Ok, I said it multiple time, but any Paper Mario fan should found weird how the trophy description seems to match the humour style of the series...
Like, I can talk about it for long walls of text, but the guy who wrote those text is the writer of the Mother series and he did wrote on earthbound. Thing is, from personal experience, TTYD and even pm64 retained a lot from earthbound, but I assume the Mother series too.
Check the spiny trophy description:
Somebody needs to ask Lakitu just where he gets these spiky-shelled little critters... They start off as Spiny Eggs when he hurls them and then turn into Spinies when they land. They'll immediately head for any fighters in the area. Avoid them or take them out—your choice!
Now, here's the tattle of the lakitu in TTYD:
That's a Lakitu.
<wait 250>
It's a member of the Koopa
clan that rides on clouds.
Max HP is 5, Attack is 2, and
Defense is 0.<wait 300> It attacks
by throwing Spiny Eggs.
If you stomp on it when it's
holding up a Spiny Egg, you'll
take damage, so DON'T do it!
Spiny Eggs slowly hatch into
Spinies, so beat the Lakitu
before fighting the Spinies.
Aw, this book doesn't answer
my real question:<wait 250> where does
it keep all those Spiny Eggs?
They referenced the same VGL joke and I'm sure it's not the only one in those trophies like this, but TTYD did that some time like hammer bros has a similar tattle joke. Also, Gombella does goes like "Anyway" oftenly mostly after a joke or negative remakrs (once, she even go crazy because of how descriptive an enemy name is

And of course, destroying 4th wall.
Like, honestly, I wonder why I seem to be the only one who noticed so much similarity between Mother and Paper Mario.
If you need more proof, play the ch 7-2 from spm and fight the underchomp.
Not enough? Ok, pm64 has a similar first turn mechanic except that instead of who touched at what postion between you and the enemy, it's who attack first.
If you're the one rare that is still sceptical at this point, then, this is my best evidence:
listen to this music for a full loop:
Now, please listen to this for a full loop:
Now, if you're even more doubtful, I asked someone and he answered with a more accurate and better explained verdict that basically says that they are indeed sounding similar:
Thanks to @
Cap'nChreest for that post btw
Like, as soon as a heard that the writer of Mother was writing the description, I immediately expected to see Paper mario humour similarity and indeed, that's what we got.
So, basically, if you love mother OR/AND Paper Mario text, you probably love ssb4 one and the same if you love ssb4 one, you probably will for Paper Mario and Mother.
Strange isn't it?