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Smash Bros. Coliseum


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2008
St Charles, IL
Hello this is a fanfic based on super smash bros. It's based on all of the games, (not only smash bros but the nintendo characters' series games as well) but mostly Melee since I don't have brawl yet. I will probably get it before I finish the fanfic though. It starts off only using Hyrule and SSBM stages however it'll get into a lot of game series main playing areas in, like Brinstar, Earthbound, Hyrule, F-Zero, etc.

Update 1:

Fire engulfing everything… Screams of pain chill the air, so much so that the flames crisping his arms feel as though they were nothing. He saw many faces, many souls, being tortured from it, however, he only had one face in his mind. “Zelda… Zelda, My girl, she could be dying now!” Link ran out of the city, through the forest, the tunic of his arm still flaming, he had finally put it out once he saw his bone through the seared flesh, “hmm, funny how it didn’t hurt,” he thought. As he was running through the forest he noticed that every turn he took brought him back to the beginning of the trail. “Of course, this **** always brings me back here, I gotta remember the right way.” Link couldn’t remember though, the cries of the village were too loud, he was too surprised, he was too scared… Link decided to take a left on his first turn. He wasn’t in the beginning of the trail anymore, but now he was lost.

He heard a voice exclaim in a deep, almost evil voice, “Link, the path to your destiny is through here.” He looked around frantically only to see Saria, the sage of the forest, standing on a tree, above the right passageway. Something was wrong though, her eyes were pure white, and that definitely wasn’t her voice.

“Saria, what’s wrong with you, if you know the way, get the **** outta here!” he screamed.

Saria didn’t move, or blink even, like she was in a trance, like she was possessed. The voice came through again, her lips moved to the words, but it didn’t feel like she was the one speaking them, “Hero of time, you should hurry, the princess is waiting for you.” At that, her body burst into flames, crumbling within seconds.

Link tried to forget about Saria. ‘She was gone, nothing I could do,’ he convinced himself, although the image of her burning was still fresh in his mind. He ran to the black passage between the trees, the moment Link touched the blackness, he fell, fell through a never ending darkness. He felt as if I was falling for hours, though it had only been seconds.

Link dropped onto a hard metal, a large hexagonal platform, floating above what looked to be nothing. Although he felt nothing from the impact he took a while to get up. Link managed to get up fast enough to see a giant white hand about to smack him in the face. The impact of the hand looked deadly, but he only moved a couple of feet, and felt nothing, once again. The hand looked like a white floormaster, only much, much larger, with a more rounded, fuller body floating several feet in the air. Link pulled out his bow, only to be interrupted by a voice, the same voice Saria had, only this voice seemed to come from the air itself, “Dreams are the only way a soul can warn a man of a pain coming close, often dreams are more real than reality itself.”

“Wake up,” someone said, “it’s 9’o clock, get your skinny *** out of bed and look for a job.”

“God **** it Zelda,” Link retaliated, still groggy from being woken up so abruptly “I had a job, and it was saving you, it’s not like I can just cut a piece of grass and find some rupees there. I took all the jobs I could, nothin’ pays good anymore!”

“Oh don’t start that bull**** again, at least I provide for this family,” she screamed.

“What family!?” he yelled, “it’s just you and me, we eat like everyone else does, ****. You think you’re so **** special just ‘cause your daddy owns a castle? Well get a newsflash, the town, no scratch that, the world, is ****ed up. It’s been 3 years since G-man was in control, and we still don’t have no crops and ****.” She simply walked out, unable to think of a way to end this nicely. Because of the food shortage, Hyrule had gone to hell. Everyone got worst and worst, till it got to the point where it was natural to insult a friend, or lover.

“Everyone expects me to clean everything up, like I could just plant a magic seed or something, and all the worlds plants would grow back,” Link said to himself “Sure I’m the hero of time, but a man can only do so much. Screw it, I shouldn’t think so much about what happened before, I should pay attention to now.”

