More big changes are coming to Smashboards! About three weeks ago Xenforo was purchased and after a brief development period, we are ready to launch and move into a new era of Smashboards. Tentatively, on wednesday, February 13th, at 4:00AM ET, Smashboards will enter a period of downtime that could last up to 48 hours. During the downtime we will keep everyone updated through our social media channels: and - make sure to give those a Like and a Follow! Bionic will likely be keeping everyone up to date during the transition - if you haven't seen it yet, catch his update on Xenforo here!
We will also be continuing to restructure the forums. The Breast Cancer Research Drive forum will be closed and archived - well done to the entire Smash community for raising over $90,000! There will also be some changes coming to the Smash backrooms, which Marc will be handling.
When we finally return, search should be working again! We will then enter the next phase as well, which includes development of a homepage. The current wireframe can be viewed here, make sure to comment if you haven't already!
Once again, Smashers, thank you for bearing with this change and thanks for proving once again over the last few weeks that this is the greatest grassroots gaming community in existence.
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Smashboards Transition Log
More big changes are coming to Smashboards! About three weeks ago Xenforo was purchased and after a brief development period, we are ready to launch and move into a new era of Smashboards. Tentatively, on wednesday, February 13th, at 4:00AM ET, Smashboards will enter a period of downtime that could last up to 48 hours. During the downtime we will keep everyone updated through our social media channels: and - make sure to give those a Like and a Follow! Bionic will likely be keeping everyone up to date during the transition - if you haven't seen it yet, catch his update on Xenforo here!
We will also be continuing to restructure the forums. The Breast Cancer Research Drive forum will be closed and archived - well done to the entire Smash community for raising over $90,000! There will also be some changes coming to the Smash backrooms, which Marc will be handling.
When we finally return, search should be working again! We will then enter the next phase as well, which includes development of a homepage. The current wireframe can be viewed here, make sure to comment if you haven't already!
Once again, Smashers, thank you for bearing with this change and thanks for proving once again over the last few weeks that this is the greatest grassroots gaming community in existence.
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Premium Memberships can be purchased here - help support by buying your membership today!
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Smashboards Transition Log
- Smashboards Homepage Wireframe
- Smashboards Site Update #5 (Xenforo purchased, Xenforo changes, Xenforo development)
- Smashboards Site Update #4 (Server migration complete,, search update)
- Smashboards Site Update #3 (Server migration schedule and site direction)
- Smashboards Site Update #2 (Test migration, Project M, and Forum Revamp)
- Smashboards Site Update #1 (Servers purchased, test migration, Premium update)
- Smashboards Under New Ownership (covers purchase of Smashboards from MLG)