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Smash Appectance Letter Thread


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
So ever wonder what those cool little letters seen in many of the Smash trailers say?



Anyone currently in Smash is fair game, once we run out of guys... Well, make what you think a letter given to your favorite character would be like.

Things to consider

-Who recommended them?

- Was this a committee decision of characters in a franchise or just fans in general?

-Do members of the original 12 have any special pull on invitations?

-Do certain characters get auto-approved for any reason?

- Who stamped the seal of approval Master or Crazy Hand?

-If the character is given an echo how does there invitation look?

- If a new character is given an echo are there two innovations in the letter?

- Do characters who recommended others have personal notes included in the invitation?

- Do real world or fictional accolades matter?
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I'll just copy and paste what I wrote earlier...

Dear Yoshi,

We've decided to invite you to the inaugural Smash event as one of the first 8.

We'll give you your own dining quarters due to you're, um, "gifts"

Welcome to Smash, Omnivore of the Year (he, I like that. Maybe we'll use that title later)

- Master Hand


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Posted from the General Thread:

Dear Bayonetta,

Due to not a small fan demand, we contemplated about inviting you to Smash.

Apparently, we contemplated for too long and you just invited yourself and now Pit and his brother needs a therapy.

Please keep in mind that we have children here

- Master Hand


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Dear Leader of the Phantom Thieves

Upon the stern request of your mother, we request that you join the ranks of video game history in SMASH

Please don't antagonize the females on staff- Master Hand

Dear Ms./Mr. Plant

Upon the request of your boss :ultbowser: and your friend:ultbowserjr: We humbly welcome you to SMASH.

We hope that this letter made out of the corpses of your relatives doesn't offend you- Master Hand

:ultpiranha:: I no has eyes :3


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
From the General Thread:
Dear Waluigi Joker,

After hearing the massive fan demand for your inclusion, we have decided to reconsider and invite you to the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament.

We hope to see you soon - Master Hand

Serious attempt:
Dea r Jokar,

I nee d friend s to beAt God. U r cool and I wan t to be friends


I think Kirby has executive privilege at this point.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
From the General Thread:
Dear Waluigi Joker,

After hearing the massive fan demand for your inclusion, we have decided to reconsider and invite you to the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament.

We hope to see you soon - Master Hand

Serious attempt:
Dea r Jokar,

I nee d friend s to beAt God. U r cool and I wan t to be friends


I think Kirby has executive privilege at this point.
Tiny crayon picture of them holding hands with a heart above them included in the letter? (plz I need this)
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Orlando BCN

Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2018
Switch FC
Dear :ultryu:,

Congratulations; you have been formally invited to participate in Super Smash Bros! Your world-renowned fighting style has caught my attention, and plenty of warriors from other worlds are patiently waiting to see what lies in store for them. I look forward to your response.


P.S.: If you are willing, your friend :ultken: can come along, too. Should he decline the offer, tell him we’ll...do him justice.

Mr. Trumo

Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2018
yo u wanna pull a prank on righty cmon it'll be hilarious

-crazy hand


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
Melee Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario64::dk64::kirby64::fox64::pikachu64::luigi64::falcon64::ness64::jigglypuff64::yoshi64::samus64::link64:
Dear Princess Toadstool,

Congratulations! You are the absolute first to be invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee...! Okay, you kinda knew this was coming. We all did. You were the first person we voted on, and all 12 fighters unanimously voted yes. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm sending this letter.

Anyways, should you choose to accept this invitation, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

We all giddily look forward to seeing you in Smash!

Master Hand.
Dear Bowser,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Ice Climbers,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Princess Zelda,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

Should you choose to accept this invitation, Link will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Dr. Mario,

We are sending you this letter as the Series-Neutral Territory is in need of a physician to keep the participants of Super Smash Bros. in healthy condition, and your cousin Mario has informed us that you may in interested in such a job. In addition to paying you handsomely for working as our residential doctor, we would also be willing to invite you to participate as a fighter yourself for Super Smash Bros. Melee, if you wish to participate as such.

Should you choose to accept this job offer, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given a state-of-the-art clinic at your fingertips, as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Pikachu,

We are all sad to hear that you will not be returning for Super Smash Bros. Melee and miss you dearly, but wish you the best of luck in your anime acting career, and are overjoyed that you have allowed your son to participate (even if he is still just a Pichu).

Thanks for the last two years,
Master Hand.
Dear Falco,

This is probably a terrible idea, but I'm inviting you into Super Smash Bros... You in or nah?