“Man that dream was weird.” Link couldn’t stop thinking about it, he knew he couldn’t feel anything, but he still had thought that everything was too realistic to be fake.

“What did that thing mean when it said that, ‘Dreams are the only way a soul can warn of a pain coming close; often dreams are more real than reality itself…’ It sure felt real…”

“I should talk to G-man about this, he knows a lot about magic and souls. Plus he can float, which is just plain awesome, even though it has nothing to do with the dream.” Link mused to himself. He decided to go apologize to Zelda first.

“LINK!” Someone screamed, before he could walk out. I could recognize that voice anywhere, Zelda was in trouble. I ran out the door. What I saw scared me more than death itself could.

Fire engulfing everything… Screams of pain chill the air, so much so that the flames crisping his arms feel as though they were nothing. He saw many faces, many souls, being tortured from it, however, he only had one face in his mind.

The only difference from this and Link’s dream was that Link could see what was causing the fire; Giant hands. White hands just like the one in his dream, only there were over 20 of them, dropping bombs, shooting missiles, punching down buildings. They were geniuses of death, masters of pain, Master hands.

Link felt the fire on his arm very suddenly as he got out of shock, ridding of it much faster than in his dream. The damage was minimal, just a flesh wound. With that solved Link frantically screamed to the hands “Stop!!!”

Unlike he would have imagined, they actually did stop, which scared him. One of them grabbed him by his tunic, and floated away, so high up that there was no air anymore, he struggled for a couple of minutes, grasping for air, but fate won, and Link passed out.

Don't worry there's a better storyline coming later, this was more of an introduction, which will be heavily revised later. Tell me what you think, questions, comments, complaints, and criticism appreciated.


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2008
St Charles, IL
Hey I'm back, watch as the story develops into something more than an introduction. I'm thinking about adding acts and parts in.

Update 2: I revised the first part and changed everything to third person omniscient.

Update 3

Link awoke several hours later, or so he thought, it had actually been only about 30 minutes, but when he woke up he wasn’t in Hyrule. He was on a hexagonal platform, floating above nothing. The same one from his dream. With a better look this time he noticed it wasn’t perfectly proportioned. It was longer one way than the other, and had a weird layout of colors between red and black. Sometimes just showing metal links. Link saw another man on the other side. He had jet black hair with a tint of blue, a falchion in his right hand, and a cape held by two pieces of armor on his shoulders. It seemed to be his only weapon although there might have been more under his matching blue and black clothes. He also seemed to have a… tiara… of sorts.

“Ah, Link you finally awake,” said the voice from his dream. “Well you have seen the other competitor. You are here in a tournament, the Smash Tournament. The rules are as follows: 4 stocks per match, items on either mans request. Link, the woman you express love towards is none other than Princess Zelda,” when the voice finished a large hologram appeared above him, showing Zelda strapped in chains.

“Link help me!” she screamed, since her mouth wasn’t gagged, “They just grabbed me and knocked me out, I woke up here, strapped to chains and I haven’t seen anyone, but a voice keeps popping up.” Link wasn’t concerned for her, actually, he was pissed.

“If that girl asks me for any more jobs other than savin’ her ***…” Link threatened quietly.

The hologram stopped and the voice spoke again “If you win this tournament, she can go back to Hyrule, Your first task is to beat Marth, the man before you.”

“**** it, why are you doing this!?” he screamed.

“Our people have a love for violence, drama, and sex,” it replied.

Link was kind of shocked to hear that last part. “What does sex have to do with the tournament?”

The voice replied in a more casual tone “Well nothing, I just figured if I told you drama and violence I might as well say another to finish it off. Oh also we love pie. You know what, Phil could you just, like, censor that out? What? It’s live? Ah **** it. Whatever, come on viewers you know it’s true.”

“What the… nevermind,” Link said, in a kind of ‘screw it’ attitude.

