Here. Let's start with a well-known track.
This should give you enough time to
find your specific location and prepare for manslaughter take a deep listen.

Do you like it yet?
I heard it in ssb4 already and honestly, no.
I actually think it was too much repetitive, it FELT like going somewhere, but after a while, you just get used to the notes and I just stopped to care much.
Like, here's a good example of a music that keeps repeating itself, but never feels like it do:
Like, I'm just going to list the music that had left a particularly good impression from SS and DT:
- the underground music from SS, best close remix i heard, i love the sounds "distorsion" the gba did, actually, it's original to use the system sounds like that.
- The beach theme of SS, it sounds happy, catchy and I lvoe the simplicity of the notes.
- The boss theme of SS, the bosses were kinda long, it was focussing a lot on the intensity and once again, simple notes, but this track varies a lot, you could listen to it for a long period of time.
- The battle theme of SS ONLY because it's a bit catchy, but it's far from the best I heard.
- The dreamy castle theme of DT, BEST M&L MUSIC I HEARD SO FAR! Seriously, it tries to push the happy feel to it and the notes? So much simple I loved that.
- The minigame music of DT, great example of a repetitive music that doesn;t feel repetitive.
- The weird dialog music, but only in context, alone, it's odd, I only liked it because it was fitting (plus, that fountain....).
EVERYTHING else I heard of m&L wasn't much memorable to mention it.
Like i jsut don;t liek the style of the notes. You feel i repeated a lot simple notes, that's the same reaosn i dislike music with voices, i suck at multitasking. To please me, you would have a music where you have one single and simple track and the background should kinda merge with the track.
And this is why i keep gushing over paper mario ost (except SS). They use a retro style audio where each notes is so simple that you feel like 8 bit beeps. The tracks are also quite simple, you have a bunch of sfx that actually fits and merge with the music.
M&L goes for more complex instruments and tbh, not much variation. This is why I just do not enjoy the music of the series.