Master Hand.
Dear Marth,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Young Link,

I'm sorry that this is a last-minute thing, but would you be willing to stop by the Series-Neutral Territory and participate in Super Smash Bros? Look, I get it; you've been very busy these last couple of days, but I'm kind of on a time crunch and I promised the Mario Bros I'd have 13 newcomers or more by the time of Melee's release. We'll give you as much milk and age-inappropriate movies as you want; just get over here and help me for Hylia's sake!

Master Hand.
Dear Ganondorf,

I've been hearing a lot of rumors that you're looking for a place your folks can migrate to and call home without having to worry about Hyrule's theocratic shenanigans. Having spent time observing Link both in Super Smash Bros. and your native series, I have come to the conclusion that the influences of Hylia and Demise have a finite, limited range, and that the Series-Neutral Territory I operate Super Smash Bros. in is too far from Hyrule or its neighboring countries and nationstates for them to control you, zelda, or link.

I have a proposal to make: why not have you and the Gerudo move here (we'll make it appear as though they were wiped out to avoid pursuit) to the SNT? We have plenty of food, water and shelter here, and if your people are looking for work, I suppose we could always use a workforce to make the place a bit more... city-like.

All I ask for in return is that you be patient with the Link and Zelda that come here. Unlike the Link and Zelda you've had to deal with (repeatedly), they're a lot nicer here. I give you my word that they will treat You and the Gerudo with utmost respect during their stay here.

So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?

Master Hand.

P.S. One of the people here at the SNT, named Captain Falcon, said he's been interested in meeting you. Not sure why, but I'd recommend checking it out while your here if you decide to take me up on my offer.
Dear Mewtwo,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Roy,

Marth said he sees a lot of potential in using Super Smash Bros. to market his series to Americans. I think he's nuts, and that Americans wouldn't care about a tactical RPG like Fire Emblem, but I'm behind quota on fighters, and Ayumi Tachibana rejected the invitation I sent her.

That's where you come in. You have a game coming out very soon in Japan, and we were wondering if you'd be willing to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee to help market the game. If you're interested, let me know and I'll have Marth sent over to pick you up and give you the rundown on how this all works.

Master Hand.
Dear Mr. Game & Watch,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Brawl Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mariomelee::peachmelee::zeldamelee::icsmelee:
Dear Meta Knight,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Pit,

The voting committee is pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Palutena), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (If you are unsure what the "ESRB" is, Palutena will be happy to explain to you before your departure) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Samus Aran,

Fine, you win. Despite my objections, the newcomer committee has approved your candidate; you can have your "precious" Zero Suit be playable in Smash. Just know that I lost a deal that would've gotten Simon Belmont into Smash because he doesn't approve of your Zero Suit. SIMON ****ING BELMONT! Your little "fighting **** toy" gimmick had better work, or it's curtains for your franchise's presence in Smash!

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Wario,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Snake,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Ike,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Marth will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Marth will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear [Insert Name Here],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, your parents will drop you off at the portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory. Bring any Pokemon you wish.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Diddy Kong,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros.
Dear Lucas,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Ness will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (Ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Ness will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Sonic,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear King Dedede,

I would like to deeply apologize for my failure twiceover in including you in the Smash Smash Bros roster. It was my fault entirely, and it is a mistake I hope never to repeat again. With that said, welcome to the Super Smash Bros. Crew! When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Olimar,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Lucario,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Sir Aaron will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of knives, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Pikachu will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear R.O.B.,

If you're reading this, that means it's finally happened; those bozos over at the Mario franchise finally somehow managed to swindle the other voters into smuggling your outdated *** into Super Smash Bros. I don't know WHY Mario has been insisting specifically on your inclusion since 64, but fine. Mario wants a retro representative for Brawl? He can have his precious retro representative. Ugh, what's next? Wii Fit Trainer? King K. Rool? A literal Piranha Plant?! Ha! That'll be the day!

When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Toon Link,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Zelda will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Wolf,

Enclosed in this invitation to join the Super Smash Bros. is a check for 30 Million Dollars and a temporary truce agreement signed by the Star Fox crew. By accepting this invitation, you agree to either not accept payments from Andross or ignore orders to take the lives of Star Fox crew members while in the Series-Neutral Territory. Failure to abide by this agreement while in the Series-Neutral Territory will result in suspension from the SNT and/or having a bounty placed on your head.