“Marth, you’re galaxy has been invaded once again, with you the… prince, I think… having to protect it,” it said in it’s deep, evil, omniscient voice again “We will fend off the invaders if you wi-”

Link didn’t give it a chance to finish the sentence, he pulled out his sword and charged at Marth full speed. Link lunged his sword at Marth’s stomach, but Marth easily dodged and countered. Marth’s sword moved at a lightning fast speed, he took three jabs at Link, with Link just barely shielding against them. All of a sudden Marth stopped, and held his sword in the air, it started glowing blue. Link noticed this was a chance to attack so he tried to do a low cut, to weaken Marth’s footing. Apparently he expected this, because the moment before the sword touched his skin, his falchion came down faster than lightning, Link had only enough time to bring his shield to his chest, but that didn’t matter. While it did hit Link’s shield, the falchion actually went right through it, shattering the shield and striking him in the head.

The pain wasn’t that bad at all. The falchion hit him, but didn’t cut him, he was only pushed back by the impact. That’s when Link noticed that the point wasn’t to kill your enemy by conventional means, you were to shove him off the platform. With this knowledge he quickly got up and rammed his shoulder into Marth’s stomach, pushing Marth back with him literally on Link’s shoulder. As Link ran he let go right before they fell off the edge, and hit Marth with the master sword as hard as he could, swinging vertically downwards.

Just as he expected, Marth flew off the edge from the impact, spiraling to his doom. Exhausted from the small encounter Link lied down. He didn’t have much time to rest though, as a minute after he lied down, he saw a small white platform, with none other than Marth standing on top of it. “****…” he said under his breath. Link knew that he only caught Marth off guard.

“Now that Marth knows how this works, I could be in for one hell of a ride.” Link said to himself.

“So I can come back from the dead, amazing. The guy that’s forcing us to fight eachother only thinks of us as items, or stock, so by four stocks I’m guessing he meant 4 falls until we die for real. Well Link, time to get serious.” Marth exclaimed, with all the seriousness possible in his voice. He was right, it seemed to make sense that each stock is a life. Link thought he came to that conclusion a bit too fast… That means he’s smart. Link knew he couldn’t fight against Marth for long, he moves fast as lightning, and Link doesn’t have a shield anymore. Link decided the only way to win this now is from long range. He took out his bow, put an arrow on, and fired away. The first ones Marth sidestepped, but after Link fired more and more, he began to tire out, and Link finally caught him in the right leg.

Unlike Link imagined, Marth didn’t have a limp in his leg afterwards, instead he fell down immediately, and the arrow disappeared. Taking advantage of the situation, Link jumped up over him and pointed his sword down, with him crouching on it basically. Marth was as serious as he said though. Marth got up while swinging his sword, slicing Link, and making him fall to the floor like an idiot. At the opportunity, he smashed his sword down, making Link fly to the very edge. Link’s face was over the edge while his body was on the platform. Only then did Link notice how far the drop was. He couldn’t even see the bottom, only darkness. Link feared for the worst as Marth ran over, but instead of finishing Link off he crouched. Link waited a bit longer expecting a sword to hit him off. He got up and turned to see Marth, the moment he did Marth did a stab at my feet, making Link fall face first from the pain.

When he hit the hard ground, Marth stabbed Link again, although now his head was right where the last stab hit. Marth did another low stab, still crouching, in the same spot. When the sword connected, Link was sent right off the platform, just barely. The hit was so perfect that Link fell the moment he was hit, too close to gain his stature fast enough to grab the edge, and not far enough to try using his longshot to bring Marth with him. He fell down the emptiness, but he didn’t hit a ground. Instead Link slowed down until he was above the same platform again. However that system worked was too confusing for Link to try comprehending it. Link stopped descending on a little metal platform which had a white angelic glow on it, the same one Marth was on when he fell.

