My life is not the best right now. I'm mostly alone at home. My familly have some financial problems. One of my sis' has diabetes (type 1) now. But it doesn't make me sad, because I keep smiling.
"My lips never know my problem they just always smile." said Chaplin, and I always try to follow his words, even in the darkest of times.
I was also depressed between 2012 and 2013. It still haunts me to this very day. A stupid love triangle almost killed me.
But then I watched Charlie Chaplin's movies. It helped me get out of depression, and with the help of my friends, I went out of it, thus getting out of this year of depression.
Fun fact : the reason I love Nichijou is because it stopped me from going back in depression. I know, people might find it dumb, but Nichijou saved me in a way. The more you know.