When you are ready, the Star Fox crew will pick you up in Corneria to accompany them to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory, as well as an additional payment of 200 Million Dollars in exchange for your cooperation and compliance with the truce agreement.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Smash 4 Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario2::peach::zelda::marth:
Dear Villager,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Mega Man,

It is with utmost glee that I inform you that you have been humbly invited to join the Super Smash Bros!
When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Wii Fit Balance Board,

Please inform the Male and Female Wii Fit Trainer that they have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros and give them the enclosed portal device.

Thank you,
Master Hand.

P.S. Please send my sincerest of apologies to the Wii Music Composer, as his request to join Super Smash Bros. has been rejected.
Dear Rosalina,

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you've been invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

The bad news is that I'm somewhat breaking the rules in bringing you in. So here's the problem: I told everyone that the Ice Climbers they "couldn't come back" because I was arranging for a 3DS port of the game. Unfortunately, if they find out you were one of the first people I brought in, they'd catch on that I was lying and have me fired. So here's the deal; once you're in the SNT, don't immediately head over to the moveset calibrator or the residential suites. Instead, go to the management request desk and ask for a "Bill Dirt" (Yes, that's his last name); Bill will help make you aren't spotted by the press or other fighters until we start filming for the trailers.

Master Hand.
Dear Master Hand,

You ought to be ****ing ashamed of yourself. I will not be participating in anything until I can confirm that you've sent an apology to the Ice Climbers for lying to them.

Dear Little Mac,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.

Ultimate Voter Committee: Master Hand + :4mario::4peach::4zelda::4marth::4villager:
Dear King K. Rool,

So a little robot told me that Master Hand doesn't think you have a chance of getting into Smash; I have a bet with King Dedede and the Kongs where they think you're not getting in this game. I know it's technically cheating, but I let Tails borrow the portal-creator I use to get to and from the place they host Smash so he could make an exact duplicate of it. The device included with this letter is the original device Master Hand gave me (I was originally going to give you the one tails made, but he put a cupholder in it and I've been begging Master Hand for cupholders on these things since Brawl!).

Wish you were here,
Sonic The Hedgehog.
Dear Sonic the Hedgehog,

Me? In Smash? Is this some kind of joke? That has got to be perhaps the dumbest idea that I've heard in decades.

I love it. Count me in.

The exalted meme god himself,
The #Supreme Kommander of the Kremlings himself, King K. Rool.

P.S. I'm giving you back the device you sent me, as I already stole one from Lanky Kong and am planning to make my grand appearance during what was supposed to be Lanky's reveal trailer. King Dedede won't know what hit 'em!
Dear Isabelle,

Hey, could you come over to smash? I miss you immensely. We'll make it look like you're one of the new fighters for Super Smash Bros. or whatever it's called. Everyone's arguing between whether they should bring in some weird fire cat or a wooden space puppet, so they won't even notice you're there.

The Mayor.
SwordH8r2001: Geno finally got his smash invitation. The leak's real, lads.
EdgeMaster: We did it reddit.
GrizzlySymphony: Grinch actually pulled through.
Chorus333: So, Geno? What does the letter look like?
gen04smUsh: Meh, just a copypasta. Very fill-in-the-blank stuff. Kinda boring. But holy ****, we're finally getting in Smash!
GrizzlySymphony: ikr
SwordH8r2001: suck it, incineroar!
Chorus333: w00t!
gen04smUsh: wait, who's incineroar?
SwordH8r2001: a nobody.
EdgeMaster: pretty sure that's a pokemon. why?
gen04smUsh: on the invite, there's a typo that spelt my nam
gen04smUsh: oh no
Dear Piranha Plant,

oh, and also, you're invited into Super Smash Bros.

With a proverbial foot lodged firmly in my proverbial mouth for the rest of eternity,
Master Hand.
Dear Joker,

This invitation was never actually intended for the person you stole it from. i trickd u lool.

Anyway, welcome to smash bros.

Master Hand.

P.S. if the person reading this is not, in fact, Joker from Persona 5, please put this letter back whereever you found it unless you want to wind up being bought out and cannibalized by EA.

I'll do the rest later... it's very late where I live atm. I gotta-- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Here's mine:

Dear Duck Hunt dog, you have been cordially invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. as a fighter. If you are somehow able to read this letter, we highly recommend that you come accompanied with teammates of your choice, for the sake of maximal efficiency on the fighting arena. Also, we deeply apologize for all of the jokes, slander and jesting inflicted upon you throughout the decades, and we are hoping that this opportunity makes up for such travesties that have been unfairly made on your behalf. With that being said, I am looking forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely, Master Hand.

P.S. This is not a joke.

