ok so I listened to my headphones for some hours.
it basically solved every complaints I had with my bose. Instead of feeling the sounds are inside your head, it feels like the sounds comes from outside which gives space for the sounds to move and so, you feel the instruments separately as opposed to feeling congested at one point.
The other thign is how clear the highs are, they really are so crips, but jsut not enough to make you cringe, it's not piercing.
Tu put this in perespective, I lsitened to we believe in you mario on both headphones back to back. The bose felt that if I was hearing a high notes, I would hear it and almsot nothing because it hides the other instruments. The sennheiser felt that that note was emphased, but I could hear every single instruments at the same time.
And x/y ost, I tried everything, they never felt congested on the most complex music of the game.
And I got some cool effects like flatzone 2 from ssb4 the beeps felt litterally outside in my room....this si crazy.
Even the comfort is better, these velour pads are the same texture as one of our balancing chair with soft seat. It feels like a pillow and the ears never touches the border of the pads. You almost forget you wear them.
And tbh, they don;t leak sounds that much. I wouldn;t use them in a library though, but if I was in a room with people near me, I would jsut turn the volume up and I don;t think it would annoy the other people that much unless they are like next to me.
It does feel too hard to drive for my 3ds and wiiu pad, but you gain in soundstage which kinda balances it, it's jsut a bit quiet. The 3ds being notorious for being poor to drive headphones, it';s not a big problem.
overall, it was well worth the price, you really hear the music differently and with lots of improvements that does worth the huge price. It;s basically you get what you paid here, it is expensive, but if you truly care about music, it just is worth in the end