The white platform disintegrated, leaving Link on the stage, right next to Marth. Link noticed his shield was back, perfectly good shape. Marth was focused on battle only apparently because while Link was looking at his restored features, Marth stabbed him with the falchion. Link didn’t have time to dodge or shield. The sword impaled Link on his stomach, instead of pushing him back like the other blows had done. The pain was unbearable, and Marth didn’t even look sorry. He threw Link up from the sword, then jumped up and slashed Link forward. Link didn’t have enough time to even think, as Marth kept jumping low and hitting Link forward, he eventually got Link off the edge. He didn’t give me a chance to even try touching the edge. He sliced his sword down and between his legs. The hit was flawless. Normally Link wouldn’t admire his enemy, but even with the pain, he could see that Marth hit him with the very tip of the sword, while it was down and slightly behind him, sending Link below the edge. Even if he could reach out fast enough, the edge was behind him, so he would have to turn around fast enough too. Then link started thinking. If Marth could do 2 completely different combos, from the beginning till death, perfectly, Link was screwed, and he knew it.

Link came back on the white platform. Link had 2 lives left, and Marth had 3. Link landed on the opposite side of Marth so he thought about Marths fighting style quickly. After a couple of seconds he noticed that the closer to the tip of the falchion he was hit the farther he was hit. Hitting Link with the perfect spot on the sword to send him a certain distance at a certain speed… Link had to get rid of Marth’s ability to hit perfectly. Since there are no ways to physically damage someone here Link noticed that his only chance is to make Marth unable to think well.

Link’s only chance is to make him mad. If he could make Marth mad he could get the upper hand, since Marth won’t be able to think clearly enough. “Hey I didn’t think they let princesses carry little swords, or what do you think no one would notice your little plastic tiara?” That got him mad quick. He must’ve heard that one a lot, he came running full speed with his sword to his side.

He couldn’t think clearly, but he was still fast. Link quickly brought out his bow and hit Marth’s forehead with an arrow; he didn’t even try to dodge. He fell down, which only got Marth even angrier. Link decided to use my boomerang to mess with him a bit. He hit him around twenty times with the boomerang; he just kept getting up and trying to charge at Link with his Falchion. Link thew the boomerang again, he fell, Link threw it again and missed. Marth went too high to hit him with the boomerang, which made Link understand that every time Link hit him, he went slightly higher. So you go farther the more damage you take… ‘I’m getting the hang of this.’ Link thought. Instead of intercepting him with the boomerang again, Link took out a lit bomb. When Marth ran towards him Link jumped as high as he could in the air, and threw the bomb down at him. He flew up right below Link, and Link was falling faster than him. Link put his sword below him and put his weight on it like before. Direct hit. Link thought it would send him downwards so he could slash at him with his sword to send him flying, but instead it made Marth fly off to the left, faster than Link had seen anything go in his life. What he didn’t expect was that when Marth’s body was out of sight, there was a large explosion.

Several seconds later he appeared on the angelic platform. Link threw a boomerang at him. Marth must have regained his apathy, since he dodged it with a backflip. Link pulled out a bomb and threw it at him on his way down. Marth dodged the bomb itself but the explosion still hit him. He fell down, only this time he put his hands out and did a cartwheel to stay on his feet.

“So you really are gay, I was just kidding before, but I know that any man that can do a backflip into a cartwheel, MUST be gay,” Link said loudly, to get his attention. Link knew that wasn’t true though, Link worked on doing flips and flashy stuff all his life, although cartwheels were still not as cool as landing on your feet.

“I know what you’re trying to do Link, unfortunately it won’t work again,” Marth screamed back. Although he said that it still seemed like he was pissed. You could see the anger in his eyes even though he was on the way right of the platform, and I was on the left.

He stood there for a few seconds. I broke the silence with “well come on gay-do, show me those gymnastics lessons at work!” I threw another bomb at him, and he did show off actually, he did a triple front flip with a twist at the end.