P.P.S. No, I am not inviting you purely to have you do any tricks for me, I have little time for fetching, rolling over and whatnot.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Dear Diddy Kong :diddy:,

First of all, excuse us for the delay. We've noticed your progress as a Nintendo Super Hero of your own right ever since Diddy's Kongquest, but couldn't invite you earlier in the Melee because of our lack of trust in your creators. Don't take this personal however! As we now offer you a chance to attain glorified Hero status amongst Nintendo's finest in the Brawl!

You are without doubt familiar with some of the contenders as we noticed. Earlier you competed for the Hero Coins against the legendary likes of Mario, Link and Yoshi, and now you will compete in battle royale against them, as well as your example, mentor and "family" member, Donkey Kong and many others. You will fight for glory, fun and adventure till your limit without potential risk of lasting injury or "death" in our tournament to be forever remembered as one of Nintendo's Greatest Heroes.

If you are willing to take on the challenge, we request you take this letter, signed, towards your trusted family member Cranky near his cottage in Jungle Japes. Logistics aren't one of your concerns, as we move interdimensional. Make sure to bring a few bananas with you as a snack, as you will need the energy.

May your efforts be fruitful!

Master Hand, Creator of the Universe of Smash


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Melee Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario64::dk64::kirby64::fox64::pikachu64::luigi64::falcon64::ness64::jigglypuff64::yoshi64::samus64::link64:
Dear Princess Toadstool,

Congratulations! You are the absolute first to be invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee...! Okay, you kinda knew this was coming. We all did. You were the first person we voted on, and all 12 fighters unanimously voted yes. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm sending this letter.

Anyways, should you choose to accept this invitation, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

We all giddily look forward to seeing you in Smash!

Master Hand.
Dear Bowser,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Ice Climbers,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Princess Zelda,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

Should you choose to accept this invitation, Link will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Dr. Mario,

We are sending you this letter as the Series-Neutral Territory is in need of a physician to keep the participants of Super Smash Bros. in healthy condition, and your cousin Mario has informed us that you may in interested in such a job. In addition to paying you handsomely for working as our residential doctor, we would also be willing to invite you to participate as a fighter yourself for Super Smash Bros. Melee, if you wish to participate as such.

Should you choose to accept this job offer, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given a state-of-the-art clinic at your fingertips, as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Pikachu,

We are all sad to hear that you will not be returning for Super Smash Bros. Melee and miss you dearly, but wish you the best of luck in your anime acting career, and are overjoyed that you have allowed your son to participate (even if he is still just a Pichu).

Thanks for the last two years,
Master Hand.
Dear Falco,

This is probably a terrible idea, but I'm inviting you into Super Smash Bros... You in or nah?

Master Hand.
Dear Marth,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Young Link,

I'm sorry that this is a last-minute thing, but would you be willing to stop by the Series-Neutral Territory and participate in Super Smash Bros? Look, I get it; you've been very busy these last couple of days, but I'm kind of on a time crunch and I promised the Mario Bros I'd have 13 newcomers or more by the time of Melee's release. We'll give you as much milk and age-inappropriate movies as you want; just get over here and help me for Hylia's sake!

Master Hand.
Dear Ganondorf,

I've been hearing a lot of rumors that you're looking for a place your folks can migrate to and call home without having to worry about Hyrule's theocratic shenanigans. Having spent time observing Link both in Super Smash Bros. and your native series, I have come to the conclusion that the influences of Hylia and Demise have a finite, limited range, and that the Series-Neutral Territory I operate Super Smash Bros. in is too far from Hyrule or its neighboring countries and nationstates for them to control you, zelda, or link.

I have a proposal to make: why not have you and the Gerudo move here (we'll make it appear as though they were wiped out to avoid pursuit) to the SNT? We have plenty of food, water and shelter here, and if your people are looking for work, I suppose we could always use a workforce to make the place a bit more... city-like.

All I ask for in return is that you be patient with the Link and Zelda that come here. Unlike the Link and Zelda you've had to deal with (repeatedly), they're a lot nicer here. I give you my word that they will treat You and the Gerudo with utmost respect during their stay here.

So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?

Master Hand.

P.S. One of the people here at the SNT, named Captain Falcon, said he's been interested in meeting you. Not sure why, but I'd recommend checking it out while your here if you decide to take me up on my offer.
Dear Mewtwo,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Roy,

Marth said he sees a lot of potential in using Super Smash Bros. to market his series to Americans. I think he's nuts, and that Americans wouldn't care about a tactical RPG like Fire Emblem, but I'm behind quota on fighters, and Ayumi Tachibana rejected the invitation I sent her.

