For now, we'll be doing a pattern format:
1 season will be
- 1 unique fighter with a remixed song
- 1 unique stage with a song
- 10 songs
and then a row of 2 seasons wil be
- 5 clones
- 5 "echo stages" (reskinned stages with some kind of hazard/layout changes) OR returning stages, with one song assigned to each
- 20 skins (recolours counted as equal to unique skins)
For simplicity, these will all be done on a single day. I will create all job themes unless this turns out to be problematic. Skins and clones do not disconfirm unique iterations - or vice versa! All content falls into one person's hands.
Season 1: Welcome Back!
This is just easing players into the idea of more Ultimate content with safe, fan-demanded first party content. A calm before the 2020s storm. Please go into detail whenever possible, no visual content is mandatory, but some level of detail in gameplay is required for fighters, clones, stages, and original skins. Simply submitting a character or stage with no explanation on how they would be implemented will result in disqualification. You do not have to give reasoning for an inclusion unless it has an ambigious/stretching relationship to the prompt.
Submit a "safe" new first party character with 8 alt costumes and a remixed song!
Please submit any first party Nintendo character that is somehow "safe" - iconic, fan-demanded, predictable, relevant, so on - and include what their 8 free alt costumes would be. Please go into some kind of detail on either playstyle or portrayal. The remixed song should not be an existing remix linked, it should be up to imagination and not detailed in any way,
Submit a "safe" new first party stage with a song!
Please submit any stage under the same criteria as above.
Submit 9 songs from games too recent for Ultimate base game!
These will be submitted as a playlist, so feel free to include overlap with other lists. This will be games to recent for Ultimate base game. They can be from any game released in a playable-characters Smash series in 2017 or later that didn't recieve content in the fighter pass. Additionally, any game for a DLC character released after the DLC in Smash can be used too. Covers from earlier games are allowed. Due to dead-link issues, don't link to the songs this time, but do specify what game instead of assuming, especially if the song has a generic name or multiple versions. Song overlap with stages will be delt with when we get there.