Brayz camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Nintendo Spider151 receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Envy picks flowers.
Aldelaro5 bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Flight travels to higher ground.
CliffJumper stalks
Crazyal02, and
Arigarmy get into a fight.
MorbidAltruism triumphantly kills them both.
MM2002 practices his archery.
Shrek is Love picks flowers.
HNRP steals from
FalKoopa while he isn't looking.
ToasterBrains is declared adorable by
Burning Mandala,
Sonic Buddha and
RamOne makes a slingshot.
Blargg888 runs into a secret stash of amiibos.
Space Stranger receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Unicorn of Smash runs away from
Opossum and
Skaaaa report each other. Both get infracted.
Mister Video Gaming receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
CWBanjo discovers a river.
Oboro receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
SmashRiver64 camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Mao644 tries to sleep through the entire day.
Illuminati runs into a secret stash of amiibos.
Soul. changes the thread title.
KingofPhantoms receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
MonK4 diverts
DougX's attention and runs away.
Coricus keeps saying that the thread is boring.
Still Wolf posts a gif without text and gets infracted.
Kirbyfan391 practices his archery.
Rysir hunts for other tributes.
Dromader makes a wooden spear.
Mega Bidoof,
TJ-Works, and
ScatmansWorld25 unsuccessfully ambush
Strofirko, and
Kermit the Ninja, who kill them instead.