That's where you come in. You have a game coming out very soon in Japan, and we were wondering if you'd be willing to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee to help market the game. If you're interested, let me know and I'll have Marth sent over to pick you up and give you the rundown on how this all works.

Master Hand.
Dear Mr. Game & Watch,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Brawl Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mariomelee::peachmelee::zeldamelee:
Dear Meta Knight,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Pit,

The voting committee is pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Palutena), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (If you are unsure what the "ESRB" is, Palutena will be happy to explain to you before your departure) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Samus Aran,

Fine, you win. Despite my objections, the newcomer committee has approved your candidate; you can have your "precious" Zero Suit be playable in Smash. Just know that I lost a deal that would've gotten Simon Belmont into Smash because he doesn't approve of your Zero Suit. SIMON ****ING BELMONT! Your little "fighting **** toy" gimmick had better work, or it's curtains for your franchise's presence in Smash!

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Wario,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Snake,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Ike,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Marth will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Marth will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear [Insert Name Here],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, your parents will drop you off at the portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory. Bring any Pokemon you wish.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Diddy Kong,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Donkey Kong will direct you to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Donkey Kong will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Lucas,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Ness will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (Ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Ness will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Sonic,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear King Dedede,

I would like to deeply apologize for my failure twiceover in including you in the Smash Smash Bros roster. It was my fault entirely, and it is a mistake I hope never to repeat again. With that said, welcome to the Super Smash Bros. Crew! When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Olimar,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Lucario,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Sir Aaron will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of knives, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Pikachu will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear R.O.B.,

If you're reading this, that means it's finally happened; those bozos over at the Mario franchise finally somehow managed to swindle the other voters into smuggling your outdated *** into Super Smash Bros. I don't know WHY Mario has been insisting specifically on your inclusion since 64, but fine. Mario wants a retro representative for Brawl? He can have his precious retro representative. Ugh, what's next? Wii Fit Trainer? King K. Rool? A literal Piranha Plant?! Ha! That'll be the day!

When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.
Dear Toon Link,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Zelda will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Wolf,

Enclosed in this invitation to join the Super Smash Bros. is a check for 30 Million Dollars and a temporary truce agreement signed by the Star Fox crew. By accepting this invitation, you agree to either not accept payments from Andross or ignore orders to take the lives of Star Fox crew members while in the Series-Neutral Territory. Failure to abide by this agreement while in the Series-Neutral Territory will result in suspension from the SNT and/or having a bounty placed on your head.

When you are ready, the Star Fox crew will pick you up in Corneria to accompany them to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory, as well as an additional payment of 200 Million Dollars in exchange for your cooperation and compliance with the truce agreement.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Smash 4 Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario2::peach::zelda::marth:
Dear Villager,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Mega Man,

It is with utmost glee that I inform you that you have been humbly invited to join the Super Smash Bros!
When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Ultimate Voter Committee: Master Hand + :4mario::4peach::4zelda::4marth::4villager:

Dear Piranha Plant,

oh, and also, you're invited into Super Smash Bros.

With a proverbial foot lodged firmly in my proverbial mouth for the rest of eternity,
Master Hand.
Dear Joker,

This invitation was never actually intended for the person you stole it from. i trickd u lool.

Anyway, welcome to smash bros.

Master Hand.

P.S. if the person reading this is not, in fact, Joker from Persona 5, please put this letter back whereever you found it unless you want to wind up being bought out and cannibalized by EA.

I'll do the rest later... it's very late where I live atm. I gotta-- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
I loved these thanks man!

I look forward to more. This whole thing is turning out better than I thought.

Taking your portal idea as inspiration cuz its super good FirestormNeos FirestormNeos

Dear Kremling King

See, here , I know its been over a decade but I've got a bet going with my stiff other half that you've still got the moves baby.

Enclosed in this letter is a device that will teleport you to neutral territory within the Nintendo universe.

However it will only activate via an extensive amount of kinetic being applied to it.

And by extensive I mean we need a shockwave, a big one, I think you know how to make that possible.

- with love,Crazy Hand

P.S. Bring your blunderbuss, I won't tell anyone.

P.S.S Please don't tell anyone else this is a 'surprise'
Last edited:


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Melee Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario64::dk64::kirby64::fox64::pikachu64::luigi64::falcon64::ness64::jigglypuff64::yoshi64::samus64::link64:
Dear Princess Toadstool,

Congratulations! You are the absolute first to be invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee...! Okay, you kinda knew this was coming. We all did. You were the first person we voted on, and all 12 fighters unanimously voted yes. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm sending this letter.