“Actually they’re not gymnastics, they’re extreme martial arts!” he yelled proudly, going into a weird stance where he bent his knees, had his left hand in front of him motioning the ‘come over’ sign, and his right hand on the hilt of his falchion which was held against his waist as if he was a ninja. Link didn’t know what extreme martial arts were but he guessed they were a way to learn flashy ways of killing people.

Link ran towards him while he got into his stance, instead of blindly charging him with Link’s sword, he took a smarter approach. When Link was right out of Marth’s swords range he stopped and shot an arrow at him. He was hit by the surprise attack, where he was hit on his back, just where I wanted him. I threw a bomb at him, it propelled him in the air, then I jumped and did my signature spin attack. The spin attack actually floated me up a bit and I hit him with the bulk of the sword sending him off the edge just barely, but still he was below it.

But Marth was quick. He knew something Link didn’t. In this world, you can double jump. With a second jump and the fact that Link’s spin attack propelled him upwards, Marth knew how to get back up. He jumped in mid-air then did an upward slash, giving him enough air to grab onto the edge. Link, as surprised as he was, tried to cut Marth’s hands off the edge. But Marth used his hands to make him fly over Link. While he flew past Link he attacked him with his sword, without even turning around, in the air. Link slid a bit but held his stance. Marth attacked with the same combo as before, doing a short hop and hitting me forward with his sword, but this time, instead of doing nothing, Link let out a feeble attempt of trying to kick his sword out of the way after his first hit. Marth saw this and changed the trajectory of his sword to slice the foot, however they both felt a clank.

“So I guess any blow rivals another,” Marth said thoughtfully. Taking advantage of Marth’s pause, Link impaled him with the master sword and threw him up off it, the same way Marth did before. He decided to do something a little flashier though. Link did a double jump with a twist and then did a rising spin attack. As he flew to the left Link took out his bow, shot Marth, while he was still falling Link also took out his boomerang, threw it and followed it up with a bomb, making the boomerang and the bomb hit Marth at the same time. Marth was helpless against this ultimate combo, and went from where link was all the way on the right to flying off the platform to the left, without me even moving. He was back on the white angelic platform.

“It’s 2 to 1 Marth, I have the advantage,” Link said very nonchalantly.

“Yes but what of your boomerang?” Marth replied with a grin.

“****!” Link yelled. He forgot about his boomerang, he blew it up when he threw the bomb at it… “****!” he screamed after noticing how bad this really was. The boomerang was what kept Marth in the air long enough for those kickass combos.

Marth took advantage of my pause and jumped off the angelic platform towards Link, his sword reached out farther than normal and the tip barely hit me, it sent me only a couple of feet, but that was enough to force me to have to grab the ledge to live. Marth walked toward me. “Did you think you could beat me so easily?” Marth exclaimed evilly.

“Actually, yeah, and I still do!” Link replied in what some innocent kids would call an ‘outdoor’ voice. He let go of the edge and immediately let out a rising spin attack. The attack hit Marth twice, then Marth retaliated with a downward slash from the air, then landed and hit Link with a powerful downward swipe of his sword.

Link flew off once again, eventually landing on the white circle. This time when he landed he had one intent: to kill that son of a *****! He had tricked Link long enough. The anger also reminded him that this entire match was about: saving princess Zelda. “It’s me and you, one life, one chance, let’s do this ****!” Link shot an arrow at Marth to distract him then charged at Marth with his sword, chasing the arrow as fast as he could. Link tried slicing his throat first, but Marth clanked it away with his falchion, so he tried stabbing. Marth deflected that as well. Then Link swung at Marth’s face, and he swung back. They were in a deadlock.

“Come on tiara-boy, you can do better than this!” Link yelled in his face. Link pushed my sword harder than those giant boulders at Ganondorf’s fortress. Marth was over powered. “You ain’t got **** on me!” Link felt a fire in his eyes, literally. Link lost control of himself. He then felt his part of the triforce on his arm begin to glow, the triforce of courage. The triforce’s power took complete control and let out ancient magic in the form of a large 3-d triforce symbol. The triforce symbol cracked down in half, creating two triforce symbols, trapping Marth in between. Without a thought in Link’s mind he let out a flurry of slashes, finishing with a powerful down strike.

