For all of you Brawl+ endorsers out there, there's a new project coming to town!!! It' 64 2.0 and it's gonna kick B+'s but hard!
Questions and FAQ
1.What is 64 2.0? 64 2.0 is the melee fan's answer to B+. I'm going to collect people and hackers to hack into brawl and turn it into a complete version of melee.
2. What is the goal of this project? To make Smash 64 for the wii!!
3. How do I get it? You need a modded wii, which you an get by twilight hacking your wii. Further instructions at
4. Why not just play Smash 64 or melee or B+? Because Smash 64 is better than all of those, but because it's on the 64 it's not popular. Were gonna change that.
Any other questions that do not have to do with technical stuff just PM me.
If they do have to do with technical stuff go to
Hacker List:
None Yet!!!
So, does anyone wanna help me remake Smash 64 for the wii, or not!?!
Metak is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message
I just posted this in the smash workshop . I hope Isai endorses this and it gets stickied!!
Questions and FAQ
1.What is 64 2.0? 64 2.0 is the melee fan's answer to B+. I'm going to collect people and hackers to hack into brawl and turn it into a complete version of melee.
2. What is the goal of this project? To make Smash 64 for the wii!!
3. How do I get it? You need a modded wii, which you an get by twilight hacking your wii. Further instructions at
4. Why not just play Smash 64 or melee or B+? Because Smash 64 is better than all of those, but because it's on the 64 it's not popular. Were gonna change that.
Any other questions that do not have to do with technical stuff just PM me.
If they do have to do with technical stuff go to
Hacker List:
None Yet!!!
So, does anyone wanna help me remake Smash 64 for the wii, or not!?!
Metak is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message
I just posted this in the smash workshop . I hope Isai endorses this and it gets stickied!!