try getting past
Shadow Ball/Sleep Powder
Leech Seed
like seriously, it subs turn 1, it can either seed or wisp the opponent turn 2, then use the other move turn 3, then launch shadow balls to wittle their HP down
heck, it doesn't even need shadow ball, it can Sleep Powder one counter, then wisp the rest of the team there aren't many pokes that run guts in OU
actually, only 6 pokes get guts (Hariyama, Heracross, Machamp, Raticate, Swellow, and Ursaring) and Lilibelle is immune to their Stab, i could see and increased usage of Guts Machamp as it is slower than Lilibelle, which means double the power on Payback, and using guts means it's going to have like 500 attack, but if Lilibelle doesn't have an attack, it's a fairly low base power move
infernape and heatran do a good job on lilibelle
Running Calm (+SP.DEF, -ATK) as her nature, she can run this EV spread
248/124/96/42 (HP/SP.DEF/DEF/SP.ATK)
It gives her 445 HP, 314 DEF, 300 SP.DEF, and 226 SP. ATK
giving her an odd number allows 4 livable switch-ins to SR and allows 4 substitutes with a crap load of HP
there is no reason to run max defenses as adding EVs to special attack is more beneficial in the long run but running just enough to have 300 special defense is key
i also said that it was a moot point that ttar's +2 crunch isn't a OHKO since that didn't take into account any outside damage
infernape's fire blast under Sunshine is definitely a OHKO (it does 115.1% minimum), that's the nasty plot set, lead ape does 89%-105.2% which is barely a OHKO
Heatran has a guaranteed OHKO with fire blast
DDmence is not OHKOing Lilibelle without any boosts
Classic Mixmence does 87.6%-103.4%, OHKO with SR
New Mixmence does 79.6%-93.9%, rare OHKO with SR, otherwise not
Mixed Dancer does 80%-94.4%, rare OHKO with SR, not too shabby
BandMence is not OHKOing Lilibelle, neither is Scarfmence
Specsmence does 101.6%-119.6%, tha'ts a OHKO
FatMence can't even 2HKO Lilibelle with flamethrower
and the Ubers set is a 2HKO
Latias with HP fire fails to even net a 2HKO on the offensive calm mind set
Specs set is a guarenteed 2HKO, not too bad
that's about the only guys with special fire moves since physical ones are not going to do the job, so basically, it needs to be STAB to 100% ensure a OHKO
muk is not a counter, it's almost a 4HKO (even with SR in play), but that's pretty much a stall war as Lilibelle can't 5HKO Muk but can burn muk, giving her the advantage here (doesn't matter which bulky set Muk runs, results vary slightly)