Anyways, should you choose to accept this invitation, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

We all giddily look forward to seeing you in Smash!

Master Hand.
Dear Bowser,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Ice Climbers,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Princess Zelda,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

Should you choose to accept this invitation, Link will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Dr. Mario,

We are sending you this letter as the Series-Neutral Territory is in need of a physician to keep the participants of Super Smash Bros. in healthy condition, and your cousin Mario has informed us that you may in interested in such a job. In addition to paying you handsomely for working as our residential doctor, we would also be willing to invite you to participate as a fighter yourself for Super Smash Bros. Melee, if you wish to participate as such.

Should you choose to accept this job offer, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given a state-of-the-art clinic at your fingertips, as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Dear Pikachu,

We are all sad to hear that you will not be returning for Super Smash Bros. Melee and miss you dearly, but wish you the best of luck in your anime acting career, and are overjoyed that you have allowed your son to participate (even if he is still just a Pichu).

Thanks for the last two years,
Master Hand.
Dear Falco,

This is probably a terrible idea, but I'm inviting you into Super Smash Bros... You in or nah?

Master Hand.
Dear Marth,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Young Link,

I'm sorry that this is a last-minute thing, but would you be willing to stop by the Series-Neutral Territory and participate in Super Smash Bros? Look, I get it; you've been very busy these last couple of days, but I'm kind of on a time crunch and I promised the Mario Bros I'd have 13 newcomers or more by the time of Melee's release. We'll give you as much milk and age-inappropriate movies as you want; just get over here and help me for Hylia's sake!

Master Hand.
Dear Ganondorf,

I've been hearing a lot of rumors that you're looking for a place your folks can migrate to and call home without having to worry about Hyrule's theocratic shenanigans. Having spent time observing Link both in Super Smash Bros. and your native series, I have come to the conclusion that the influences of Hylia and Demise have a finite, limited range, and that the Series-Neutral Territory I operate Super Smash Bros. in is too far from Hyrule or its neighboring countries and nationstates for them to control you, zelda, or link.

I have a proposal to make: why not have you and the Gerudo move here (we'll make it appear as though they were wiped out to avoid pursuit) to the SNT? We have plenty of food, water and shelter here, and if your people are looking for work, I suppose we could always use a workforce to make the place a bit more... city-like.

All I ask for in return is that you be patient with the Link and Zelda that come here. Unlike the Link and Zelda you've had to deal with (repeatedly), they're a lot nicer here. I give you my word that they will treat You and the Gerudo with utmost respect during their stay here.

So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?

Master Hand.

P.S. One of the people here at the SNT, named Captain Falcon, said he's been interested in meeting you. Not sure why, but I'd recommend checking it out while your here if you decide to take me up on my offer.
Dear Mewtwo,

My apologies for not being able to fit you into the roster of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. Please accept this invitation to Super Smash Bros. Melee as a consolation.

Master Hand.
Dear Roy,

Marth said he sees a lot of potential in using Super Smash Bros. to market his series to Americans. I think he's nuts, and that Americans wouldn't care about a tactical RPG like Fire Emblem, but I'm behind quota on fighters, and Ayumi Tachibana rejected the invitation I sent her.

That's where you come in. You have a game coming out very soon in Japan, and we were wondering if you'd be willing to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee to help market the game. If you're interested, let me know and I'll have Marth sent over to pick you up and give you the rundown on how this all works.

Master Hand.
Dear Mr. Game & Watch,

You are humbly invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

If you wish to participate, use the device enclosed in this letter, which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Master Hand.
Brawl Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mariomelee::peachmelee::zeldamelee::icsmelee:
Dear Meta Knight,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Pit,

The voting committee is pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Palutena), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (If you are unsure what the "ESRB" is, Palutena will be happy to explain to you before your departure) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Samus Aran,

Fine, you win. Despite my objections, the newcomer committee has approved your candidate; you can have your "precious" Zero Suit be playable in Smash. Just know that I lost a deal that would've gotten Simon Belmont into Smash because he doesn't approve of your Zero Suit. SIMON ****ING BELMONT! Your little "fighting **** toy" gimmick had better work, or it's curtains for your franchise's presence in Smash!

