I really don't understand why some people say FE doesn't deserve 4 reps or that Kid Icarus doesn't deserve 3 reps. I'm assuming most people haven't played Kid Icarus: Uprising or a FE game when they say things like that but even still, to say these two series don't deserve the number of characters is unfair. FE games have an ENORMOUS amount characters throughout the entire series, spanning across 13 games. Fire Emblem: Awakening alone had around 50 really likeable characters. Yes, it's still a niche series but thanks to Awakening, it's popularity is slowly rising and it's garnering more respect. The same can be said for Kid Icarus thanks to Kid Icarus: Uprising, which rebooted the franchise and had many memorable and likeable characters ranging from Palutena, Hades, Viridi, Magnus, Medusa, Pyrrhon, and yes, even Dark Pit. While it only has 3 games in the franchise, that's still not enough reason for it to not have at least 2-3 character reps. And even if you want to single out Dark Pit and Lucina because of them being clone characters, you should realize Sakurai treated them as extras for the fans of those series and they didn't take away from any development time of other characters, nor did they take up any slots or other characters.
Honestly, I'm getting really sick and tired of people singling out Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem just because they more than likely don't play any games in the series, don't like said games for whatever reason or are just plain ignorant to the fact that both series have a large enough following and fan base to warrant more characters. I'm not saying the DK, Metroid, Mother or F-Zero series shouldn't have gotten more reps because they are established and beloved franchises, I'm merely saying don't attack Fire Emblem or Kid Icarus just because you don't agree with the amount of characters. There's absolutely no reason why they need to be focused on so harshly just because you think things aren't fair for other series. For all we know, we may get more DLC characters thanks to Mewtwo's resurgence so perhaps some series that didn't get any reps will or have characters from Brawl return like Wolf or Lucas. At the end of the day, it's really stupid when we feel the need to point the finger and target other series just because other series weren't represented well enough in our mind. It's not fair to fans of those series who enjoy Fire Emblem or Kid Icarus and it's not becoming of us as a Smash community, at least that's how I feel on the matter.
This is of course my opinion so feel free to disagree as I don't speak for everyone nor should I. I simply ask for less finger pointing and more acceptance.