Needless to say Marth was destroyed. When the triforce let go of him, he flew out of the stage. When Link regained control of his body he worriedly screamed out “Where’s Zelda!”

“Congratulations Hero of Time. The princess will be back in Hyrule when you win the tournament, if you win this tournament. You’re next challenger will be a veteran, Samus Aran. You will face the hunter tomorrow, as for now, we invite you to stay in our quarters, and meet some of the other contestants,” that eerie voice said.

“Enough of the BS, I wanna see Zelda!” Link shouted into the air, infuriated.

“All in due time Link, for now why don’t you rest, you must be exhausted from that long fight,” the voice replied.

All of a sudden Link felt a huge force blasting him off the side of the stage, like a wave of magical energy. He felt a bit dazed, falling off the stage, and then all of a sudden everything blackened.

A bit more interesting eh? Ok it still sucked, I gotta get back to my writing game, it's been a long time since I wrote anything (did I mention this is the first thing I ever wrote that wasn't a school assignment?) and I have been reading and playing some nintendo games (mostly metroid and mario) so I should be pretty educated by the time this is over.. Oh and by the way, you will see jigglypuff. She will be creepy. Ness will be in there too.


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2008
St Charles, IL
So I am having problems with my Microsoft Word.

Doesn't much matter though, I am continuing the thing on an alternative called OpenOffice Writer, but I can't copy/paste the chapter I finished early in Word.

So that could be done eventually.

Hopefully after that chapter I'll write something worth reading.

Al;so I believe I have a keylogger on my computer put in by a friend of my parents to survey what I write, so I'll keep the "bad tone" down a bit.

EDIT: Problem fixed, used a different laptop with an older official version of Word, with the older version I could change it to a .doc, which OpenOffice can actually edit instead of the .docx. After that it was a simple matter of transporting the data via usb to the... Oh yeah noone cares...

... Anyway NEW UPDATE, this is great news for all you imaginary fans I made up to make my horrid fanfiction seem like it should be finished.

Update 4

When Link woke up he was in a large white room. He had never been in one quite like this. It was weird to him, the room’s corners were rounded, making it more of an oval room. There was a single chair in one of the “corners” and it looked like a big egg with part of it cut to reveal a white cushion spreading across the bottom and back. It looked pretty comfy to Link.

He turned around and noticed 2 other things. There was a closet and a circular white water bed with Egyptian cotton sheets trimmed with gold on the edges, at a closer examination Link noticed it wasn’t held up by anything, it just floated in the air. Link stopped trying to figure out how things work in this place.

“Holy **** that bed looks nice,” Link said as he fell face-first on the bed.

“Oh my god this is better than sex,” he exclaimed, feeling the softness of the mattress. Link kept thinking that he had to check what was through that door. If he could get out through that door and sneak out of this place, he had to do it now. Link kept telling himself in his thoughts to get up.

After link finally convinced himself to look around he got up and opened the door.

“Oh my god…” was Link’s only response to what he saw. A weapons closet. Link had never seen anything like it before, it had hundreds of shelves of random weapons going so far he couldn’t see the end. He saw swords, bows, and boomerangs. Things he knew. Then on different shelves there were things he’d never seen before. He saw a couple of flails, a lance, bombs, grenades, explosive powders, flamethrowers, and the list only goes on, even including some futuristic ones such as plasma rifles and wave beams.

A woman’s voice appeared out of nowhere, it seemed more like a robot than a human. “Please specify your name,” it said.

Link was surprised, but after a couple of seconds he murmured “Link”

“Calculating specialty in weaponry and fighting style…” the womanly voice said.

