I couldn't tell the difference in quality between a FLAC and a 320 kbps MP3. I guess I can't call myself a true audiophile.
that;s because it;s so hard that I couldn't in a blind test.
192 is when you maybe notice, 256 is maybe if you have really good headphones, but 320 is legit good.
I jsut intentionally go overkill because I have hard drive space and it';s files, it can stay on my hard drive idc
but 128, it's awful. 192 is when youtube compresses and I can start to be good at blind test (128 is I don;t even need a blind test, it's so bad).
But if you use 320, you will probably notice nothing, I just go overkill because. Like, I could convert my wav to flac, but then I just say that I could leave them overkill anyway
i have near a tb of space, thanks to having 2 hard drives
If you use 320, that;s good enough, probably you won;t notice a difference.
Switching headphones however, you will probably if one is more quality than the other or the signature is different.
Switching source also, but this is more tricky, onboard audio apparently has gotten a lot better lately