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Wario,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Mario will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Snake,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Ike,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Marth will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Marth will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear [Insert Name Here],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, your parents will drop you off at the portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory. Bring any Pokemon you wish.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Diddy Kong,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros.
Dear Lucas,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, Ness will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (Ask your parents), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Ness will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Sonic,

I would like to deeply apologize for our failure to include you in Melee's roster. I have set into motion a potential solution to ensure the perpetrator responsible for this will never become a Super Smash Bros. character as long as I am part of the voting committee. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear King Dedede,

I would like to deeply apologize for my failure twiceover in including you in the Smash Smash Bros roster. It was my fault entirely, and it is a mistake I hope never to repeat again. With that said, welcome to the Super Smash Bros. Crew! When you are ready, Kirby will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Kirby will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Olimar,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Lucario,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Sir Aaron will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of knives, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Pikachu will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear R.O.B.,

If you're reading this, that means it's finally happened; those bozos over at the Mario franchise finally somehow managed to swindle the other voters into smuggling your outdated *** into Super Smash Bros. I don't know WHY Mario has been insisting specifically on your inclusion since 64, but fine. Mario wants a retro representative for Brawl? He can have his precious retro representative. Ugh, what's next? Wii Fit Trainer? King K. Rool? A literal Piranha Plant?! Ha! That'll be the day!

When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Please attend the "ESRB & You" Seminar for details on this matter) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Toon Link,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, Zelda will stop by to pick you up to accompany him to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Dear Wolf,

Enclosed in this invitation to join the Super Smash Bros. is a check for 30 Million Dollars and a temporary truce agreement signed by the Star Fox crew. By accepting this invitation, you agree to either not accept payments from Andross or ignore orders to take the lives of Star Fox crew members while in the Series-Neutral Territory. Failure to abide by this agreement while in the Series-Neutral Territory will result in suspension from the SNT and/or having a bounty placed on your head.

When you are ready, the Star Fox crew will pick you up in Corneria to accompany them to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory, as well as an additional payment of 200 Million Dollars in exchange for your cooperation and compliance with the truce agreement.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles (ask Zelda), or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive (Zelda will explain what the ESRB is upon your arrival) weapon in your moveset.

Master Hand.
Smash 4 Voter Committee: Master Hand + :mario2::peach::zelda::marth:
Dear Villager,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Mega Man,

It is with utmost glee that I inform you that you have been humbly invited to join the Super Smash Bros!
When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.
Dear Wii Fit Balance Board,

Please inform the Male and Female Wii Fit Trainer that they have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros and give them the enclosed portal device.

Thank you,
Master Hand.

P.S. Please send my sincerest of apologies to the Wii Music Composer, as his request to join Super Smash Bros. has been rejected.
Dear Rosalina,

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you've been invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

The bad news is that I'm somewhat breaking the rules in bringing you in. So here's the problem: I told everyone that the Ice Climbers they "couldn't come back" because I was arranging for a 3DS port of the game. Unfortunately, if they find out you were one of the first people I brought in, they'd catch on that I was lying and have me fired. So here's the deal; once you're in the SNT, don't immediately head over to the moveset calibrator or the residential suites. Instead, go to the management request desk and ask for a "Bill Dirt" (Yes, that's his last name); Bill will help make you aren't spotted by the press or other fighters until we start filming for the trailers.

Master Hand.
Dear Master Hand,

You ought to be ****ing ashamed of yourself. I will not be participating in anything until I can confirm that you've sent an apology to the Ice Climbers for lying to them.

Dear Little Mac,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the Super Smash Bros. When you are ready, please use this enclosed device which will open a portal to the Series-Neutral Territory located in the center of the Nintendoverse, where you will be given creative control over your moveset and general character design as well as provided free, safe, comfortable housing within said territory.

Please refrain from the inclusion of realistic guns, knives, chemical gases, anime tentacles, or any other similarly ESRB-sensitive weapon in your moveset.

Sincerely, Master Hand.

Ultimate Voter Committee: Master Hand + :4mario::4peach::4zelda::4marth::4villager:
Dear King K. Rool,

So a little robot told me that Master Hand doesn't think you have a chance of getting into Smash; I have a bet with King Dedede and the Kongs where they think you're not getting in this game. I know it's technically cheating, but I let Tails borrow the portal-creator I use to get to and from the place they host Smash so he could make an exact duplicate of it. The device included with this letter is the original device Master Hand gave me (I was originally going to give you the one tails made, but he put a cupholder in it and I've been begging Master Hand for cupholders on these things since Brawl!).