The moment she said it every shelf somehow went inside the other while the end of the room was coming closer at a fast, steady rate. Eventually it became about the size of a large living room. The weapons showing were variations of his scheme, bow, sword, longshot, and boomerang. In the back of the room instead of weapons there were tunics, the same exact ones as Link, in style, but they each had a different color. There were red, white, green, blue, and black tunics. Then some slightly lighter and darker of those colors. Link quickly realized that they were obviously for him, and put on a new red one, leaving his green one, worn out and tattered from the last battle, in it’s place. He walked out of the room, still amazed at what he saw. When he got out of his shock he noticed something.

There were no other doors. None, anywhere. He frantically looked at the wall to see if he made a mistake, and when he was sure there were none, he checked the floors for a trapped door. None.

“****, they got some real security business here, one way in, no way out,” Link said, quitting. “Only thing now is to sleep I guess.”

Link fell asleep quickly… when he woke up he was back in Hyrule, in his bed. “Was it all just a dream?” Link asked himself. It couldn’t have been, he was dreaming before then he woke up to those things. Plus he felt things in that battle with Marth. But that would mean this is a dream. Although he never could imagine either him nor Zelda talking in such slang. He knew he swore sometimes for emphasis, but never straight out slang.

“GAHH! Screw it I’m home,” Link shouted, unable to find an answer. When Link went outside he was met by a group of people reminding him today there was a carnival in Clock town. Link got the directions and went there, leaving Zelda to do whatever she wanted while he was away.

When Link arrived in Clock town he looked around. Everything was the exact same as it had been for almost 10 years.

“Wow, someone needs to redecorate,” Link said noticing the originality of the place. Looking around he found the Deku home-thing that he had bought years ago. That brought back memories of him and the skull boy battling for the mask. Him turning into a deku scrub. Him trying to do din’s fire while he was a deku scrub then figuring out that his skin was made out of a flammable object. Good times. Then he remembered all the times he played the same day over and over again… and that little kid making him find those other little kids every time to get a hideout code he could’ve just forced them to tell him. But no the **** fairy stopped him.

“Stupid fairies…” Link said to himself. “Wait… I COULD’VE WRITTEN THAT CODE DOWN! I am such an idiot,” He said as he slapped his forehead.

When he looked around he noticed there were tons of young girls, already “matured.”

“You know, when I see a girl with a nice ***, she has a boyfriend, but when I see a girl with a REALLY nice ***, she’s in high school,” Link muttered. Then he laughed at his own joke. “I should be a comedian.”

A girl’s voice appeared behind him, “Hahah, unfortunately some comedian already said that joke.”

“Hmm? **** it they always steal my jokes… wait… Zelda?” Link replied to the girl, who he believed was Zelda.

He turned around and saw that it was in fact Zelda. “Hey, what’s up you little pervert?” Zelda teased.

“Uhh I’m sorry, it’s just… it’s true you know…” Link said.
“You really need to stop freaking out around me,” she replied with a grin “and yeah I know, like me for example, I’m both.”

“Hahah, that’s why I love you,” Link blurted out.

“Speaking of which I was wondering, could I spend the night at your house?” Zelda questioned “I can’t sleep lately, I’ve been having some messed up dreams.”

Link didn’t even want to talk about dreams. “Yeah I know what you mean, I just had the weirdest dream of my life… Hey would you ever call me a skinny white ***?” Link asked Zelda. After he asked he noticed that that was a bad thing to ask a girl who wanted to come over and sleep with… come over for the night.

“Ok you’re dream was probably much worse than mine if you could even imagine me saying that,” Zelda said, bewildered by the question. The thing was, Zelda was shocked he asked that question because in her dream she fondly remembered saying that to Link. This small lapse of information would soon cause Link much grief and confusion. “Anyway let’s enjoy the fest I think they have a bow and arrow contest, you could win some money,” Zelda said.

“Oh hell yes! Where is it!?” Link shouted, excited “what’s the prize?”

