. I was the first one knocked out >.<

After that, I went to the boards on GameFAQs for advice on getting better. I was mocked because back then I thought that Roy was the slow and strong guy, while Marth was fast and weak. So I decided to try Link instead since he was fun to use in the original smash bros, although his recovery sucked donkey balls. Someone posted Linkology, and I was interested. I had no idea how the GERM did "reverse grabbing" (SHFFL b-air to grab), so I asked the GameFAQs boards about that. Someone asked if I was l-canceling, and I obviously had no idea what he was talking about. After a quick explanation on the advanced techniques, I stopped being that idiot who tried to win with only grabs and smashes.

Since then I heard about Ken, and started to use Marth. A little later, I saw Soldier of Fortune. Bombsoldier instantly became my favorite pro, and I started to try Falco. I try to base my playing styles for Marth and Falco on Ken and Bombsoldier's styles, although I clearly can't imitate them very well... that's also why I use the red Marth and normal Falco. Oh well. At least I was able to get a picture with them at the OC3 ^_^


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2007
ko 'olina eh bryan, white people go to ko 'olina
haha so true haha but hey... i dig white chicks too haha my friend she was sitting on the tube thing and **** so i dove under water and stared at her errmmm.... yeah for awhile haha it made my eyes burn for a while but i guess it was worth it i got mad so i came up and pused her off haha it was in of deep so she couldent swim :) kinda funny haha omg im an azzhole at least i bought her shaveice after :)


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Bryans such a stud. XD

Tom that was a beautiful story. By some strange coincidence my mother is playing some K-Drama music on the boom box and it just matched the emotional story that you told. ^____^ lolz


Smash Ace
May 8, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Gangsta Life Of Masta Chun Yin

1) Freshmen year, 2004.
I was just walking around after school and I saw people were playing FFA in a room. It looked really fun so I decided to try it out. This is where I met the top 4 players in school, Scott, his pro friend Jason, Oshiro and another Michael who played Falco/Marth. I remember they would always team up with their friends to get rid of the weakest first. When you lose you will have to pass on your controller to the next guy, while you will have to wait in line again and there were always around 10 people in line. Waiting was a ***** for me. I sometimes get pissed off of the way they play. But on the other side, If I could get better to their level, then I could at least have a chance of staying in to play again. That's when I decide to get better. Oh yeah, my first character was Falco, some what inspired by the Falco/Marth player because I thought he had good mindgames.

I started out as a noob like everyone did. I didn't even know how to SHL, wavedashing and SHFFLC. It was mostly standing laser, full jump aerial and f smash which got punished like there was no tomorrow. I was really frustrated against Oshiro because he would always shield grab to up b with his link. He could pretty much 0 to death me every time with just that. Every night after I got my *** ***** in school I would always look on gamespot for guides to help my game. I started to follow the guides to practice SHFFLC and l cancelling. I wasn't very precise with them but I got slightly better.

I sometimes played Jiggs in FFA for it's jump and rest, also for anti metagame. Since no one intentionally does DI back then, I could easily bust out some up throw rest on Fox/Falco and down throw rest on Link/Sheik. Ahh... Good times...

To be continued
Chapter 1 isn't even over yet, *****

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Haha, Bryan's story was pretty nice. Man your fox was hardcore before we met andrew and kapolei

Tom, fix the ending, it's way too rushed dude. Good stuff though. That 90% of the time makes it looks like I was losing 90% of the time. More like 60, face! ;_;


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Haha, Bryan's story was pretty nice. Man your fox was hardcore before we met andrew and kapolei

Tom, fix the ending, it's way too rushed dude. Good stuff though. That 90% of the time makes it looks like I was losing 90% of the time. More like 60, face! ;_;
He who criticizes stories has yet to write his own. :p


Smash Ace
May 8, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
Asian Invasion

Asian Invasion

2)Junior Year, 2006/2007
During my sophmore year, I kept on practicing and getting better. I started going to livewire to play the pros and learnt a lot from them. As time goes by, people changed from smash to halo or naruto. I was still a die hard fan of smash. Scott and Oshiro would still play with me, but very little though. It was because they changed their hangout and I didn't know about it. One day I decided to go down there. That's where I met Adrian. Since it was their hangout, I experienced a crap load of gangbanging in FFAs. I knew I was pretty good so I wasn't afraid to show them what's up. I did decent against them and they kinda accepted me to play there from now on.

We all watched vids and give each other tips and we improved even more. Adrian, Scott, Oshiro, and I went to Josefest more often and became better friends with everyone there. Our community started with only team livewire, then Scott, Adrian, Me, Oshiro, 3rd, Waipahu/Waihiwa, and finally Joel, Shoyo, and Bobby. In this year I've experienced the 1st and 2nd Play and Trade Tournament and got 5th place in both. I felt good but not good enough because we never had everyone to come each time. Later in the summer I went to Hong Kong for vacation so I had to skip the 3rd tourney, which was pretty much the last one there will ever be.

Next episode is all about OC3.
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