Wish you were here,
Sonic The Hedgehog.
Dear Sonic the Hedgehog,

Me? In Smash? Is this some kind of joke? That has got to be perhaps the dumbest idea that I've heard in decades.

I love it. Count me in.

The exalted meme god himself,
The #Supreme Kommander of the Kremlings himself, King K. Rool.

P.S. I'm giving you back the device you sent me, as I already stole one from Lanky Kong and am planning to make my grand appearance during what was supposed to be Lanky's reveal trailer. King Dedede won't know what hit 'em!
Dear Isabelle,

Hey, could you come over to smash? I miss you immensely. We'll make it look like you're one of the new fighters for Super Smash Bros. or whatever it's called. Everyone's arguing between whether they should bring in some weird fire cat or a wooden space puppet, so they won't even notice you're there.

The Mayor.
SwordH8r2001: Geno finally got his smash invitation. The leak's real, lads.
EdgeMaster: We did it reddit.
GrizzlySymphony: Grinch actually pulled through.
Chorus333: So, Geno? What does the letter look like?
gen04smUsh: Meh, just a copypasta. Very fill-in-the-blank stuff. Kinda boring. But holy ****, we're finally getting in Smash!
GrizzlySymphony: ikr
SwordH8r2001: suck it, incineroar!
Chorus333: w00t!
gen04smUsh: wait, who's incineroar?
SwordH8r2001: a nobody.
EdgeMaster: pretty sure that's a pokemon. why?
gen04smUsh: on the invite, there's a typo that spelt my nam
gen04smUsh: oh no
Dear Piranha Plant,

oh, and also, you're invited into Super Smash Bros.

With a proverbial foot lodged firmly in my proverbial mouth for the rest of eternity,
Master Hand.
Dear Joker,

This invitation was never actually intended for the person you stole it from. i trickd u lool.

Anyway, welcome to smash bros.

Master Hand.

P.S. if the person reading this is not, in fact, Joker from Persona 5, please put this letter back whereever you found it unless you want to wind up being bought out and cannibalized by EA.

I'll do the rest later... it's very late where I live atm. I gotta-- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
I'm taking your Joker idea because writing Joker Acceptance Letters is my thing I guess.
Dear Joker,

Congratulations on successfully acquiring this letter. The palace that you have stolen it from is a construction made for the sole intent of testing your capabilities. By stealing this treasure, you have proven yourself capable of participating in the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament. If you wish to accept, simply take this letter with you from the metaverse, and if you wish to decline simply leave it here and walk away. The decision is yours.

We hope to see you soon.

Master Hand and the Super Smash Brothers Nomination Committee


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
This is really fun, so here is another one from me:

Dear Ice Climber(s), you have been cordially invited to participate in Super Smash Bros. as a fighter. No, you are not dreaming, you are finally going to make an appearance in an actual new video game since your debut. However, we are aware that you lack enough necessary material to use for fighting skills, so we highly recommend that you pursue intensive training until you have sufficient options to fend off your opponents. We are not overly concerned about accuracy to the source material, so feel free to use creative tactics. You have a deadline of two years for preparation before the competition begins. With that being said, I am looking forward to your response.

Yours sincerely, Master Hand.

P.S. We are aware that assaulting seals is frowned upon in most countries of the world, so we are apologising for offending those sensitive people by having a broadcast of you clubbing yetis in those parts of the world instead. The jury on polar bears is still out though, so feel free to attack those to your heart's content, those naughty brutes that ruin a perfectly good playthrough because they just had slam down things with their blasted girth.

Deleted member

Jokers REAL invintation

Dear Waluigi, we feel it's FINALLY your time to shine.
Everyone and their mothers wanted you in. Everyone in the mushroom kingdom is missing you, only exceptions being Peach, and Yoshi.

"Fkin fight me like a man!" -Mario
"I'm only wanting you here so that this ONE person will shut up..." -Luigi
"Please help us destroy these stupid Mario Brothers"- Bowser and Bowser Jr.
"Ok, the fact I'm here and you're not is criminal, please come so I don't feel bad"- Rosalina
"Make our owner happy please"-The Lumas
"We've been through so much sports together and it feels wrong for me to be here without you"-Daisy
"Hi owner, please come" The one Piranha Plant that was owned by Waluigi that got in.
Plus we all know that Bayonetta didn't win the polls, you did. We feel like you deserve to get in.

-Master Hand

P.S. Heavily guard this, I've heard rumors about there being thieves roaming around trying to steal Smash Invitations. I personally don't believe this since we never seen it happened, but still you should be cautious just in case it happened to be real.
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