“Hahah, it’s right next to you in the same building as last year, the grand prize this year is a mystery, someone said they saw some sort of weapon behind the curtain” Zelda giggled out.

“Ok sure you can spend the night, but I gotta win this thing!” Link exclaimed as he ran into the bow and arrow contest building. When he was in there he saw around 30 guys, all rough-looking, with bows as well. He signed up for the contest, it cost $10. He waited for his turn, making sure not to talk to or mess with the other contestants.

“Link come up, the current high number of rupees shot is 21,” the male announcer called out.

Link went up to the shooting gallery, all eyes on him, and told them to start. It was the easiest thing he had ever been in. He won the contest by the humiliation rule, he got 100 more than the current high score.

The announcer sounded amazed. “My god, that’s insane, no one’s ever gotten close to 100. I’m sure as hell that no one’s ever won by humiliation,” the announcer said “here take this.”

The announcer gave Link the prize.

“WHAT? You gotta be ****tin’ me!” Link cried out “A ****ing stick!” Link was pissed, he expected a weapon, and a good one that he hadn’t used before. He hated sticks, when he was a kid Saria and Zelda forced him to carry giant sticks. They were his height, and he couldn’t snap them in half, when he put them in his tunic it ran down his back and legs, making him walk funny. It wasn’t as bad as when they tried putting it in his “natural storage facility” where things were supposed to come out, not go in.

Thank god Zelda repays the favor now though.

“I hate sticks…” Link muttered as he left the building.

After he walked back home (not before seeing the announcer and throwing the stick at him) he met up with Zelda.

“Zelda, remember that one time you and Saria held me down and tried putting a stick up my ***?” Link asked non-chalantly.

“Uh… yeah, why?” Zelda knew what he was going to ask.

“You said you’d pay me back anytime I wanted,” Link said with a grin “and that ‘grand prize’ turned out to be a stick, bringing back some unwanted memories.”

“Oh come on we didn’t even get it in, we got caught by the guards at the castle!” Zelda exclaimed.

“YOU TRIED TO PUT A STICK UP A LITTLE KID’S ***!!!” Link roared infuriated.

“Fine fine… **** we never shoulda tried that, besides, what’s Saria’s punishment, it was her idea!” Zelda muttered.

“Oh don’t worry she’s got it worst, I can’t believe you never asked what she did at night… she’s probably doing it right now too,” Link said, evilly smiling.

Meanwhile at Saria’s house….

“You know once you get past the poop part, this isn’t that bad,” Saria said.

Back at Link’s home….

“Anyway payback, right now,” Link said.

A couple hours later.

“Wow you’re much better Zelda, what happened?” Link said, panting.

“I’ve been practicing…” Zelda muttered.

“WHAT!?” Link exclaimed.

“Hahah, fooled ya,” Zelda joked.

“Hahah… wow I’m tired,” Link said with a yawn, too tired to comment on how he for some reason loved that she was so open in teasing him. He could only let out “you should sleep over more often.” At that Link fell asleep, exhausted.

Link woke up. He looked around.

“Oh bull****! Hell no! I ain’t doing this **** again,” Link roared. He was in a large white room with only one door.

“Link, good morning, we welcome you to explore the current world you’re in,” the master hand said, although it wasn’t anywhere in sight.

When it said that something weird happened to the door. It disappeared, showing out the entire visible spectrum while it shrinked and shrinked into nothingness. When it was gone a new red door appeared behind Link. When Link went through it he saw something he couldn’t ever imagine.

Yeah I remembered that having an interesting cliffhanger or quote at the end of each chapter or part is a great way to end it. That or I just really didn't care before.

Anyway it would be nice to get some comments back, I don't care if you say it's good or if it's crap. If you're gonna comment point out some errors I made. I know I still have a lot of I's, Me's and My's in there I didn't see, still trying to edit those out since I changed the story to third person.

As for the entire beginning including this update, I am going to revise it HEAVILY so don't worry, it'll be fixed later.
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