Cendorium Profil
Cendorium is a late Antagonist in the series « The Heart of Ice ». She is the mother of a another vilain of the name of Hota and she is the first of the specie the “Firatios“ (A specie capable to transform into anything.) First only a legend, she is revealed to be still alive in the shadow, watching until she reappared. She is probably the strongest and scariest that Zelox and his brother have ever meet.
Cendorium is the first oft he specie the Firatios. She is howemer the creation of unknown scientific that wanted to make a specie that could be the next evolution of the Universe. Making creature that could even surpass god himself. Cendorium is then forced a different experience the more horrible than the other but she still survive at all this with other subject. She is then send to a desert planet for see if she is enough strong to survive alone with other creature. She is so leaved alone for countless day until that, one day. A man in a black armor found her. First reject him and trying to run of him, she become more calm and decide to explain what she is. To this point, she become to learn to use her power with the help of the black knight and become to be more and more stronge. She begin also to fall in love with the black knight, since he is the only person that accepted her and making a sense to her life. Sadly, the black knight go away one day and leave Cendorium alone again in the sadness with only pain in her heart. In the same moment, the scientific go back to the desert planet for see if their subject is still alive. First happy to see that Cendorium is still here, she kill them all brutally with no problem at all. With the last word of one of the scientific saying that she is a “ error of the nature“ before being kill. Alone again, Cendorium fall in the ground, hating the universe and the reason why she is in pain. She realize then what making her like that : Emotion, realizing that, emotion are the reason behind her pain. She then raise on her feet and begin to laugh to the sky with rain falling at her. Saying that, she have now a goal: Becoming more powerful that god themself, like her creator wanted. And create a universe without pain. A world without emotion. A world white like her and promis to be more powerful and to accomplish her objectif. The sanity of Cendorium at this moment, fall, leaving only vengeance and madness at the universe that she would recreate by her hand. Thus the “White Witch“ reign begin on this day….
-Welcome to my room…my name is Cendorium….
- Um….i am kinda sleepy right now….i can’t understand why you say…..
- Ahhh..I love surname, i’m feeling nostalgic right now. I remember the one who hate it me and cursed my existence. Ahh….the good old time….
- You know….eye are the most delicious part of the body. Can i take yours ?
-….Love?....You said love?...!!LOVE?!?!?!AAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! I HATE THIS WORD!!!!!!!!!!!
- HIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!! You are in my world now!....And your weren’t authorize it. Soi will jsut kill you and eat your corpse for passing time!